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Helicobacter pylori is the causative agent of a variety of gastric diseases, but the clinical relevance of bacterial virulence factors is still controversial. Virulent strains carrying the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI) are thought to be key players in disease development. Here, we have compared cagPAI-dependent in vitro responses in H. pylori isolates obtained from 75 patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer (n = 25 in each group). AGS gastric epithelial cells were infected with each strain and assayed for (i) CagA expression, (ii) translocation and tyrosine phosphorylation of CagA, (iii) c-Src inactivation, (iv) cortactin dephosphorylation, (v) induction of actin cytoskeletal rearrangements associated with cell elongation, (vi) induction of cellular motility, and (vii) secretion of interleukin-8. Interestingly, we found high but similar prevalences of all of these cagPAI-dependent host cell responses (ranging from 56 to 80%) among the various groups of patients. This study revealed CagA proteins with unique features, CagA subspecies of various sizes, and new functional properties for the phenotypic outcomes. We further showed that induction of AGS cell motility and elongation are two independent processes. Our data corroborate epidemiological studies, which indicate a significant association of cagPAI presence and functionality with histopathological findings in gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer patients, thus emphasizing the importance of the cagPAI for the pathogenicity of H. pylori. Nevertheless, we found no significant association of the specific H. pylori-induced responses with any particular patient group. This may indicate that the determination of disease development is highly complex and involves multiple bacterial and/or host factors.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die 15jährige Patientin litt wiederholt an Angina, die wohl über einer latenten Sepsis zu einer Endokardveränderung führte. Diese bedingte einen Thrombus des linken Vorhofes in der Gegend der Fossa ovalis. Aus der Zeit rühren embolische Narben der Milz und der linken Niere her. Unter eintretender Organisation des Thrombus wurde er durch den Blutstrom zu einem polypenförmigen Gebilde abgeglättet und ausgezogen. Er reichte nun durch das Ostium venosum sin. hindurch in die linke Herzkammer hinein und täuschte klinisch eine Insuffizienz der Klappe mit Stenose des Ostiums vor. Der organisierte Thrombus entartete in seinem größten Teile schleimig, während der neu angebildete Teil an der Basis auch jetzt noch wie ein typischer organisierter Thrombus aussah. Mikroskopisch konnte ich alle Bestandteile nachweisen, die die Autoren in den Myxomen beschrieben. Auch fand ich entzündliche Elemente, ebenso hyalines Fibrin, besonders in dem jüngeren, basalen Teile des Gebildes. Aus alledem komme ich zur Diagnose Thrombus myxomatodes und meine, daß auch alle die bisher beschriebenen primären Tumoren des endokards, außer den bösartigen Gewächsen, organisierte Thromben darstellen.Mit 5 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
The accurate quantitation of picogram amounts of TNF is possible by ELISA and is useful in many areas of biomedical research, including studies of TNF release in vitro by stimulated lymphocytes and macrophages, and of serum levels in patients with cancer and sepsis. However, we show in this report that the detection of recombinant TNF standards by ELISA falls over time with incubation at 37 degrees C, and is further decreased when incubated with tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), making accurate quantitation difficult. We demonstrate that the soluble dimeric form of the TNF receptor can prevent this decrease, both in the presence and absence of TIL. In contrast, the soluble monomeric TNF receptor was much less effective in preventing this decrease. In addition, the dimeric but not the monomeric TNF receptor was found to inhibit bioactivity of TNF as measured by L929 cytotoxicity. The dimeric TNF receptor does not interfere with the detection of recombinant TNF standards by ELISA, and entirely stabilizes TNF levels incubated over 48 h at 37 degrees C in the presence and absence of TIL. This protection is specific, and the TNF receptor does not stabilize interferon-gamma. The dimeric form of the soluble TNF receptor has proven useful in detecting TNF released by TIL transduced with the TNF cDNA that are currently being used in studies of the gene therapy of cancer with TIL. The dimeric TNF receptor may also prove useful in the accurate quantitation of TNF released by stimulated lymphocytes and macrophages in vitro, and in the quantitation of serum TNF levels in patients.  相似文献   
We have measured membrane currents induced by shear stress together with intracellular calcium signals in endothelial cells from human umbilical cord veins. In the presence of extracellular calcium (Ca2+]o), shear stress induced an inward current at a holding potential of 0 mV which is accompanied by a rise in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i). In the absence of extracellular calcium shear stress was unable to evoke a calcium signal but still induced a membrane current. The voltage dependence of the shear stress induced current was obtained from difference currents evoked by linear voltage ramps before and during application of shear stress. Its reversal potential Erev shifted from –2.3±0.8 mV (n=4) in a nominally Ca2+ free solution to +1.5±1.6 mV at 1.5 mM [Ca2+]o (n=4) and to +21.9±4.4 mV (n=7) at 10 mM [Ca2+]o. From our data we conclude that shear stress opens an ion channel that is 12.5±2.9 (n=7) times more permeable for calcium than for sodium or cesium.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Es wird eine Methode zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Anteils von in vitro zugesetztem L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod im Serum mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration angegeben. In der beschriebenen Form ist diese Technik für die routinemäßige Anwendung in der Klinik zur Bestimmung der Bindungs- und Transportverhältnisse von Trijodthyronin geeignet.2. In sog. Verdrängungsversuchen wurde nichtmarkiertes Trijodthyronin dem Inkubationsgemisch von Serum und L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod zugesetzt. Die zugesetzten Trijodthyroninmengen erschöpfen die Gesamtbindungskapazität der Serumproteine in dem gewählten Konzentrationsbereich keineswegs. Im Gegensatz zum Verhalten der prozentualen Anteile des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Trijodthyronins steigt die absolute Menge des proteingebundenen Trijodthyronins dabei steil an. Man findet eine Kurve, die nicht einer einfachen Sättigunskurve entspricht, sondern eine Resultante aus Sättigungskurven verschiedener Trijodthyronin-bindender Proteine und Verdrängungskurven kompetitiv gebundener Substanzen (z.B. Thyroxin) darstellt.3. Dextran-Gel wirkt nicht als einfaches Molekülsieb für Trijodthyronin. Es greift vielmehr durch Adsorptionsvorgänge kompetitiv in die Serumproteinbindungsverhältnisse des Trijodthyronins ein. Die physiologische Bedeutung des sog. freien Anteils an Trijodthyronin wird diskutiert.4. Die Methode zur Bestimmung des proteingebundenen Jods (PB127I) mittels alkalischer offener Veraschung (Barker) wurde technisch vereinfacht und bezüglich ihrer Reproduzierbarkeit untersucht. Die131Jodausbeute aus zugesetztem L-Thyroxin-131Jod lag bei diesem Verfahren bei ca. 80%.
Summary 1. A method allowing the simultaneous determination in serum of the socalled free and the protein bound part of 1-triiodothyronine-131I added in vitro, using dextran gel filtration, is presented. Assessment of serum protein binding and transport of triiodothyronine can be conveniently performed for clinical purposes by this procedure.2. In socalled discharge experiments non-labelled triiodothyronine is added to incubation mixtures of serum and l-triiodothyronine-131I. The amount of added triiodothyronine did not exhaust the total binding capacity of serum proteins for triiodothyronine. In contrast to the behaviour of the percentages of socalled free and protein bound triiodothyronine the absolute amount of protein bound triiodothyronine was rising linearly with rising concentrations of triiodothyronine added. The curve obtained was interpreted as resulting from saturation curves of different triiodothyronine binding proteins and discharge curves of competitively bound substances, e.g. thyroxine.3. Dextran gel is not acting merely as molecular sieve for triiodothyronine, but rather competing actively with serum proteins for triiodothyronine, adsorbing the latter. The physiological rôle of the socalled free triiodothyronine is discussed.4. With addition of l-thyroxine-131I 80% of131iodine was recovered, when the method ofBarker for determination of serum protein bound127iodine (open alkaline ashing) was used.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Carl Krauspe in Verehrung zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Summary The vestibular thalamic relay in the Rhesus ventrobasal complex, identified in a previous field potential study (part I, Deecke et al., 1974), has now been investigated with neuronal recordings in the thalamus in order to clarify its functional role. In part I, short latency responses (2.5 msec) were found in the corner between VPL, VPM and VPI nuclei, largely including dorsal portions of the VPI nucleus. Field potentials of somewhat longer latency (4–5 msec) were recorded in VPL and in other thalamic nuclei, including the posterior nuclear group.Neuronal responses were recorded in thalamic nuclei of awake flaxedilized Rhesus monkeys. Cells not responding to vestibular stimulation (round window polarisation of either labyrinth) were ignored. The great majority (80%) of those neurons responding to labyrinth polarisation showed convergence with deep somatic (proprioceptive) input from joints and muscles of vertebral column and limbs. 60% of these bimodal neurons responded to movement of cervical joints. Very few vestibularly responsive cells received cutaneous (6.6%), non-optokinetic visual or auditory (2.6% each) input. Proprioceptive fields tended to be large, frequently involving more than one joint, and could be even bilateral. For a few cells the pattern of vestibulo-proprioceptive convergence could be fitted to a coordinated body position that might occur during normal locomotion. 78% of the cells responded to polarisation of both labyrinths, indicating strong bilateral projection.  相似文献   
Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and valproic acid are commonly used antiepileptic drugs that show complicated pharmacokinetic behavior Nonisotopic immunoassays are used routinely to monitor these drugs, and assay specificity is important to obtain accurate results. By using samples from subjects receiving each of these antiepileptic medications, competitive immunoassays for them were evaluated on an IMMULITE 2000 automated chemiluminescent analyzer (Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, CA). Phenytoin assays were evaluated using an additional set of samples from patients with abnormal renal function. All 4 methods were linear, had imprecision of less than 10%, and compared well with other commercial immunoassays. A positive bias was observed for phenytoin measured in samples from uremic patients compared with a high-performance liquid chromatography reference method. The molar cross-reactivity of carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide was 12% in the carbamazepine assay. Phenytoin metabolites and fosphenytoin had substantial cross-reactivity in the phenytoin assay. All antiepileptic drug assays performed well and are suitable for use in monitoring patients receiving antiepileptic drug therapy. One possible exception is the phenytoin assay with samples from patients with renal insufficiency.  相似文献   
About 2.5 million people die of Plasmodium falciparum malaria every year. Fatalities are associated with systemic and organ-specific inflammation initiated by a parasite toxin. Recent studies show that glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) functions as the dominant parasite toxin in the context of infection. GPIs also serve as membrane anchors for several of the most important surface antigens of parasite invasive stages. GPI anchoring is a complex posttranslational modification produced through the coordinated action of a multicomponent biosynthetic pathway. Here we present eight new genes of P. falciparum selected for encoding homologs of proteins essential for GPI synthesis: PIG-A, PIG-B, PIG-M, PIG-O, GPI1, GPI8, GAA-1, and DPM1. We describe the experimentally verified mRNA and predicted amino acid sequences and in situ localization of the gene products to the parasite endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, we show preliminary evidence for the PIG-L and PIG-C genes. The biosynthetic pathway of the malaria parasite GPI offers potential targets for drug development and may be useful for studying parasite cell biology and the molecular basis for the pathophysiology of parasitic diseases.  相似文献   
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