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OBJECTIVES: To identify and describe current women's thoughts about the menopause, hormone treatment (HT) and perceptions about breast cancer. METHODS: Between December 2004 and January 2005, 4201 postmenopausal women in seven European countries were interviewed via a standardized computer-aided telephone interview protocol. RESULTS: Almost all women reported to have experienced climacteric symptoms, and 63% of the women rated them as being severe. Only 52% of women were aware of the benefits of HT for relief of climacteric symptoms. Although 84% felt that severe symptoms should be treated, only 40% had used HT at some point in time. Thirty-four percent of the women preferring treatment with natural products did so because of the risk of breast cancer associated with HT. HT was recognized by 59% of the women as one of the most important contributors to an increased breast cancer risk. Most women received their information about HT and breast cancer risk from the media. CONCLUSIONS: This European survey reveals that the majority of women experience climacteric symptoms but that their decision whether or not to use HT is highly dependent on their concern about breast cancer risk. An increase in knowledge of the benefits and risks of HT is required for women to make appropriate decisions about hormone use.  相似文献   
Postpartum fatigue is a normal condition that most women experience. Breastfeeding is often associated in women's minds as contributing to the feeling of overall perceived fatigue, and many women indicate that they have ceased breastfeeding because of fatigue. However, the relationship between feeding choice and perceived fatigue has never been established. Two hundred and fifty-three women participated in a study examining whether perceived fatigue differed for bottle-feeding and breastfeeding women at 3 different times during the postpartum period (2-4 days, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks postpartum). Results showed no significant differences for these 2 groups, suggesting that perceived fatigue during the postpartum period is not dependent on feeding choice. Additional analyses examining other variables with a potential effect were nonsignificant. Because perceived physical fatigue does not appear to be dependent on feeding choice, women should be prepared for the feeling of perceived fatigue during the postpartum period while at the same time be reassured that feeding choice is not correlated.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In the central nervous system, several neuropeptides are believed to be involved in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Indeed, previous studies have documented that glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) possesses neurotropic properties and can reduce amyloid-beta peptide levels in the brain in vivo. Moreover, the concentrations of neuropeptide Y (NPY) seem to be altered in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with AD and in subjects with major depression. Finally, among the modifications induced by aging, a dysregulation of the ghrelin-growth hormone (GH) system has been reported. METHODS: We investigated the plasma concentrations of these neuropeptides in 14 subjects with AD. Data obtained from these patients were compared with data from an age- and weight-matched healthy group. RESULTS: No significant differences were found between the two groups in relation to plasma levels of GLP-1, NPY, ghrelin and GH. Peripheral NPY concentrations were positively correlated with ghrelin levels in both groups, and with plasma GLP-1 concentration only in controls. CONCLUSION: On the basis of our results, peripheral levels of these neuropeptides seem not to serve as biochemical markers of AD.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Arterial hypertension and postmenopausal reduction of estrogen levels may be involved in modifications of the stiffness of large arteries. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the pulse-wave velocity (PWV) and indirectly the arterial stiffness in hypertensive postmenopausal women submitted to hormone therapy with estradiol alone or combined with norethisterone acetate. SUBJECTS: Forty-five hypertensive postmenopausal women were double-blindly, randomly assigned to three arms of treatment: placebo (group I); estradiol 2 mg/day (group II); or estradiol 2 mg/day and norethisterone acetate 1 mg/day (group III). METHODS: Arterial stiffness was assessed from PWV measurements of the common carotid and femoral arteries (CF-PWV) and the common carotid and radial arteries (CR-PWV) obtained using the automatic Complior(R) device, taken at baseline and after 12 weeks of treatment. RESULTS: After the 12-week treatment, values of CF-PWV and CR-PWV were not significantly different (p = 0.910 and p = 0.736, respectively) among the groups. Systolic blood pressure showed a positive correlation with CF-PWV in groups II and III (p = 0.02 and p < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: PWV and arterial stiffness in postmenopausal hypertensive women did not reduce over a 12-week treatment with estradiol alone compared with the same period of treatment with estradiol combined with norethisterone acetate.  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to determine the incidence, timing, and severity of vaginal stenosis in patients with carcinoma of the cervix who had received pelvic and/or vaginal radiotherapy as part of their treatment. We also sought to determine if there were any predisposing factors for the development of stenosis. A retrospective chart review was undertaken for all the patients diagnosed with carcinoma of the cervix between January 1, 1990, and December 31, 2000 and treated with pelvic and/or vaginal radiation at Westmead Hospital. Since January 1, 1990, data regarding vaginal stenosis has been prospectively recorded on all the patients. Data collected included patient demographics, stage of disease, treatments administered, and incidence, timing, and severity of vaginal stenosis. One hundred and eighty-eight patients were treated. Mean age was 58.6 years. Thirteen percent of patients had stage IB disease, 45% had stage II disease, 39.5% had stage III disease, and 1.5% had stage IV disease. One hundred and seventy-nine patients returned for follow-up, and data regarding vaginal toxicity were available in 98%. Twenty-seven percent had grade 1 toxicity (partial stenosis or shortening but not complete occlusion), and 11% had grade 2 (complete occlusion). Stenosis of any grade was noted at a mean of 9.6 months and median of 7.5 months (range, 26 days-5.6 years) from completion of treatment. The only prognostic factor associated with increased risk of stenosis was age greater than 50 years (odds ratio 2.26). Vaginal stenosis is a common complication of pelvic and vaginal radiotherapy, occurring in 38% of patients. Stenosis occurs most often in the first year after treatment. Patients over the age of 50 are most at risk.  相似文献   
Neglected tears of the patellar tendon due to loss of active extension remain a difficult therapeutic endeavor. The goals in the approach to this diagnosis include restoration of both structural and functional integrity of the extensor mechanism. A procedure has been developed utilizing Z-shortening of the patellar tendon, Z-lengthening of the quadriceps tendon, and the semitendinosis gracilis as a biologic splint. This technique allows establishment of preoperative goals, including restoration of the muscle-tendon complex in its anatomic position, restoration of quadriceps function, preservation of vascularity of the reconstructed tendon, and splinting of the patellar tendon. This reconstruction allows early mobilization and rehabilitation.  相似文献   
Summary. In this study, we have examined our records for the isolation of Candida tropicalis from clinical specimens of patients with heterogeneous clinical presentations during the past 5 years. We have found that this species ranks third among all yeasts in frequency of isolation from clinical specimens and that the trend of recovery from the specimens is rising over the years. The isolation rate of C. tropicalis was highest from urine specimens (36%) followed by respiratory specimens (22%). The frequency of isolation of C. tropicalis from vaginal specimens was relatively high (14%), however the trend was declining over the years. In general, the high recovery of Candida tropicalis from clinical specimens of patients with variable disease supports the views of this organism being a major pathogen.
Zusammenfassung. Die Studie basiert auf einer Durchsicht der Patientenarchive der letzten fünf Jahre auf die Isolationshäufigkeit von Candida tropicalis aus klinischen Untersuchungsmaterialien von Patienten mit unterschiedlichen klinischen Krankheitsbildern. Diese Hefeart war die dritthäufigste mit steigender Tendenz über die Jahre. Die Isolierungsrate von C. tropicalis war am höchsten aus Urin (36%), gefolgt von Respirationstrakt-Materialien (22%). Die Isolationshäufigkeit aus dem hinteren Scheidengewölbe war relativ hoch (14%), nahm jedoch mit den jahren ab. Allgemein unterstreicht die hohe Isolationsrate von C. tropicalis aus klinischen Untersuchungsmaterialien die ätiologische Bedeutung dieses Erregers.  相似文献   
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