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In an experimental study on a piggery it was found that haemolytic Escherichia coli of O-serotypes 138 or 139 proliferated in the intestinal tracts of pigs following weaning, with E. coli of the O-138 type also being occasionally recovered from unweaned pigs, and once from a sow. Organisms of the O-138 type produced heat labile enterotoxin and their presence in weaned pigs was associated with the development of severe post-weaning diarrhoea. E. coli of O-139 type produced a vero cell cytotoxin and were associated with a milder diarrhoea in weaned pigs. Under various managemental circumstances the O-138 type E. coli almost invariably proliferated after weaning. The O-139 strain of E. coli did however proliferate rather than the O-138 strain following the movement of weaned pigs to new accommodation, after weaned pigs were returned to their sow and then weaning again 5 days later, and very occasionally in pigs weaned at 5 weeks of age. In all these cases earlier proliferation of the O-138 E. coli had been detected, suggesting that this may be a prerequisite for proliferation of the O-139 strain.  相似文献   
Polyclonal antibodies directed against human recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor were used in immunohistochemical studies to localize this growth factor in normal and wounded rat skeletal muscles. According to the intensity of the stain, three main classes of fibers could be identified: the strongly, moderately, and weakly stained fibers. Basic fibroblast growth factor immunoreactivity was found mainly in the extracellular matrix, primarily in the endomysium, which includes the heparin-containing basal lamina, and also in the capillary basal membrane of both normal and wounded muscles; however, the signal intensity was much stronger in normal muscles. The distribution of basic fibroblast growth factor in wounded muscles became markedly heterogeneous and sparse. After 4 hours of ischemia, about 40% of skeletal muscle fibers lost their basic fibroblast growth factor immuno-reactivity. Muscles which underwent 4 hours of ischemia and 24 hours of reperfusion had only a diminished basic fibroblast growth factor immunoreactivity. The pathologic results supported the concept of destroyed cell connection and fiber necrosis in ischemic and reperfused muscles. Potential mechanisms involved in this reduced concentration of basic fibroblast growth factor in wounded muscles may include oxygen free radical activation, a generalized effect of the inflammatory response, and reduced secretion of endogenous basic fibroblast growth factor. These results are only partially compatible with the established mitogenic role of this growth factor and suggest that a reduction of endogenous fibroblast growth factor may partly contribute to a delay in wound healing.  相似文献   
Soluble lens crystallins from 6-10-week-old, galactose-fed, male Sprague-Dawley rats were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at each of the five Sippel stages of cataractogenesis. Electrophoretograms were compared with similarly analyzed crystallins from comparably aged, chow-fed controls. Polypeptides were assigned to crystallin families and subfamilies on the basis of chromatographic fractionations with Sephadex G-200, superfine. Staining intensities of polypeptides from control lenses remained essentially unchanged throughout the experimental period, while those of the polypeptides from cataractous lenses showed non-uniform changes. Staining of the genomic gamma-crystallins increases up to at least stage 3; by stage 4, staining of gamma-chains, with perhaps those of gamma 5 and gamma 6 excepted, diminishes and in the total cataract, staining of all chains is further reduced. With possibly the addition of one chain, the total number of postsynthetically modified gamma-crystallins in cataractous lenses does not exceed that in the comparably aged normal lens. The genomic alpha- and beta-crystallin polypeptides are sustained close to normal levels up to stages 3 or 2, respectively, after which their gradually falling levels are accompanied by the generation of new species or elevated levels of existing post-translational species. An exception to this behavior is the rapid and total loss of beta B1a, a genomic subunit implicated in the aggregation of beta H-crystallins. Charge heterogeneity and variable pI displayed by beta B1a and other highly cationic beta- and gamma-crystallin polypeptides can be induced during isoelectric focusing and may be due to thiol group oxidation.  相似文献   
Fu SL  Ma ZW  Yin L  Iannotti C  Lu PH  Xu XM 《Neuroscience》2005,135(3):851-862
To determine whether neural precursor cells have region-specific growth properties, we compared the proliferation, mitogenicity, and differentiation of these cells isolated from the embryonic day 16 rat forebrain and spinal cord. Neural precursor cells isolated from both regions were cultured in growth medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, or epidermal growth factor+basic fibroblast growth factor. Under all three conditions, both neural precursor cell populations proliferated for multiple passages. While spinal cord-derived neural precursor cells proliferated moderately faster in epidermal growth factor-enriched growth medium, brain-derived cells proliferated much faster in basic fibroblast growth factor-enriched growth medium. When exposed to both epidermal growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor, the two neural precursor cell populations expanded and proliferated more rapidly than when exposed to a single factor, with brain-derived neural precursor cells expanding significantly faster than spinal cord-derived ones (P<0.0001). Differentiation studies showed that both neural precursor cell populations were multi-potent giving rise to neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. However, neuronal differentiation from brain-derived neural precursor cells was greater than spinal cord-derived ones (11.95+/-5.00% vs 1.92+/-1.13%; passage 2). Further, the two neural precursor cell populations differentiated into a similar percentage of oligodendrocytes (brain: 8.66+/-5.85%; spinal cord: 7.69+/-3.91%; passage 2). Immunofluorescence and Western blot studies showed that neural precursor cells derived from both regions expressed receptors for basic fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor. However, brain-derived neural precursor cells expressed higher levels of the two receptors than spinal cord-derived ones in growth medium containing epidermal growth factor+basic fibroblast growth factor. Thus, our results showed that neural precursor cells isolated from the two regions of the CNS have distinct properties and growth requirements. Identifying phenotypic differences between these neural precursor cell populations and their growth requirements should provide new insights into the development of cell therapies for region-specific neurological degenerative diseases.  相似文献   
LJM, a 41-year-old schizophrenic Chinese man with bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus (Brodmann's area 24) lesions and also a small lesion in right amygdala after an operation, was compared with normal as well as brain-damaged and schizophrenic controls in identification of morphed facial expressions of six basic emotions. In repeated administrations of the test for recognition of facial emotions, over a 1- year period, LJM performed significantly worse for expressions of fear compared with the three groups of controls. Recognition of other emotions was not significantly different from that of the controls, except that his recognition of disgust during the first session (but not in two subsequent sessions) was worse than normal and brain-damaged controls but not worse than schizophrenic controls. The dissociation between recognition of fear and other emotions supported the view that the brain has separable networks for processing different emotions, and that the right amygdala as well as the anterior part of bilateral cingulate gyrus are possible substrates involved in the special network for perception of fear. The results from the various groups of Chinese subjects indicate that they perceive emotions in a categorical manner, and that the six basic emotions are likely to be cross-cultural universals.  相似文献   
用放射免疫分析法和比浊法测定PAI0134对大鼠血浆血栓素B2浓度,血小板TXB2生成血小板聚集的影响。静脉注射API013470mg或100mg.kg显著降低血浆TXB2浓度,其降低2率分别为38.8%和51.6%,API0134明显抑制ADP诱导的大鼠血小板聚集和TXB2生成,抑制率分别为27.8%,39.5%,和41.4%,53.6%,两抑制率间呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
In a previous study, we used transfectants expressing hybrid HLA-DR(beta 1*0403)/DR(beta 1*0701) chains to map sequences involved in polymorphic antibody binding epitopes on DR(alpha, beta 1*0403) or DR(alpha, beta 1*0701) molecules. Amino acids 1-40 of the beta 1 domain were found to make the major contributions to most of the antibody binding epitopes studied. To begin to localize sequences that contribute to polymorphic antibody epitopes on DR(alpha,beta 1*0101), DR(alpha,beta 1*1101) and DR(alpha,beta 3*0202) molecules, we used indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry to assess the binding of mAb to transfectants expressing hybrid DR(beta 1*0101)/DR(beta 1*1101) or DR(beta 1*1101)/DR(beta 3*0202) chains that divide the DR beta chain into three segments: amino acids 1-40, 41-97, and the beta 2 domain. The results indicate that amino acids 41-97 of the beta 1 domain on DR(beta 1*0101), DR(beta 1*1101), or DR(beta 3*0202) are critical in most of the epitopes, including those recognized by human antibodies MP4 and MP12, and mouse mAb GS88.2, I-LR1, 21r5, and, whereas amino acids 1-40 of DR(beta 1*1101) are critical in the epitope recognized by the MCS-7 mAb, and both segments 1-40 and 41-97 of DR(beta 1*1101) are important in the epitopes recognized by the I-LR2 and UL-52 mAbs. Based on these data and comparison of DR beta allelic protein sequences, the residues that may play critical roles in these antibody binding epitopes are predicted.  相似文献   
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