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The relationship between volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in pus and infecting bacterial species was examined in order to establish a rapid identification system for anaerobic microorganisms in purulent inflammation in the oro-maxillary region. VFAs were detected by the direct injection of pus into gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). Bacterial examination was carried out by anaerobic culture using blood agar plates. The bacterial identification was carried out mainly according to the VPI manual. Analysis of the direct VFA patterns of each sample resulted in 5 groups. The following bacterial species were the main isolates in each group: Streptococcus intermedius in Group A, Peptostreptococcus micros in Group B, Fusobacterium nucleatum in Group C, Bacteroides gingivalis in Group D, and Peptostreptococcus anaerobius in Group E. The profile of VFAs produced in the PYG culture medium of the above isolated bacteria was compared with the direct VFA patterns. Agreement ratios between direct and PYG VFA patterns were as follows: Group A, 47.1%; Groups B and C, 45.0%; Group D, 87.5%; and Group E, 62.9%. The acetic acid concentration was more than 14 x 10(-4) meq/ml in Group B, the butyric acid concentration was more than 7 x 10(-4) meq/ml in Group C, and the iso-caproic acid concentration was more than 14 x 10(-4) meq/ml in Group E. In these cases, it was found that the agreement ratios between the direct and PYG FVA pattern were high. In Group D, irrespective of the concentration of iso-valeric acid detected, the agreement ratio was very high. The antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates was studied. Efficiency rates of ABPC, PIPC, CCL, CEZ, CMZ, SBT/CPZ, JM, CLDM, MINO and GM were relatively low and resistant rates were high for the gram-negative rods.  相似文献   
Zymosan-induced chemiluminescence was investigated in whole blood and in neutrophils: in both, the peak count was frequently elevated in Beh?et's disease, and was significantly higher than in healthy controls; similarly the peak time was shorter. There were more uncommon serotypes of Streptococcus sanguis in the oral flora of patients with Beh?et's disease. Common serotypes were present in the flora of healthy controls, but not in patients with the disease. The percentage of Strep. sanguis in the oral flora was significantly correlated with the level of chemiluminescence response. Thus infection with uncommon serotypes of Strep. sanguis may play a role in the aetiology of Beh?et's disease.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of methodology for measuring the concentration of fluorine species in saliva and in plaque has been tested. Human subjects mouth-rinsed daily with aqueous solutions of NaF and Na2FPO3. Samples of unstimulated whole saliva and of plaque were collected twice weekly at least 18 hr after treatment application. Oral fluoride concentrations rose from placebo values for approximately two weeks before attaining equilibrium and returned to baseline when daily mouthrinsing was stopped. Mean elevated oral fluoride concentrations increased significantly with increasing applied NaF concentration in the range 0-1000 ppm F (0-0.053 mol/L). There appeared to be a linear relationship between saliva and plaque fluoride. The ability of fluoride treatments to sustain elevated oral fluoride levels between daily applications may be of major importance in caries control.  相似文献   
A cellular blue nevus located on the palate of a 72-year-old female is reported. This intraoral finding is uncommon and should be distinguished from clinical entities it closely resembles. Practitioners should be aware that a pigmented palatal lesion in fact may be a malignant melanoma. Surgical excision with microscopic examination is the only means by which an accurate diagnosis can be made.  相似文献   
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