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A phase II study of adriamycin (ADM) (60 mg/m2 was performedin 22 patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Therewere no responders in the 19 evaluable patients (16 with adenocarcinoma,two with squamous cell carcinoma and one with large cell carcinoma).The major side effects were alopecia (89%), leukocytopenia (73%),thrombocytopenia (58%) and upper gastrointestinal symptoms. Although ADM at 60 mg/m2 did not appear to have sufficient antitumoractivity against NSCLC in this study, it is necessary to evaluatefurther the efficacy of ADM against NSCLC with another treatmentschedule.  相似文献   
The lymphocyte functions of 174 patients with cancer of thedigestive organs were studied, with particular reference tothe percentage of T cells bearing receptors for the Fc portionof IgG (TG cells), phytohemagglutinin (PHA) response of thelymphocytes and the helper activity of T cells. The percentageof TG cells was 12.18±6.91% (mean±SD) before treatment,exceeding the upper limit of the normal value (8%) in 49.4%of the patients. However, it decreased significantly to 7.98±6.3%after surgical removal of the tumors (r=0.746, P<0.001).The possible correlations of this parameter with two otherswere investigated in order to find a more reasonable parameterfor tumor immunology. An increased percentage of TG cells anda decreased PHA response of the lymphocytes were found in 5.8%of the cases of stage I, 42.8% of the cases of stage II, 33.3%of the cases of stage III and 48.9% of the cases of stage IVcancer. An increased percentage of TG cells and a decreasedhelper activity of T cells were found in 20% of the cases ofstage I, 20% of the cases of stage II, 25% of the cases of stageIII and 33.3% of the cases of stage IV. When only gastric cancerpatients were considered, a decreased PHA response of the lymphocytesand an increased percentage of TG cells were found in 12.5%of the patients with early stages. while this profile was observedin 25.5% of the patients with advanced stages of the disease.An increased percentage of TG cells and a decreased helper activityof T cells were found in 18.7% of the patients with early stagesand 37.9% of the patients with advanced stages. These findingssuggest that if the three immunological parameters were usedin the above combinations, they might more accurately reflectchanges in immunity with the progress of cancer.  相似文献   
The clonogenic patterns of three human pulmonary adenocarcinomacell lines (PC-9, PC-13 and PC-l4) were studied by human tumorclonogenic assay (HTCA), and factors which could influence theresults of tests for the chemosensitivity of these tumor cellsto cisplatin in HTCA were determined. The results showed thateach tumor cell line had a characteristic clonogenic pattern.The time intervals for the cells to grow to the plateau phasevaried from 9 to 16 days, depending on the cell line and numberof cells plated. The number of cells plated could substantiallyinfluence the results of chemosensitivity tests. The percentageof surviving colonies increased markedly if too many cells (usually5 x 104 or more/plate) were plated. For continuous exposure,the results of chemosensitivity tests were rather stable after7 days of incubation in each cell line, especially when fewerthan 2 x 104 cells/plate were plated. For 1-hour exposure, theincubation periods for the results to become stable varied from7 to 16 days depending on the cell type, number of cells platedand drug concentration. It was stressed that for the correctevaluation of the chemosensitivity of cultured cell lines inHTCA, the clonogenic pattern of each tumor cell line shouldbe checked in detail before further experiments are conducted.The higher the concentration and the longer the exposure time,the more strongly cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (CDDP) suppressedthe colony growth in each of the three cell lines in HTCA, andit was recommended that CDDP should be used clinically in sucha way as to maintain a high serum level of the active form ofCDDP for a long time.  相似文献   
Natural killer (NK) and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cellactivities in 133 healthy volunteers were analyzed with regardto the volunteer's sex, age, smoking history and the familialincidence of cancer. None of these factors had any influence on NK and LAK cell activities.It was concluded that identifying individuals with increasedrisk of cancer development by examining NK and LAK activitieswould be difficult.  相似文献   
Abstract: Acute organoaxial gastric volvulus with paraesophageal hernia was detected by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in a 75-year-old female patient. Endoscopic reduction of gastric volvulus was initially performed and a nasogastric tube was inserted into the jejunum. The introduction of oral intake resulted in vomiting and a barium meal study suggested recurrence of gastric volvulus. Endoscopic reduction was then performed, and a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube was inserted to anchor the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall. The tube was removed 15 weeks later, and the patient has remained asymptomatic to date.  相似文献   
Abstract It has been shown that human monocytes express monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), an inflammatry factor, in response to non-fibrillar β-amyloid protein. Reactive microglia and inflammatory factors were reported to be present in β-amyloid deposits (senile plaques) in Alzheimer's disease, suggesting the presence of MCP-1 in senile plaques. To address this issue, we examined MCP-1-immunoreactivity in senile plaques using a mouse monoclonal anti-MCP-1 antibody. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 was found immunohistochemically in mature senile plaques and reactive microglia but not in immature senile plaques of brain tissues from five patients with Alzheimer's disease. These findings suggest that MCP-1-related inflammatory events induced by reactive microglia contribute to the maturation of senile plaques.  相似文献   
Management of multiple cardiac arrhythmias in some patients with both an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and a pacemaker has demonstrated several advantages. In such circumstances, it is imperative that pacemaker function and its programmed parameters be preserved following a deftbrillation shock. This article describes the effects encountered by a specific programmable polarity pacemaker (Relay® 294–03) when subjected to electrical defibrillation in a canine model. Three pacemakers were repeatedly tested in three separate dog experiments. Each pacemaker, with its leads implanted in the right atrium and the right ventricle, was subjected to a minimum total number of 24 high energy biphasic and monophasic shocks (600–700 V) delivered by a coexisting ICD system using three different defibrillating lead configurations. None of the pacemaker systems showed any failure in function; all pacemakers continued to function within preshock specification and conversion to unipolar pacing and/ or backup mode was not observed in any of the tests. Intracardiac electrical potentials measured directly off the ICD and the pacemaker leads, during a defibrillation shock (mean 566.6 V; 23.7 J), showed that potentials measured in a bipolar configuration (tip-ring: mean 21.0 V in atrium, 12.0 V in ventricle) were significantly less than potentials measured in a unipolar configuration (tip-can: mean 387.9 V in atrium, 394.0 V in ventricle; ring-can: mean 405.6 V in atrium, 395.4 V in ventricle). Our compatibility tests demonstrate that use of this programmable-polarity pacemaker in concert with an ICD system appears to be safe. Testing similar to the present study should be conducted prior to complete clinical acceptance of combined ICD and pacemaker implantation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present study was to describe the results of nationwide epidemiologic surveys of Kawasaki disease for the 4 year period 1999-2002. METHODS: The design is a retrospective incidence survey. The patients reported in these two surveys are all new patients who were reported during the two study periods (1999-2000 and 2001-2002), although the data were collected retrospectively. A questionnaire was sent to all pediatric departments of hospitals with 100 beds or more throughout Japan, requesting data on patients with Kawasaki disease, such as sex, age, date of first hospital visit, recurrence, and cardiac lesions. RESULTS: The total number of patients reported in the 4 year period 1999-2002 was 32 266 (18 604 male, 13 662 female), with an average annual incidence of 137.7 per 100 000 children younger than 5 years old. The male/female ratio was 1.30. The incidence peaked at 9-11 months of age, and the proportion of patients under 1 year of age was 26%. The monthly distribution had a high peak in January and a gradual increase in summer. Geographically, the high-incidence areas were limited to certain prefectures and moved from year to year. The cardiac lesions at acute stage and cardiac sequelae occurred more in children under 1 year and older than 4 years. Among the principal symptoms, fever persisting >or=5 days occurred most commonly, followed by conjunctival congestion, changes in lips and oral cavity, polymorphous exanthema, and changes of extremities. Cervical lymphadenopathy occurred less. CONCLUSION: More than 32 000 patients with Kawasaki disease during the 4 year period 1999-2002 were reported to the nationwide incidence surveys. The number of patients is steadily increasing despite the decrease of children. The seasonal variation, geographical distribution, and age-specific distribution support the infection theory for the etiology of Kawasaki disease.  相似文献   
Encouraging results are reported with high-dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of advanced neuroblastoma. However, relapse remains a significant problem. We used high-dose chemotherapy, surgery, intraoperative radiation and an autologous bone marrow transplant treated in vitro to remove tumor cells followed by 13-cis-retinoic acid to treat 36 children with advanced neuroblastoma. This comprehensive treatment appears to improve the survival rate of patients with advanced neuroblastoma, including those with N-myc amplification and bony involvement. The disease-free survival rate was 66% (95% confidence interval, 49–84%) at 3 years. All patients who received 13-cis-retinoic acid developed cheilitis, but no bone marrow depression occurred in these patients. Five patients developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) post-transplant. This may have been related to the procedure used for total body irradiation. Patients who had their kidneys shielded during this procedure did not develop this syndrome. Patients who received local irradiation at the primary site showed no evidence of relapse in this region, indicating that such therapy may help to prevent a relapse. These data suggest a high rate of 3 year disease-free survival with this treatment strategy. The nonrandomized nature of the study and use of multiple modalities precludes analysis of the specific contribution of each.  相似文献   
We report on a 5 year old girl who has hereditary progressive dystonia with marked diurnal fluctuation that improved remarkably after treatment with L-dopa. A gait analysis of the patient was done and we compared her gait patterns with those of a normal child. The following results were obtained. Before L-dopa treatment: (i) knee extension time was prolonged with genu recurvatum; (ii) the flexors and the extensors were simultaneously activated in the stance phase, and reciprocity between them was impaired; and (iii) recorded sole contact was a toe-only pattern. After L-dopa treatment: (i) the step cycle was shorter mainly due to a shorter knee extension time; (ii) genu recurvatum improved; (iii) reciprocal activities of the flexors and the extensors were observed; and (iv) a normal sole contact pattern was also observed. The data from the gait analysis were useful in stabilizing the subject's clinical condition and in evaluating changes to it.  相似文献   
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