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孔德云  李惠庭  罗思齐 《药学学报》1992,27(10):792-795
From the ethanol extract of Viscum coloratum (Kom.) Nakai , a giucoside ofaliphatic diol and three other glucosides were isolated. Based on chemical and spectroscopic analysis,the structures have been elucidated as 2-β-D- glucosyl-3- methylpropanol (Ⅷ), syringin (Ⅸ),eleatheroside E(Ⅹ) and syringenin-4'-O-D-apiosylglucoside (Ⅺ). Ⅷ is a new glucoside of aliphaticdiol and named 3-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-butanol-2. Three other compounds (Ⅸ~-Ⅺ) were foundfor the first time in this plant.  相似文献   
This study set out to explore the suggestion that the problems experienced by 8-year-old children diagnosed as clumsy in the area of hand-eye coordination (HECP) might be attributed to a developmental lag. The performances of this group of HECP children were compared with those of groups of 5-year-old and 8-year-old controls without such deficits, when required to carry out a task involving pointing, without vision, to targets located, visually, visually/proprioceptively, or proprioceptively, the dependent variable being the distance error score from the centre of the target. The performances of the HECP children, when vision or vision/proprioception was used to locate the targets, were shown to be inferior to those of the two control groups of children thereby supporting a visual deficit hypothesis. When the targets had to be located proprioceptively, the performance of the HECP children was shown to be similar to that of the 5-year-olds, while both groups were inferior to the 8-year-olds, thereby supporting a developmental lag hypothesis in proprioceptive terms. However, when the scores for the preferred and non-preferred hands were analysed separately a marked deterioration in the performances of both the 5-year-old controls and the HECP children was observed while the 8Jyear-old controls were unaffected. While this finding supports a developmental lag explanation of the inferior performances of the HECP children, it was necessary to qualify such an explanation when the within-group performances using the preferred and non-preferred hands were compared. Only the HECP children, under the visual/proprioceptive or proprioceptive conditions, showed significant performance differences, in. favour of the preferred hand. This finding was taken as a suggestion that the developmental lag exhibited by the HECP children might have pathological overtones possibly related to the development of the corpus callosum.  相似文献   
We studied the effect of hypotension and of electrode temperature (41 degrees C to 44 degrees C) on the relation of skin surface PCO2 (Roche prototype) to arterial PCO2 in 24 sick neonates of 690 to 3,500 gm with systolic blood pressures of 5 to 70 mm Hg. PsCO2 closely correlated with PaCO2. The standard error of estimating PaCO2 from PsCO2 was 3.02 torr at 44 degrees C, 3.20 torr at 43 degrees C, and 3.57 torr at 41 degrees C. The pH (6.89 to 7.61), body temperature (33.5 to 38.1 degrees C), hematocrit (0.28 to 0.65), scleredema, or treatment with tolazoline did not affect the relation of PsCO2 to PaCO2. PsCO2 grossly exceeded the predicted value at systolic blood pressures below 15 mm Hg, irrespective of electrode temperature.  相似文献   
AIM:To assess the value of a new test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) infection,Rapirun H.pylori Antibody Stick(Rapirun Stick),in a Vietnamese population.METHODS:Eligible patients without previous history of H.pylori eradication were recruited.Rapid urease test(RUT) and histologic examination were used to diagnose the H.pylori infection.Patients were considered H.pylori positive when the RUT results were positive and/or the bacteria were detected histologically.Rapirun Stick tests were performed using urine samples,and the results were compared with the other 2 methods.RESULTS:We enrolled 200 patients with a mean age of 36(range,18-76) years.There were 116 females and 84 males.Of the 200 patients,111(55.5%) were diagnosed as being H.pylori positive.The sensitivity,specificity,and accuracy of the Stick test were 84.7%,89.9%,and 87.0%,respectively.There were 17(8.5%) falsenegative patients and 9(4.5%) false-positive patients.CONCLUSION:The Rapirun Stick test has high sensitivity,specificity,and accuracy for the diagnosis of H.pylori infection in the Vietnamese population.The test can be clinically applied in Vietnamese populations.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to search for a more effective transfusion-monitoring system than the existing system of retrospective peer review. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: This research used a study-control, preintervention and postintervention design, to evaluate the effectiveness of a prospective physician self-audit transfusion-monitoring system that functioned without the direct involvement of transfusion service physicians. This research also evaluated the effectiveness of issuing to physicians a memo with transfusion guidelines. Three process indicators were used to assess physician behavior at various stages of the blood-ordering process: 1) the number of crossmatches ordered per admission, 2) the transfusion-to- crossmatch ratio, and 3) the number of blood units returned to the laboratory after physician self-auditing. The study used two outcome indicators to reflect overall blood utilization: 1) the percentage of patients who received red cell transfusions and 2) the number of blood units transfused per recipient each month. RESULTS: The prospective physician self-audit system implemented at the study hospital did not reverse physician transfusion decisions, and the process of issuing to physicians a memo with transfusion guidelines at the control hospital failed to reduce blood usage. However, a transient reduction in blood utilization was observed at the study hospital. CONCLUSION: The reduction was hypothesized to be due to a Hawthorne effect, in which observed behavior is affected by the subject's awareness of the research study.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate an outbreak of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infections in a neonatal clinic. DESIGN: Prospective chart review, environmental sampling, and genotyping by two independent methods: pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). A case-control study was performed with 31 controls from the same clinic. SETTING: A German 1,350-bed tertiary-care teaching university hospital. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in the incidence of pyodermas with MSSA; 10 neonates in good physical condition with no infection immediately after birth developed pyodermas. A shared spatula and ultrasound gel were the only identified infection sources. The gel contained MSSA and was used for hip joint sonographies in all neonates. PFGE and RAPD-PCR patterns from 6 neonates and from the gel were indistinguishable and thus genetically related clones. The case-control study revealed no significant risk factor with the exception of cesarean section (P=.006). The attack rate by days of hip-joint sonography between April 15 and April 27, 1994, was 11.8% to 40%. CONCLUSIONS: Inappropriate hygienic measures in connection with lubricants during routine ultrasound scanning may lead to nosocomial S. aureus infections of the skin. To our knowledge this source of S. aureus infections has not previously been described.  相似文献   
胚胎嗅鞘细胞移植治疗脑性瘫痪:4例术后4周结果报告   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
目的:观察胚胎嗅鞘细胞移植治疗脑性瘫痪的有效性和安全性。方法:①病例资料:4例因出生时缺血缺氧确诊为脑性瘫痪的患者,男2例,女2例,年龄分别为14岁、岁、个月、岁。嗅92817鞘细胞由北京市虹天济神经科学研究院细胞中心提供,实验经医学伦理委员会批准,4例脑性瘫痪患者均签署知情同意书。②实验方法:根据术前MRI或CT片,患者均在局麻下行微创立体定向嗅鞘细胞移植术,选取双额放射冠为注射靶点,每侧注射1.0×106个细胞。术后给予止血、抗感染、康复等常规处理。③实验评估:分别于嗅鞘细胞移植前、移植后4周采用脑瘫综合功能评定量表、脑瘫日常生活能力量表评价患者神经功能及生活质量的改善。结果:①嗅鞘细胞移植术后4周,4例患者较术前均有不同程度的神经功能改善,未出现手术并发症。②脑瘫综合功能评定总分:病例1由92.5分增至94分,病例2由55分增至56分,病例3由10.5分增至11.5分,病例4由9.5分增至13分。③脑性瘫痪日常生活能力量表总分:病例1由82.0分增至83.5分,病例2无变化,为16.5分,病例3由5.0分增至7.5分,病例4由5.0分增至8分。结论:嗅鞘细胞移植治疗脑性瘫痪患者近期评价安全可行,可部分改善神经功能与生活质量,长期效果有待进一步随访。  相似文献   
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