Modified Kelly‐Pettenkofer (MKP) medium is one of the several media used for isolation and cultivation of Borrelia. The aim of the study was to assess whether particular Borrelia species (B. afzelii, B. garinii, and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto) have the ability to grow in MKP medium stored at +4 °C for periods for 1 month up to 1 year, and how prolonged storage may influences Borrelia growth and morphology. The growth of Borrelia was evaluated after 5 days of incubation at 33 °C: cell count per mL, morphology, and motility were assessed. The results of this study showed that the duration of storage of MKP medium had statistically significant influence on growth of B. afzelii (p = 0.021) and B. garinii (p = 0.004), but not on growth of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (p = 0.204), whereas duration of storage of the medium had no impact on Borrelia morphology and motility. The results of the study indicate that medium stored for more than 1 and up to 12 months supports Borrelia growth. 相似文献
PURPOSE: Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) overexpression was found to predict a good response in breast carcinoma patients treated with doxorubicin (Adriamycin [ADM]). Evidence from our recent study indicates that node-positive patients respond to cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil (CMF) regardless of HER2 status. We address the issue of whether therapy regimens including CMF and ADM versus CMF alone have the same therapeutic effect in patients with HER2+ and HER2- tumors in terms of relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS). METHODS: Archival specimens of the primary tumors from 506 patients in a prospective clinical trial were stained with the anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody CB11. Originally, patients were randomly allocated to receive either 12 courses of intravenous CMF or eight courses of the same regimen followed by four cycles of ADM. RFS and OS were analyzed by a Cox model taking into account treatment, HER2 status, and the interaction between treatment and HER2 status, adjusting for the effect of other known clinical and biopathologic factors. RESULTS: Analysis of survival rates indicates a possible differential effect of treatment in the patients grouped according to HER2 status. Improved RFS and OS were observed in the HER2+ subgroup after treatment with CMF plus ADM versus CMF alone. With a median follow-up of 15 years, the hazard ratio (HR) for RFS was 0.83 in HER2+ tumors and 1.22 in HER2- tumors. The effect of treatment was more evident on OS in HER2+ patients (HR = 0.61; CI, 0.32 to 1.16) than in HER2- patients (HR = 1.26). CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that adding ADM to CMF might be beneficial for patients with HER2+ tumors. 相似文献
The anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (anti-EGFR) cetuximab has been proven to be efficient in metastatic colorectal cancer. The molecular mechanisms underlying the clinical response to this drug remain unknown. Genetic alterations of the intracellular effectors involved in EGFR-related signaling pathways may have an effect on response to this targeted therapy. In this study, tumors from 30 metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated by cetuximab were screened for KRAS, BRAF, and PIK3CA mutation by direct sequencing and for EGFR copy number by chromogenic in situ hybridization. Eleven of the 30 patients (37%) responded to cetuximab. A KRAS mutation was found in 13 tumors (43%) and was significantly associated with the absence of response to cetuximab (KRAS mutation in 0% of the 11 responder patients versus 68.4% of the 19 nonresponder patients; P = 0.0003). The overall survival of patients without KRAS mutation in their tumor was significantly higher compared with those patients with a mutated tumor (P = 0.016; median, 16.3 versus 6.9 months). An increased EGFR copy number was found in 3 patients (10%) and was significantly associated with an objective tumor response to cetuximab (P = 0.04). In conclusion, in this study, KRAS mutations are a predictor of resistance to cetuximab therapy and are associated with a worse prognosis. The EGFR amplification, which is not as frequent as initially reported, is also associated with response to this treatment. 相似文献
Introduction: Normal placental vascular development depends on multiple interactions of many regulatory molecules including pro and antiangiogenic proteins. It is considered that these vascular modulators might be one of the factors responsible for development hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.
Objective: To evaluate and compare the early pregnancy (11–14 week of gestation) serum level of angiogenic proteins sFlt1, VEGF i PIGF between different types of pregnancy related hypertensive disorders.
Materials and methods: The study included 177 pregnant women between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation, divided into four study subgroups (preeclampsia group-41, gestational hypertension group-31, chronic hypertension group-32 and miscarriage group-19) and control group-54. Blood samples (serum) were taken for measuring sFlt1, VEGF i PIGF by a quantitative ELISA technique and measuring other biochemical and hematological parameters.
Results: Significantly higher levels of sFlt1 were in the subgroups with preeclampsia and miscarriages, significantly lower level of VEGF in the all study subgroups and lover level of PIGF were in miscarriage group. In the groups with chronic and gestational hypertension there were higher level of sFlt1 and lover level of VEGF than in the control group, but the differences did not reach statistical significance.
Conclusion: Early pregnancy imbalance between antiangiogenic protein sFlt1 and proangiogenic molecules VEGF and PIGF could have impact on pathophysiology of placental disorders which leads to development of pregnancy related hypertensive disorders. 相似文献
The data about risk for bleeding complications during anticoagulation in cancer patients with different oncology treatment are conflicting. To investigate the rate of bleeding in the course of oral anticoagulants, during treatment of malignant diseases, we conducted a retrospective study including 75 patients on stable anticoagulation prior to commencing their different oncology treatment. All patients were treated according to the consiliar decision, made based on the localization and pathohistological findings of the malignant disease. During their treatment the regular laboratory monitoring of INR was done. Every dose of oral anticoagulants, INR changes, as well as the size and localization of bleeding were recorded. During all the malignancy treatment 22 (30%) of patients were overanticoagulated. In 15 (20%) patients it was associated with bleeding, while 3 (4%) of them had to be transfused with fresh frozen plasma to stop the major bleeding. Most bleeding complications occurred in the group of patients treated with chemotherapy or with analgesics in the group with advanced disease. None of the bleeding complications were observed in patients treated with irradiation and surgery alone, where the bridging of oral anticoagulants with low molecular weight heparin was done before surgery. The oncology treatment of patients who take oral anticoagulants was connected with high risk for bleeding especially if chemotherapy as a therapeutic options was used. Therefore physicians should be aware of this risk and carefully monitor the intensity of anticoagulant therapy, especially during the first treatment weeks when the risk of bleeding is greatest. 相似文献
To explore the utility of applying growth mixture models (GMMs) in secondary analyses of clinical trials to identify sources of variability in data reported by patients with COPD.
Analyses were performed on data from two 6-month clinical trials comparing indacaterol and open-label tiotropium or blinded salmeterol and the first six months of a 12-month trial comparing indacaterol and blinded formoterol. Latent growth model (LGM) analyses were conducted to explore the response of the SGRQ Symptoms score from baseline to six months and GMM analyses were evaluated as a method to identify latent classes of differential responders.
Variability in SGRQ Symptom scores was found suggesting subsets of patients with differential response to treatment. GMM analyses found subsets of non-responders in all trials. When the responders were analyzed separately from non-responders, there were increased treatment effects (e.g., symptoms score improvement over six months for whole groups: indacaterol = 8–12 units, tiotropium = 7 units, salmeterol = 9 units, formoterol = 11 units. Responder subgroup improvement: indacaterol = 9–21 units, tiotropium = 7 units, salmeterol = 10 units, formoterol = 20 units). Responders had significantly different baseline SGRQ Symptom scores, smoking history, age, and mMRC dyspnea scores than non-responders.
Patients with COPD represent a heterogeneous population in terms of their reporting of symptoms and response to treatment. GMM analyses are able to identify sub-groups of responders and non-responders. Application of this methodology could be of value on other endpoints in COPD and in other disease areas. 相似文献
Streptococcus mutans is the leading cause of dental caries (tooth decay) worldwide and is considered to be the most cariogenic of all of the oral streptococci. The genome of S. mutans UA159, a serotype c strain, has been completely sequenced and is composed of 2,030,936 base pairs. It contains 1,963 ORFs, 63% of which have been assigned putative functions. The genome analysis provides further insight into how S. mutans has adapted to surviving the oral environment through resource acquisition, defense against host factors, and use of gene products that maintain its niche against microbial competitors. S. mutans metabolizes a wide variety of carbohydrates via nonoxidative pathways, and all of these pathways have been identified, along with the associated transport systems whose genes account for almost 15% of the genome. Virulence genes associated with extracellular adherent glucan production, adhesins, acid tolerance, proteases, and putative hemolysins have been identified. Strain UA159 is naturally competent and contains all of the genes essential for competence and quorum sensing. Mobile genetic elements in the form of IS elements and transposons are prominent in the genome and include a previously uncharacterized conjugative transposon and a composite transposon containing genes for the synthesis of antibiotics of the gramicidin/bacitracin family; however, no bacteriophage genomes are present. 相似文献
NF2/Merlin was first identified through its association with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). However, accumulating evidence suggests a more general involvement in tumorigenesis and, in particular, a broader role in tumor suppression. The aim of this study was to examine NF2/Merlin involvement in sporadic colorectal cancer.
This study is the first to examine the role of NF2/Merlin in sporadic colorectal cancer through LOH analysis at the NF2 locus and mRNA expression analysis via quantitative RT-PCR of total NF2, NF2 isoform I and II. In addition, Merlin protein expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting.
NF2 LOH was detected in 20.0 % of heterozygous cases and was found to be more frequent in tumors larger than 5 cm in diameter (p?=?0.041) and in tumors with a less differentiated phenotype (p?=?0.027). No differences were observed in total NF2 and NF2 isoform I/isoform II mRNA expression between the tumors and their corresponding normal mucous tissues. NF2 isoform II was the most predominant isoform in all samples analyzed. mRNA expression levels of total NF2 and isoforms I and II were significantly lower in poorly differentiated tumors (p?=?0.033, p?=?0.036 and p?=?0.044, respectively). Weak Merlin immunostaining was more frequent in poorly differentiated tumors (p?=?0.034) and tumors classified as Dukes’ C (p?=?0.023). A distinct pattern of Merin phosphorylation was observed in tumors compared to normal mucous tissues.
Our data indicate that NF2/Merlin may serve as a potential target in the management of colorectal cancer. 相似文献