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Effect of pregnancy on panic attacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three women with panic disorder showed marked improvement in their panic symptoms during pregnancy. Such effects might be due to pregnancy's blunting of the sympathoadrenal response to simple physiologic stimuli, effects on barbiturate receptors, or improvement in psychological functioning.  相似文献   
This report describes a technique in which deep-seated CNS neoplasms, the volume and shape of which had been determined and stereotactically localized by computer reconstruction of CT data, were vaporized with a carbon dioxide laser attached to a stereotactic frame. The clinical results with 6 patients treated by this technique are presented.  相似文献   
SMI-32, an antibody which recognizes the non-phosphorylated epitopes on the neurofilament proteins was used to study the morphological changes in the human striate cortex during postnatal development. Striate cortices from 12 autopsied patients with ages ranging from 1 day to 70 years were obtained. Using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method, the first SMI-32 immunoreactive neurons were identified at sublayers Vb/VIa on the first postnatal day. At 5 months, the next group of neurons to develop immunoreactivity were in IVb. By 15 months, SMI-32 immunoreactive neurons were observed at III, IVa, IVb, V and VI. The changes in SMI-32 immunoreactivity (ir) were stabilized from 3 years and after. The SMI-32 ir in the striate cortex could be a useful morphological correlate for studying developmental diseases affecting the neocortex.  相似文献   
Performance of same-day upper and lower endoscopy has many potential advantages, as it may reduce costs, shorten hospital stay, and expedite patient care, but its feasibility, efficacy, and potential have not been carefully defined. We report here our experience with a group of 87 patients who underwent same-day upper and lower endoscopy (174 procedures) over a 2-yr period at a tertiary care VA Hospital, compared with an alternate-day upper and lower endoscopy group of 50 patients (100 procedures) over the same time period. Most patients were elderly males. Common indications for endoscopy were occult or overt gastrointestinal bleeding, previous or concomitant history of pertinent pathology (i.e., polyps, ulcers), abdominal pain, diarrhea, or other symptoms, abnormal radiological studies, and iron deficiency anemia. Both groups required similar amounts of intravenous sedation. There were no complications in either group. In both groups, common positive findings were inflammation (i.e., colitis, esophagitis), benign neoplasms, diverticulae, peptic ulcer, and cancer. In both groups, only 2-6% had negative upper and lower endoscopy, whereas either one procedure was negative in 25% and 18% of cases, respectively. We conclude that the practice of same-day inpatient upper and lower endoscopy is feasible, has excellent diagnostic yield, even in the elderly, and carries no increased risks. When indicated, the practice of same-day upper and lower endoscopy should be encouraged.  相似文献   
Psychophysical functions are used to characterize both normal perception and altered perception among patients with neglect, yet the reliability of these functions is rarely examined. The present study examined two-week, test-retest reliability for power functions derived from line bisection data among 58 normal, young and old, male and female subjects. Power function exponents and constants were, at best, moderately reliable over time. The size of the exponent tended to decrease at retesting. Reliability coefficients varied by age and gender; they were highly significant for young men, marginally significant for older men, and non-significant for women. Race influenced reliability as coefficients were significant for Caucasian subjects but not for African American subjects. Age and gender effects in this study parallel those in the literature on pseudoneglect, and they may reflect hemispheric differences in visuo-spatial processing, magnitude estimation, or both.  相似文献   
The Arden Syntax for sharing medical knowledge bases is described. Its current focus is on knowledge that is represented as a set of independent modules that can provide therapeutic suggestions, alerts, diagnosis scores, etc. The syntax is based largely upon HELP and the Regenstrief Medical Record System. Each module, called a Medical Logic Module or MLM, is made of slots grouped into maintenance, library, and knowledge categories. The syntax has provisions for querying a clinical database and representing time. Several clinical information systems were analyzed and appear to be compatible with the syntax. The syntax has been tested for syntactic ambiguities using the tools lex and yacc. Seventeen institutions are currently in the process of adopting the Arden Syntax for their decision-support systems. A subcommittee of ASTM has been formed to develop standards for sharing medical knowledge bases. The Arden Syntax has been published by ASTM as a initial standard for sharing medical knowledge.  相似文献   
The standard treatment for patients with advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) has been cyclophosphamide and cisplatin (CP). Recently, the results of a large randomized comparative trial demonstrated that the combination of paclitaxel and cisplatin (TP) provided a progression-free survival benefit of 5 months. In this study, a cost–utility analysis was performed from a Canadian health care system perspective to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of the TP combination. Twelve AOC patients who received treatment with TP were matched for age and disease stage on a 1-to-2 basis with a CP control. Total hospital resource consumption was then collected for all patients. Treatment preferences were estimated from a cohort of 20 patients and 40 healthy female volunteers using the time trade-off technique. The outcomes were then generated through a decision-analytic model. First-line treatment costs with TP were approximately fourfold greater on a per-cycle basis than the CP alternative (Can$1911 vs Can$459). When progression-free survival benefit and patient treatment preferences were incorporated into the analysis, the results of the decision model revealed an incremental cost between Can$12,000 and Can$24,000 per quality-adjusted progression-free year with the TP protocol. Even though the TP combination has a considerably higher drug acquisition cost, the results of the current analysis suggest that this new chemotherapy regimen does provide patients with substantial quality-adjusted progression-free survival benefit at a reasonable cost to the Canadian health care system.  相似文献   
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