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Relationship-centered care reflects both knowing and feeling: the knowledge that physician and patient bring from their respective domains of expertise, and the physician’s and patient’s experience, expression, and perception of emotions during the medical encounter. These processes are conveyed and reciprocated in the care process through verbal and nonverbal communication. We suggest that the emotional context of care is especially related to nonverbal communication and that emotion-related communication skills, including sending and receiving nonverbal messages and emotional self-awareness, are critical elements of high-quality care. Although nonverbal behavior has received far less study than other care processes, the current review argues that it holds significance for the therapeutic relationship and influences important outcomes including satisfaction, adherence, and clinical outcomes of care.  相似文献   
This study surveyed male and female athletes from 22 midwesterncolleges and universities regarding behaviors and attitudesassociated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The responserate was 66% (N= 695) and the findings indicated that the bodyimage of some athletes may be distorted; one-seventh perceivedthemselves as fat even though they were not. Many athletes seemedpreoccupied with food and weight; almost one-third reportedroutinely thinking about food and weight and more than one-thirdreported dramatic annual weight fluctuations (9 lb or greater)related to bingeing and fasting. Athletes also did not feelin control when they ate and their habits related to food consumptionappeared to be extreme; one-tenth reported a lack of controlwhen they ate, more than one-third binged, one-twentieth ateuntil they were physically ill, and a similar proportion preferrednot to eat in the presence of others. In addition, it was foundthat as many men as women athletes reported these perceptionsbut significant sex differences were noted for specific items.It was suggested that behaviors and attitudes be viewed on acontinuum with normals at one end, eating disordered individuals at the other end,and college athletes in between. Health education that focuseson behaviors and attitudes as symptoms of eating disorders wasrecommended for athletes and those working closely with athletes.Future research was suggested to determine reasons for the undesirablebehaviors and attitudes and to study the onset, development,long-term effects and whether these behaviors and attitudeslead to an eating disorder.  相似文献   
. Neutrophil-mediated tissue damage has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diarrhoea-associated haemolytic uraemic syndrome (D+ HUS). This study evaluates priming and activation of the neutrophil oxidative burst in D+ HUS using chemiluminescent techniques. Peripheral blood neutrophils from 11 children with acute D+ HUS were examined. No difference was found in the oxidative burst of neutrophils from patients and controls. Serum elastase levels were measured in 8 patients and found to be significantly elevated. Although elastase results suggest neutrophil activation, chemiluminescence studies do not confirm this in the peripheral blood neutrophil. This does not support a significant role for circulating agents in priming and activating the peripheral blood neutrophil. Received August 17, 1995; received in revised form and accepted November 27, 1995  相似文献   
The efficacy of radiology in evaluating dysphagia was studied in 86 patients by comparison to endoscopic findings. In the 66 patients with endoscopic abnormalities radiology was correct in 54, for a sensitivity of 82%. Sensitivity of radiology improved to 95% if mild esophagitis was excluded. In the 20 patients with normal endoscopy, radiology was normal in 18 (90%). Thus radiology proved to be a reliable means of evaluating the esophagus in patients with dysphagia.  相似文献   
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