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引言 任何大手术都存在对止血系统的挑战,一些失血总是不可避免的。然而,围手术期大出血仍是外科手术的主要并发症,导致发病率和死亡率升高。对血液供应的安全性和可靠性的担心,需要我们共同努力节约地使用血液制品,以减少异体血液的接触,从而减少输血传播的疾病。因此围手术期出血的处理需要迅速评估,有条理地诊断,以及制定适当的治疗方案。围手术期出血存在两个主要原冈。第一是手术出血,由于在手术部位不能手术控制出血的血管直接造成的。外科手术出血通常以单部位出血为特点,仪局限于手术部位。精细的技术,耐心认真  相似文献   
Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide (PACAP) is a multi-functional neuropeptide that acts through activation of three common G-protein coupled receptors (VPAC1, VPAC2 and PAC1). In this study, we have investigated the gene expression profile of PAC1 isoforms (Hop1, Hip, Hip-Hop) and VPAC1, VPAC2 receptors in distinct brain regions during different stages of rat postnatal development. Using quantitative real time PCR approach we found that PAC1 isoforms were highly expressed in the cortex of newborns with marked decrease in expression during later stages of development. In contrast, mRNA levels of VPAC1, VPAC2 receptors were markedly lower in newborns in comparison to later developmental stages. Expression of PAC1 isoforms predominated in the hippocampus, while expression of VPAC1 was more prominent in the cortex and VPAC2 in the striatum and hippocampus. In addition we found that during early stages of postnatal development the expression of PAC1 receptor in the hippocampus was significantly higher in females than in males. No sex dependent differences in expression were observed for the VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors. In summary, differential expression of PAC1, VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors during postnatal development as well as gender dependent differences of PAC1 receptor expression in the hippocampus, will contribute to our understanding of the role of PACAP/VIP signaling system in normal brain development and function.  相似文献   
Non‐adherence to immunosuppressant medications is an important risk factor for graft dysfunction. To evaluate the effectiveness of adherence‐enhancing interventions, we reviewed adherence intervention studies in solid organ transplant recipients (all ages). Using the following databases: PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect, we identified 41 eligible studies. Only three non‐randomized trials showed a possible positive effect on objective indicators of transplant outcomes (such as rejection, liver enzyme levels, kidney function). None of the 21 RCTs showed an improvement in transplant outcomes. Three studies showed a higher rate of adverse events in the intervention group as compared with controls, although this may be related to ascertainment bias. Improvement in adherence as measured indirectly (eg, with electronic monitoring devices) was not aligned with effects on transplant outcomes. We conclude that adherence interventions, to date, have largely been ineffective in improving transplant outcomes. To improve this track record, intervention efforts may wish to concentrate on non‐adherent patients (rather than use convenience sampling, which excludes many of the patients who need the intervention), use direct measures of adherence to guide the interventions, and employ strategies that are intensive and yet engaging enough to ensure that non‐adherent patients are able to participate.  相似文献   
Ilyinskii PO  Thoidis G  Sherman MY  Shneider A 《Vaccine》2008,26(26):3223-3226
Aggregation may significantly affect the fate of a polypeptide, including its susceptibility to proteasome-dependent or autophagic degradation, its interaction with chaperones, etc. Since all these factors may affect the antigenicity of a polypeptide, we hypothesized that stimulating aggregation of an antigenic protein by its fusion to polyQ domain may enhance its antigenic potential. This hypothesis was tested with the weakly immunogenic model antigen GFP, which was fused to either long polyQ domain that triggers protein aggregation (103Q), or short polyQ domain that does not promote aggregation (25Q). Plasmids encoding control pGFP or soluble 25Q-GFP generated a very weak antibody response, while a significant increase in anti-GFP antibody titer was seen in groups immunized with DNA encoding aggregating 103Q-GFP. Similarly, fusion with 103Q strongly enhanced anti-GFP CTL activity, compared to fusion with 25Q. No apparent toxicity was observed after immunization with polyQ-GFP fusions. These data suggest that fusion of an antigen with expanded polyQ domains could have a significant adjuvant potential.  相似文献   
Three distinct forms of familial intrahepatic cholestasis are the result of mutations in the ATP8B1, ABCB11, and ABCB4 genes. The pathophysiologies of the latter 2 of these diseases are well characterized and are the result of abnormalities in canalicular excretion of bile acids and phospholipids, respectively. The molecular pathophysiology of the systemic disease associated with mutations in ATP8B1 remains unclear. In all of these diseases, wide variations in clinical phenotypes have been observed. The variability can be ascribed at least in part to predicted genotype:phenotype correlations. Disease- and genotype-specific prognoses and therapeutic approaches may exist, although much more information needs to be ascertained before clinicians can confidently make decisions based on genetic information.  相似文献   
Osorio MJ, Bonow A, Bond GJ, Rivera MR, Vaughan KG, Shah A, Shneider BL. Abernethy malformation complicated by hepatopulmonary syndrome and a liver mass successfully treated by liver transplantation.
Pediatr Transplantation 2011: 15: E149–E151. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: A seven‐yr‐old boy presented with persistent oxygen requirement following a respiratory infection. Physical exam was remarkable for orthodeoxia and digital clubbing. Laboratory evaluation showed elevated A‐a oxygen gradient of 48 mmHg and mildly elevated transaminases. Sonography showed a 13 cm multilobulated liver mass and a biopsy revealed histological findings consistent with focal nodular hyperplasia. MAA scan revealed 23% right to left shunting. Abdominal CTA and MRV demonstrated the absence of the intrahepatic portal vein with an extrahepatic portocaval shunt. Abernethy malformation is a rare anomalous intra‐ or extrahepatic communication between portal blood flow and systemic venous return. In rare cases, Abernethy malformation results in HPS. Ours is the sixth case report to describe the co‐existence of these two entities. Surgical correction of anomalous hepatic vasculature or liver transplant is imperative to restoration of lung function and also to prevent progression of possible malignant liver tumors. We describe the second patient with Abernethy and HPS who underwent liver transplant with complete resolution of HPS.  相似文献   
Taylor  GA; Fitz  CR; Miller  MK; Garin  DB; Catena  LM; Short  BL 《Radiology》1987,165(3):675-678
Findings at neuroimaging in 100 consecutive infants treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are presented. Imaging in these infants consisted of pretreatment cranial ultrasonography (US), daily US studies while on ECMO, and follow-up cranial computed tomography (CT) after treatment. There were findings of abnormalities in 43 patients. Thirty had intracranial bleeding, often of unusual extent and distribution. Thirteen additional infants had nonhemorrhagic abnormalities alone. Bleeding considered to be major was seen in 12% of infants. Large parenchymal hemorrhages and infarcts, cerebellar hemorrhages, and diffuse edema were the most significant abnormalities, with a 50% mortality (eight of 16 patients). No lateralization was noted with respect to distribution of bleeding sites or areas of nonhemorrhagic abnormalities. US was a sensitive but imperfect screening tool for intracranial abnormalities. Abnormalities missed with US included peripheral and small parenchymal lesions, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral atrophy, and sagittal sinus thrombosis.  相似文献   


High prevalence of diabetes and genetic predisposition to metabolic syndrome among Indians places Indian women at risk to develop gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and its complications. Literature defines multiple criteria for GDM. This prospective study compares available diagnostic criteria for GDM in Indian women and their correlation with perinatal morbidity.


Nine hundred and forty-eight consecutive voluntary nondiabetic pregnant women were recruited for the study. Seven hundred and twenty-three of these (mean age 23.45 years; 75.7% < 25 years) who reported for the follow-up were screened for GDM at 24–28 weeks gestation by American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ACOG) guidelines and World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting and two-hours postglucose plasma insulin levels were also analysed. Pregnancy outcome was known for 291 of these. Concordance of risk factors and perinatal complications was analysed with respect to GDM.


Prevalence of GDM at 24–28 weeks gestation was found to be 4.8% by WHO criteria, 6.36% by Carpenter and Coustan''s criteria, and 3.5% by O''Sullivan''s criteria. Prevalence was marginally higher in women of higher age, having past history of abortion or family history of diabetes mellitus (DM) (P > 0.05). None of these women had HbA1c > 6%. Relative risk of abnormal delivery (pregnancy outcome) was 1.93, 1.39, and 1.17 in women with GDM by O''Sullivan''s, WHO, and Carpenter''s criteria, respectively (P > 0.05). Abnormal deliveries were marginally higher in women with high postglucose load insulin levels. Mean weight of the newborns was essentially the same in GDM and nonGDM women by any of the criteria. One-hour and two-hours postglucose values were more sensitive in diagnosing GDM by O''Sullivan''s criteria while fasting plasma glucose value had the poorest specificity with 2.5% of nonGDM women having values above the cut-off. Modifications of these criteria did not im-prove their predictive value for abnormal delivery over that of O''Sullivan''s criteria.


Prevalence of GDM and abnormal delivery in women < 35 years of age is low. Therefore, global screening for GDM may not be very useful in women < 25 years of age unless family history of DM or past history of abortion is present. Existing evidence is inadequate to justify the switchover from O''Sullivan''s criteria for diagnosis of GDM.Key Words: Carpenter''s criteria, GDM, O''Sullivan''s criteria, WHO criteria  相似文献   
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