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目的:观察大鼠急性结肠炎症时,胃肠传输速率及其肌间神经丛形态学改变,探讨急性结肠炎大鼠肠动力障碍的机制。方法:20只大鼠分成对照组和急性结肠炎组,急性结肠炎组用乙酸灌肠制备急性结肠炎模型,第3天测定两组大鼠胃肠传输速率,并用酶组织化学方法观察结肠肌间神经丛内胆碱能和氮能神经的组织学改变。结果:急性结肠炎组大鼠胃肠传输速度明显减慢,肌间神经丛内胆碱能和氮能神经元的密度均明显降低(P〈0.05)。结论:急性结肠炎大鼠肌间神经丛内胆碱能和氮能神经元减少,可能是导致肠动力障碍的重要原因。  相似文献   
[目的]调查辽宁省某三级甲等医院2013年—2018年护理人员非酒精性脂肪肝发展趋势,分析其影响因素。[方法]采用纵向调查、回顾性队列研究对辽宁省某三级甲等医院执业护士健康队列2013年—2018年在职护理人员体检数据进行提取,探讨护理人员非酒精性脂肪肝发展趋势,分析其影响因素。[结果]2013年—2018年护理人员非酒精性脂肪肝患病率为9. 25%~16. 10%;多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄30岁、男性、体质指数(BMI)24. 0 kg/m~2、现在吸烟、睡眠质量差是护理人员非酒精性脂肪肝的独立危险因素;急诊科护理人员非酒精性脂肪肝检出率高达28. 3%。[结论]护理人员非酒精性脂肪肝患病率持续上升且发病呈年轻化趋势,应制定综合干预方法以降低护理人员非酒精性脂肪肝患病率。  相似文献   
胎盘早剥漏诊原因分析   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
目的 了解不典型胎盘早剥产前漏诊的原因。 方法 用回顾性分析方法对10 年间胎盘早剥产前未确诊的213 例( 观察组) 进行分析,并与同期产前确诊为胎盘早剥的169 例(对照组)比较。 结果 观察组发病诱因以催产素等方法引产或催产为最多,临床表现主要为产程中胎心率或胎心监护异常,早剥面积及总出血量均明显低于对照组,总产程< 5 小时为103 例占51-76 % ,围产儿死亡率110-6 ‰,其中死产及新生儿死亡15 例(7-54 % )。 结论 催产素使用不当是胎盘早剥的诱因,症状不典型、产程活跃期进展过快是早剥漏诊的主要原因,对围产儿仍有较大影响  相似文献   
妊娠期口服葡萄糖负荷试验合理血糖界值的探讨   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
目的 探讨目前适合我国卫生经济条件的妊娠期葡萄糖负荷试验(GCT)的筛查界值.方法 资料来源于2006年4月1日至2006年9月30日在全国18个城市25家医院保健并进行首次50 g GCT的16 286例孕妇,对其GCT结果进行统计和分析.结果 以NDDG标准诊断妊娠期糖尿病(GDM),50 g GCT的界值选取7.2 mmol/L时的敏感度和特异度分别为98.2%和59.0%,选取7.8 mmol/L时分别为96.0%和73.0%,选取8.3 mmol/L时分别为90.2%和81.5%;以ADA标准诊断GDM,选取GCT界值为7.2 mmol/L时敏感度为97.9%,特异度为60.4%;选取7.8 mmol/L时分别为96.2%和74.7%;而选取8.3 mmol/L则分别为87.0%和83.1%.以NDDG标准诊断妊娠期糖代谢异常(包括GDM及妊娠期糖耐量受损),选取7.2 mmol/L时敏感度和特异度分别为97.7%和61.4%,选取7.8 mmol/L时分别为95.4%和75.8%,选取8.3 mmol/L时分别为84.9%和84.1%.结论 据我国目前的卫生经济情况,以7.8 mmol/L作为50 g GCT的界值是合理的.  相似文献   
Objective To discuss the clinical value of fetal fibronectin (fFN) and cervical length in predicting preterm birth. Methods Totally, 511 pregnant women at 22-35 weeks of gestations were enrolled from Dec. 2006 to Dec. 2007 at 4 tertiary hospitals in Beijing, and all with either symptoms or high risk factors of preterm birth, but without preterm premature rupture of membrane or vaginal bleeding. Cervical fFN were determined and cervical length of each subjects were measured by ultrasound. The pregnancy outcomes were compared. Results The sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value (NPV) of fFN in predicting preterm birth within 7 d were 77.4%, 69.4% and 97. 9%, respectively; and 70.5%, 70.0% and 96.2% for deliveries within 34 weeks. The above figures changed to 54.8%, 66.3%, 95.8% for deliveries within 7 d and 59.1%, 67.2%, 94.6% for those within 34 weeks, respectively, when cervical length ≤3 cm was applied to predict preterm birth. When fFN and cervical length were combined, the sensitivity, specificity and NPV were 51.6%, 87.1%, 96.5% for deliveries within 7 d, and 45.5%, 87.60/00, 94.5% for those within 34 weeks, respectively. Conclusions FFN has higher NPV and specificity than cervical length in predicting preterm birth within 7 d and 34 weeks, and the positive predictive value and specificity can be improved when combined with cervical length.  相似文献   
庞媛媛  范玲 《护理研究》2014,(29):3585-3590
介绍了护理安全现状及信息化护理安全管理研究进展,并指出构建区域协同信息化护理安全管理系统是未来信息化护理安全管理的必然趋势。  相似文献   
阐述了早产儿不同穿刺部位PICC 体表定位方法,PICC 导管尖端定位的技术方法及导管尖端位置与并发症的关系。导管尖端最适宜位置存在争议,导管尖端位置与新生儿体位、手臂姿势的变化有一定关系,随着新生儿身长体重的变化而不断变化,需要医务人员深入研究。  相似文献   
范玲  严秀梅  沈芸 《护理研究》2007,21(12):1069-1070
糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)是由于胰岛素缺乏所引起的以高血糖、高酮血症和代谢性酸中毒为主要生化改变的临床综合征,是糖尿病常见的急性并发症,严重地威胁着病人的生命健康[1]。胰岛素泵是目前世界上对糖尿病病人进行强化治疗的先进手段。我院自2003年以来用胰岛素泵治疗DKA病人31  相似文献   
Objective To discuss the clinical value of fetal fibronectin (fFN) and cervical length in predicting preterm birth. Methods Totally, 511 pregnant women at 22-35 weeks of gestations were enrolled from Dec. 2006 to Dec. 2007 at 4 tertiary hospitals in Beijing, and all with either symptoms or high risk factors of preterm birth, but without preterm premature rupture of membrane or vaginal bleeding. Cervical fFN were determined and cervical length of each subjects were measured by ultrasound. The pregnancy outcomes were compared. Results The sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value (NPV) of fFN in predicting preterm birth within 7 d were 77.4%, 69.4% and 97. 9%, respectively; and 70.5%, 70.0% and 96.2% for deliveries within 34 weeks. The above figures changed to 54.8%, 66.3%, 95.8% for deliveries within 7 d and 59.1%, 67.2%, 94.6% for those within 34 weeks, respectively, when cervical length ≤3 cm was applied to predict preterm birth. When fFN and cervical length were combined, the sensitivity, specificity and NPV were 51.6%, 87.1%, 96.5% for deliveries within 7 d, and 45.5%, 87.60/00, 94.5% for those within 34 weeks, respectively. Conclusions FFN has higher NPV and specificity than cervical length in predicting preterm birth within 7 d and 34 weeks, and the positive predictive value and specificity can be improved when combined with cervical length.  相似文献   
<正>本研究探讨GT-4A分娩镇痛工作站联合系统的产时健康教育分娩镇痛模式的临床效果,以期寻找一种安全、简便、有效的产时分娩镇痛模式。1资料与方法1.1研究对象:选择2005年9月至2007年6月在我院住  相似文献   
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