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Urinary infection due to urea splitting bacteria leads to a rise in urinary pH, favouring the precipitation of calcium salts and struvita crystals. If deposited on the surface of a bladder with chronic inflammation or some other previous lesion, may produce an alkaline encrusted cystitis, now a rare condition. In the case here presented, occurred in a 69-year-old male. Corynebacterium urealyticum grown in the urine, and some foci of malakoplakia were found in the area of encrustation endoscopically excised. This case seems to be the third example of alkaline encrusted cystitis associated with malakoplakia reported in the bibliography. These two conditions share similar clinical signs and may probably have a common aetiopathogenesis.  相似文献   
Study of 165 patients with prostate adenocarcinoma who underwent radical prostatectomy using a retropubic approach. Mean PSA is 19 ng/ml, mean age 63 years and median follow-up 26 months. 22 patients (13.2%) reported complications during the first month post-surgery, primarily urinary fistula of more than 5 days long in 5 patients and rectal injury in 3.49 patients (29%) reported complications after the first month, mainly urinary incontinence in 26 cases and stenosis of the urethrovesical juncture in 15. The group with early complications showed no significant differences compared to those who had none, neither in PSA (p = 0.3) or a worse pathological stage (p = 0.1), and no evidence is shown in terms of biochemical progression or in disease free progression (p = 1). Patients with urethrovesical juncture stenosis have higher mean PSA (p = 0.01), greater biochemical progression (p = 0.006), worse Gleason (p = 0.03 = and worse progression free survival (p = 0.01). Patients with stress incontinence showed no differences compared to the other groups relative to the studied factors.  相似文献   
Presentation of eight cases of urinary candidiasis in patients who underwent radical cystectomy and were managed using by-pass of the urinary tract, oral antifungal therapy and solutions in the way of intermittent instillation through nephrostomy catheters.  相似文献   
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