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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the significance of diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for postoperative major morbidity and mortality after surgery for critical lower limb ischemia (CLI). SUBJECTS: A national vascular registry (Finnvasc)-based survey included 5709 operations for CLI from 1991 through 1999. Of these operations, 2508 (44%) were performed on diabetics. Tissue loss was the indication for surgery in 77% of diabetics and in 52% of nondiabetics. The proportion of femorodistal bypasses was 43% in diabetics and 24% in nondiabetics, whereas the proportion of reconstructions for aortofemoral arterial occlusive disease was 16% in diabetics and 34% in nondiabetics. RESULTS: Thirty-day mortality was 4.5% in diabetics and 3.4% in nondiabetics ( P = .05). The rate for early below-knee amputation was 6.5% in diabetics and 3.3% in nondiabetics ( P < .001). Independent factors for postoperative death were aortofemoral reconstruction (odds ratio [OR], 4.0), preoperative cardiac risk factor (OR, 3.1), primary surgery (OR, 2.0), renal insufficiency (OR, 1.9), urgent surgery (OR, 1.7), and age (OR, 1.3). Diabetes was an independent risk factor for postoperative below-knee amputation (OR, 1.7), cardiac complications (OR, 1.5), and superficial wound infection (OR, 1.3). There was an inverse association between diabetes and acute graft occlusion (OR, 0.8). Independent risk factors for early postoperative mortality in diabetes were aortofemoral reconstruction (OR, 2.5), urgent surgery (OR, 2.0), male gender (OR, 2.0), renal insufficiency (OR, 1.9), cardiac risk factor (OR, 1.7), and age (OR, 1.4). In nondiabetics independent risk factors for early postoperative mortality were aortofemoral reconstruction (OR, 4.5), cardiac risk factor (OR, 3.6), primary surgery (OR, 2.6), and extra-anatomic bypass (OR, 2.3). CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes was not an independent risk factor for early postoperative mortality in CLI as there was an increased morbidity in diabetics associated with old age, male gender, known coronary artery disease, and renal insufficiency, as well as urgent surgery. As diabetics have increased proclivity for these factors, special attention needs to be paid to their preoperative assessments.  相似文献   
Morbidity and mortality in elderly trauma patients   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
BACKGROUND: Despite an increasing incidence, relatively few studies have examined the factors that predict morbidity and mortality in older patients and several reports have found standard predictors such as the Injury Severity Score to be less useful in this patient population. Similarly, the effect of skeletal injury has not been examined with regard to complications and mortality. The purpose of this study was to review a large multicenter experience with elderly trauma patients to isolate factors that might predict morbidity and mortality. The potential effect of skeletal long-bone injury was of particular interest. METHODS: The charts of all patients older than 60 years who were admitted to one of four Level I trauma centers after sustaining blunt trauma were reviewed. Mechanisms of injury included in the study were motor vehicle crash, pedestrian struck, fall from a height, and crush injury. Slip-and-fall injuries were excluded. A total of 326 patients met inclusion criteria. Variables studied included age, sex, mechanism of injury, Injury Severity Score (ISS), Revised Trauma Score, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, blood transfusion, fluid resuscitation, surgery performed (laparotomy, long-bone fracture stabilization, both), and timing of surgery. Outcome variables measured included incidence of adult respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, sepsis, myocardial infarction, deep venous thromboembolism, gastrointestinal complications, and death. chi2, logistic regression, t test, and nonparametric analyses were done as appropriate for the type of variable. RESULTS: The average age of the patients was 72.2+/-8 years. Overall, 59 patients (18.1%) died, of whom 52 of 59 survived at least 24 hours. Statistical significance for continuous variables (p < 0.05) using univariate analysis was reached for the following factors for the patients who died: higher ISS (33.1 vs. 16.4), lower GCS score (11.5 vs. 13.9), greater transfusion requirement (10.9 vs. 2.9 U), and more fluid infused (12.4 vs. 4.9 L). Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the factors that predicted mortality. They included (odds ratios and p values in parentheses) transfusion (1.11, p = 0.01), ISS (1.04, p = 0.008), GCS score (0.87, p = 0.007), and fluid requirement (1.06, p = 0.06). Regarding surgery, orthopedic surgery alone had an odds ratio of 0.53, indicating that orthopedic patients was less likely to die than patients who did not undergo any surgery. Patients who underwent only a general surgical procedure were 2.5 times more likely to die (p = 0.03) and patients who underwent both general and orthopedic procedures were 1.5 times more likely to die (p = 0.32) than patients who did not require surgery. Early (< or =24 hours) versus late (>24 hours) surgery for bony stabilization did not have a statistical effect on mortality (11% early vs. 18% late). Two patients in need of bony stabilization, however, died before these procedures were performed. With regard to complications, regression analysis revealed that ISS predicted adult respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, sepsis, and gastrointestinal complications; fluid transfusion predicted myocardial infusion; and need for surgery and transfusion requirements predicted sepsis. These complications, in turn, were significant risk factors for mortality. This large series of elderly patients demonstrates that mortality correlates closely with ISS and is influenced by blood and fluid requirements and by GCS score. The institution-specific mortality was the same when adjusted for ISS. The need for orthopedic surgery and the timing of the surgery was not a risk factor for systemic complications or mortality in this series. CONCLUSION: Mortality is predicted by ISS and by complications in older patients. Seventy-seven percent of the orthopedic injuries were stabilized early, but the timing of surgery did not have any statistical effect on the incidence of complications or mortality. (ABSTRACT TRUNCA  相似文献   
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in adults with hearing impairment in Finland before and after hearing rehabilitation. Design: The study was prospective with hearing-aid rehabilitation as the intervention. The data was collected, using the 15D instrument, before and six months after hearing-aid rehabilitation. The data was analysed using t-tests and multiple linear regression methods. Study sample: The study sample included 949 adults with hearing impairment, and the control group included a sample of age- and gender-standardized general population. Results: The study population had significantly poorer HRQoL on most dimensions of the 15D when compared to the control group both before and after hearing-aid rehabilitation. Hearing-aid rehabilitation resulted in improved mean scores on the dimensions of hearing and in the overall 15D score that were statistically significant, although the mean improvement in the overall score was marginal. Self-reported hearing ability can better predict the change in HRQoL, as a result of a hearing aid, when compared with measured hearing sensitivity. Conclusions: The study supports the hypothesis that on average, use of a unilateral hearing aid results in improved subjective hearing and marginal improvement in HRQoL in adults with hearing impairment.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND. In the fall of 1986 the North Karelia Project in cooperation with Finnish TV 2 arranged an eight-part nationwide smoking cessation TV program. The Project, also arranged a smoking cessation contest coinciding with the TV program in cooperation with four major voluntary public health organizations and the national health service. The TV program featured two studio groups of local volunteers: one from Turku (southwestern Finland) and the other from North Karelia, where there was more intensive community support for the activity. RESULTS: Based on a national survey of a representative population sample, the reported viewing rates (at least one part) of the working-age population (15-64 years, smokers and nonsmokers) were 64% in North Karelia, 45% in Turku, and 46% nationally (P less than 0.001). Among smokers who had watched at least one session of the TV program, 7.7% reported to have tried to quit smoking in North Karelia, 4.1% in Turku, and 7.5% nationally. Altogether, 16,089 smokers participated in the contest; again the highest participation rate was in North Karelia. The 6-month success rate among the smokers who participated in the contest was 22% in North Karelia, 18% in Turku, and 17% nationally (P less than 0.05). Men were more likely to succeed in quitting: among men the 6-month success rate was 22% and among women 15% (P less than 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results and experiences indicate high viewing and participation and a beneficial cost-effect ratio. They also stress the importance of community support activities in enhancing the effects of a media-based health promotion program.  相似文献   
We conducted a randomised study to compare vaginal self-sampling with assisted sampling by medical personnel on the cervix for HPV testing in primary screening. The first aim was to determine if the HPV prevalence is independent of sampling location (vagina versus cervix) and the person performing the sampling. The second aim was to evaluate if the two sampling strategies differed in the detection rate of CIN2+. In total, 19,523 women were randomised into two groups, with 9926 invited to perform self-sampling (SS arm) using the Rover VIBA-brush and 9597 offered assisted sampling using the cytobrush (AS arm). All samples were applied to the indicating FTA elute card and analysed for high-risk HPV using the hpVIR real-time PCR assay. The outcome for the first aim was HPV prevalence and for the second aim the number of CIN2+ based on histology. In the SS arm, 52.7% of invited women participated in the study, as compared to 34.2% in the AS arm. All samples contained sufficient amount of nuclear DNA for a valid HPV result, with vaginal samples having a higher DNA amount than cervical samples (p < 4.62 × 10−11). HPV prevalence was 4.6% in the SS arm and 4.1% in the AS arm (p = 5.5 × 10−2), and the distribution of HPV types similar between arms. There was no difference in the prevalence of CIN2+ per 1000 women screened between arms (p = 0.86). The results show that vaginal self-sampling is an equivalent alternative to sampling by medical personnel for HPV typing and identification of CIN2+.  相似文献   
Chronic cutaneous wound infections and surgical site infections (SSIs) present a huge burden on the healthcare system and can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. Current diagnostic methods of identifying and confirming infection involve culture‐based and molecular methods. Both techniques are time‐consuming and delays commonly lead to untargeted empirical treatment. An ideal diagnostic method would be noninvasive and highly sensitive and detect pathogenic organisms with a high degree of accuracy to allow targeted treatment. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a diverse group of carbon‐based molecules produced and released by humans and microorganisms. VOC detection has the potential in aiding cutaneous wound infection diagnostics using noninvasive and time‐efficient methods. This review provides a comprehensive update on VOCs produced and emitted by bacteria commonly associated with chronic wounds and SSIs. VOC sampling has the advantage of being painless, time‐efficient, noninvasive, and reproducible. VOCs emitted by these organisms are diverse. In vitro studies have identified potential signature volatile profiles, which can be used in detecting these microorganisms. Combining these profiles with volatile profiles emitted from acute, chronic and surgical wounds in vivo could potentially allow identification of bacterial‐specific VOCs. VOC detection has the potential for a relatively inexpensive, portable, noninvasive, and reliable clinical diagnostic tool, which could be used in detecting cutaneous wound infections and guiding their optimal management.  相似文献   
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