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Sedation of children undergoing painful procedures in the emergency department provides a challenge to emergency department medical staff. Factors requiring consideratioii include the procedure to be performed, the pharmacology of the agents chosen and the support framework provided within individual hospitals for the after-care of sedated children. This paper presents the findings of a questionnaire sent to emergency departments accredited for advanced paediatric emergency registrar training in Australia and New Zealand in July 1996, to assess current sedation practices.  相似文献   
Transient acantholytic dermatosis is a self-limiting benign disease. It is characterized by multiple pruritic erythematous papules and papulovesicles found predominantly on the trunk and extremities. This primary acantholytic dermatosis affects individuals older than 40 years. We present a case study of an individual who received a regimen of isotretinoin (Accutane) for treatment of severe pruritus after conventional forms of therapy failed to alleviate his condition and abate the formation of new lesions.  相似文献   
The neck   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes the clinical and imaging roles of MR with respect to the following: neck masses of known or uncertain etiology; staging of cervical metastatic disease; thyroid and parathyroid; and evaluation of the thoracic inlet. Pertinent normal anatomy is highlighted when appropriate.  相似文献   
Evidence accumulating from a variety of methodological approaches suggests that unusual laterality is often a concomitant feature of emotional pathology. In the present study both torque and a multifaceted measure of laterality were examined with respect to personality variables measured by the 16 PF in a normal population. Interestingly, a pattern of emotionality for subjects with a more confused laterality was revealed in a normal population which is notably similar to reported aberrant personality factors and laterality in more pathological groups. The existence of a cohesive continuum of emotional expression in relation to confused laterality is suggested. In addition, both torque and the multifactored measure of laterality are critiqued as research measures and for their clinical potential.  相似文献   
Summary Rhesus monkeys were trained to discriminate successively presented hues. The smallest difference they could reliably detect was determined before and after either inferotemporal ablation, or a lesion intended to remove as much as possible of prestriate area V4 (Zeki, 1973).As a group, the animals with lesions of V4 showed good but not perfect retention of their preoperative performance, and their thresholds were unaltered. The inferotemporal group showed no retention of the simplest successive task, red versus green, but after relearning their thresholds too were unaltered. It appears that animals without inferotemporal cortex can form precise internal representations of hues, and that the basis of the inferotemporal learning impairment may depend upon the nature of the stimuli to be discriminated.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Many U.S. medical schools have abandoned affirmative action, limiting the recruitment and reducing the admission of underrepresented minority (URM) students even though research supports the premise that the public benefits from an increase in URM physicians and that URM physicians are likely to serve minority, poor, and Medicaid populations. Faculty and students commonly assume they benefit from peer cultural exchange, and the published evidence for the past two decades supports this notion. This research examined the students' perceptions of the educational merits of a diverse student body by surveying medical students at two schools. METHOD: In 2000, medical students from all four years at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine were enrolled in a telephone survey about the relevance of racial diversity (among students) in their medical education. Students responded to the interviewer's questions on a five-point Likert-type scale. RESULTS: Of the 55% of students who could be located, 97% responded to the survey. Students reported having little intercultural contact during their formative years but significantly more interactions during higher education years, especially in medical school. Students reported contacts with diverse peers greatly enhanced their educational experience. They strongly supported strengthening or maintaining current affirmative action policies in admissions. The responses and demography of the Harvard and UCSF students did not differ significantly, nor did they differ for majority students and URM students-all groups overwhelmingly thought that racial and ethnic diversity among their peers enhanced their education. CONCLUSIONS: Diversity in the student body enhanced the educational experiences of students in two U.S. medical schools.  相似文献   
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