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高血压病为临床最常见的慢性病,余尚贞根据多年临床经验辨证,结合开、阖、枢理论,以太阴阳明升降不和为病机,从太阴阳明入手论治高血压病,结合五运六气选方六戊年麦门冬汤,临床治疗多例,疗效甚佳。开、阖、枢理论源于内经,是对人体三阴三阳经生理功能、病理特点及其相互关系的概括,我们可从中窥得开、阖、枢理论之部分面貌,比如对太阴、阳明经的了解,并拓展中医在治疗高血压病方面的治疗思路。  相似文献   
Background: The bariatric patient exists in dynamic relationship with family members and friends who have considerable influence upon the patient and his or her surgical outcome. When family members and friends behave as intimate saboteurs, they attempt to hamper, hurt, or subvert the bariatric patient's goal of achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Successful or not, intimate saboteurs provide significant treatment challenges for the patient and the treatment team. Methods and Patients: Patient profiles provide examples of intimate sabotage. The psychological construct of Family Systems Theory is used as a plausible explanation for the sabotage of friends and family. Conclusions: Multidisciplinary professionals treating the bariatric patient must be aware of the critical influence of intimate saboteurs and the tactics they use to sabotage. Treatment guidelines recommended by Family Systems Theory are presented as strategies to mitigate the influence of intimate saboteurs.  相似文献   
无线网络技术在医学仪器中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍无线网络技术的原理、特点及其在医学仪器中的应用.  相似文献   
生物安全柜原理及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当前实验室在使用生物安全柜中发现的问题和认识上存在的误区,从生物安全柜的原理、如何正确使用生物安全柜等问题进行叙述.由此证明生物安全柜就其设计原理而言都能保护环境.而正确使用生物安全柜可以有效减少由于气溶胶暴露所造成的实验室感染以及培养物交叉污染.确保其操作者本人、实验室环境以及实验材料的安全.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to identify the striated muscle forces hypothesized to assist bladder neck opening and closure in females. Cadaveric dissection was used to identify the levator plate (LP), the anterior portion of pubococcygeus muscle (PCM), the longitudinal muscle of the anus (LMA), and their relation to the bladder, vagina and rectum. X-ray video recordings were made during coughing, straining, squeezing and micturition in a group of 20 incontinent patients and 4 controls, along with surface EMG, urethral pressure and digital palpation studies. During effort, urethral closure appeared to be activated by a forward muscle force corresponding to PCM, and bladder neck closure by backward muscle forces corresponding to LP and LMA. During micturition the PCM force appeared to relax, allowing LP and LMA to pull open the outflow tract. The data appear to support the hypothesis of specific directional muscle forces stretching the vagina to assist bladder neck opening and closure.  相似文献   
Research on the neurobiology of learning and memory has been guided by two major theories: (i) memory as a psychological process and (ii) memory as a change in synaptic neural connectivity. It is not widely recognised that not only are these theories different but, moreover, they are fundamentally incompatible. Confusion concerning basic concepts in the learning and memory field in mammals has lead to the creation of an extensive but often inconclusive experimental literature. However, one important conclusion suggested by recent work in this field is that experience-dependent changes in neural connectivity occur in many different brain systems. Particular brain structures, such as the hippocampus, do not play any uniquely important role in experience-dependent behavior. Research in learning and memory can be best pursued on the basis of biological studies of animal behavior and a cellular approach to brain function.  相似文献   
借用非平衡热力学理论,分析自然界水火运动的规律,得出结论——阴阳交感过程是熵减少过程,阴阳反作过程是熵增加过程;机体的许多阴阳变化也遵循同一规律。并在此基础上论证了新陈代谢过程是机体从外界输入负熵以抵消体内正熵产生的过程,从而推知阴阳交感现象发生的原因是新陈代谢。  相似文献   
目的探讨移动医疗APP服务质量各维度与用户满意度的关系,提出针对性建议,为提高移动医疗APP服务质量提供参考。方法根据更新的信息系统成功理论(UDMISS),结合移动医疗服务质量模型,建立了移动医疗服务质量与用户满意度关系模型。通过问卷调查,使用PLS-SEM法对模型及假设进行验证。结果移动医疗APP系统质量中的可靠性、效率性、隐私性以及信息质量中的功利效益对用户使用满意度有积极影响,而交互质量对用户使用满意度影响不显著。结论重视应用便利性和患者隐私保护,提高移动医疗APP系统质量;提供个性化服务和心理咨询服务,提高移动医疗APP交互针对性;在确保移动医疗APP信息质量的同时提供适度信息数量,以改善患者使用体验。  相似文献   
目的 为引导农村妇女合理有序就医,本文基于计划行为理论框架探索其就医选择行为的影响因素。方法 运用2018年中国家庭追踪调查数据,采用二元Probit回归、Bootstrap抽样方法对农村妇女就医选择行为的影响因素进行研究。结果 农村妇女的就医选择行为受到其主观态度、结构性因素和知觉行为控制因素的正向影响(β = 0.403,0.388,0.096,P<0.05),医疗自付费用支出在农村妇女主观态度及其就医选择行为间起部分中介作用(β = 0.135,95%CI: 0.026~0.054)。 结论 农村妇女就医选择行为受到主观态度、结构性因素和知觉行为控制因素的影响,应加大健康教育宣传力度;合理统筹医联体医保政策;夯实农村基层首诊制度,推进基层医院家庭医生签约服务,提升农村基层医疗卫生服务利用效率,对农村妇女就医选择行为进行有针对性的干预。  相似文献   
中医学认为,气血失和,百病丛生,气血是构成人体和维持其生命活动的物质基础。现基于气血理论探讨中医治疗肺系疾病的辨治思路,认为肺系疾病的发病与气血关系密切,系因机体气血功能异常,加之外邪侵袭,导致“肺气虚弱,肺虚络瘀,肺热瘀阻,热壅血瘀”,总结出主要病机是“气血亏虚为本,痰热瘀阻为标”,治疗上应以“调和阴阳、理顺气血”为主要原则,临床上辨证应用“补肺理气、养血活血、化痰逐瘀、清肺热、利肺气、止咳平喘、凉血”之法,为临床从气血角度论治肺系疾病提供新思路。  相似文献   
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