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By convention, establishing a physiologic role for a gut peptide requires demonstration of biologic activity that can be reproduced by exogenous administration of the peptide in amounts that yield plasma concentrations that are not higher than those found after a meal. We have tested the hypothesis that the combined action of two inhibitory peptides may lower the effective doses of each. We further hypothesize that combined peptide responses may be responsible for the action of peptide hormones that have been difficult to demonstrate as physiologically relevant mediators, when examined as independently acting substances. In conscious dogs prepared with chronic pancreatic cannulas, stimulated pancreatic exocrine secretions were depressed in a dose-related manner by intravenous infusions of calcitonin (CT) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Doses of 2.0 nmol/kg/hr of both CT and CGRP yielded maximal inhibition of stimulated secretions of both bicarbonate (greater than 85% inhibition) and protein (greater than 55% inhibition). The lowest effective dose for either CT or CGRP, given alone, was 0.75 nmol/kg/hr, but when infused simultaneously, each at the subthreshold dose of 0.50 nmol/kg/hr, significant inhibition of protein and bicarbonate secretion was achieved. Combined infusions of the submaximal dose of 0.75 nmol/kg/hr resulted in an enhanced inhibitory response. To prove that this effect is not simply combined activation of a common receptor, we tested peptide YY (0.1 to 0.5 nmol/kg/hr) combined with CGRP and obtained similar results. Because a meal simultaneously releases a large number of active peptides, we speculate that such potentiated responses do occur physiologically. Cooperative interaction with other agents may be the primary mode of action for certain gut peptides.  相似文献   
1. The present study aimed to determine the feasibility of conducting a 5 year cardiovascular outcome trial of the treatment of 6000 elderly hypertensive patients in Australian general practices. 2. General practitioners (GPs) were invited to participate by mail and personal follow-up. Patient records were reviewed to identify subjects for a blood pressure (BP) screening programme. Blood pressure was measured on three occasions and eligible subjects were included if the average BP was 160 mmHg systolic or 90 mmHg diastolic if systolic BP was 140 mmHg. 3. Seven hundred and forty-one GPs were approached and 89 were enrolled in the study (12% of mail invites and 75% of those receiving a personal contact). In 16 practices where screening was completed, 82 000 records were reviewed to identify 4% patients eligible for screening. Twenty-two per cent of eligible subjects attended screening. Of 1938 subjects screened, 180 (9%) had BP 5=160/90 mmHg. Forty-seven percent of subjects (n = 916) were receiving antihypertensive therapy and 184 (20%) were withdrawn from therapy. One hundred and sixteen (63%) of these subjects had BP return to study entry levels within 6 weeks. Fifty-seven newly diagnosed and 81 previously treated subjects were randomized (7% of the screened population). 4. Based on the high participation rate of GPs, the response rate of patients to attend a BP screening programme and the 7% randomization to screening ratio for entry into the study, the ANBP2 pilot study has demonstrated that it is feasible to recruit subjects from Australian general practices to a cardiovascular outcome trial.  相似文献   
Akathisia as a side-effect of metoclopramide has received increasing attention in consultation-liaison psychiatry in recent years. A case of metoclopramide-induced akathisia resulting in a suicide attempt is reported in order to highlight the suffering of such patients and the factors that lead to misdiagnosis.  相似文献   
It is known that using seatbelts reduces the incidence and severity of closed head injury CHI from motor vehicle crashes. One would expect unrestrained occupants in motor vehicle crashes to suffer more severe CHIs than restrained occupants, as reflected by Glasgow Coma Scale GCS scores. One might also expect an increased risk of focal injury due to contact forces in unrestrained occupants. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that failure to use seatbelts results in increased severity of neuropsychological sequelae, even with GCS controlled. We also examined the impact of demo graphic variables on seatbelt use. Subjects included patients admitted to a hospital trauma service who were suspected of having suffered CHI. All patients completed neuropsychological testing, which was entered into a data base along with demographic and clinical information. People who had docu mented use of seatbelt restraints were compared with those who were unrestrained. Results confirmed that certain demographic variables are associated with the use of seatbelts. Results also suggested that failure to use seatbelt restraints is associated with more severe impairment on tests that are sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction.  相似文献   
Seventeen consecutive patients were referred for management of empyema between April 1991 and March 1992. Fourteen patients defined as having an 'early' empyema were initially treated by videothoracoscopy. The other three patients, defined as having a 'late' empyema proceeded directly to thoracotomy. Videothoracoscopy was successful in 10 out of the 14 patients. The mean postoperative stay was 7.8 days. At a mean follow-up at 16.7 months, these patients were rendered apyrexial with full lung expansion and no residual pleural collection. The postoperative results were at least equivalent to other conventional forms of treatment without an undue level of complications. In this series, thoracoscopy was found to be successful when symptoms had been present up to 31 days before presentation at the first hospital, and the mean length of treatment before referral to Harefield was 47 days. It is now our policy to videothoracoscope all patients with empyema thoracis, regardless of the length of referral. It may circumvent the need for a thoracotomy, it does not add any increased risk of complications, and does not appreciably increase the length of hospital stay should thoracotomy ultimately be required.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to examine the release of insulin from cultured islet cells, taken from the pancreas of newborn and adult rats, in response to gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and pancreastatin. GIP (10(-9)-10(-7) M) potentiated glucose-stimulated release of insulin in a dose-dependent fashion from both newborn and adult islet cells. CCK-8 (greater than 10(-8) M) also increased glucose-stimulated release of insulin from newborn islet cells, however its effect was not significant and not as strong as that observed with adult islet cells. Culture of newborn islet cells for 3 weeks with media containing high concentrations of glucose (16.7 mM) enhanced insulin release in response to CCK-8. CGRP did not affect the release of insulin from newborn islet cells, whereas at 10(-10) M, it reduced the release of insulin from adult islet cells by 66 +/- 4%. Pancreastatin (10(-9)-10(-8) M) did not affect the release of insulin from newborn islet cells when cells were incubated with 4.2 mM glucose, whereas it stimulated the release of insulin from adult islet cells in a dose-dependent fashion. When incubated with 16.7 mM glucose, pancreastatin inhibited the release of insulin from both newborn and adult islet cells. These results indicate that newborn islet cells experience developmental changes which render them responsive to enteric peptides.  相似文献   
Gold weight implants have been used for over 30 years in the setting of eyelid rehabilitation following facial nerve paralysis; however, there has been a renewed interest by ophthalmologists in this reanimation technique in recent years. This article reviews the history of gold weight eyelid implantation and presents the results of gold weight eyelid implantation over a 15-month period in 23 patients. A 92% success rate was obtained (average follow-up, 12 months). Surgical technique and indications are discussed along with postoperative complications.  相似文献   
Seven days or more of inadequate oral intake (IOI) inevitably results in a deterioration in nutritional status. Despite this well-known fact, little information is available as to the frequency with which such periods of IOI occur in clinical practice. This study results from an audit of IOI in a gastroenterological unit over a 6-month period. The results demonstrate that 17% of patients sustained significant periods of IOI of 7 days or longer. This has important implications with regard to the provision of adjuvant nutritional support.  相似文献   
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