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Studying the mechanisms of molecular interactions in developing tissues demands sensitive molecular biological in vivo and in vitro techniques. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) allows for the isolation of mRNA in histological sections even from single cells, thus enabling the identification of in vivo gene expression products in closely circumscribed tissue areas. The aims of this study were to assess the optimal fixation, processing, and staining conditions to retrieve RNA from microdissected odontoblasts. Fluorometric assays and RT-PCR analysis of alpha 1(I) collagen, dentin sialophosphoprotein (Dspp), and osteocalcin (OC) confirmed that the total RNA isolated from day 0 and day 3 captured odontoblasts was sufficient in quantity and quality. Our results indicate that individual odontoblasts obtained by LCM are morphologically intact and chemically unaltered, allowing accurate molecular and biochemical analyses.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that during high periods of carbon monoxide (CO) pollution, persons with acute cardiovascular disease would be adversely affected, we have studied case fatality rates for patients admitted with myocardial infarction (Ml) to 35 Los Angeles hospitals during 1958. The results indicate that there is an increased Ml case fatality rate in “high”-pollution areas and that this difference is only evident during periods of relatively increased CO pollution.

At the present time, our interpretation of these findings is that an association could exist between ME case fatality rate and atmospheric CO pollution but we cannot draw any firm conclusions about causality at this time.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is considered a subtype of adenocarcinoma of the lung, without pleural, stromal or vascular invasion (World Health Organization (WHO) classification). Previous reports had demonstrated a better prognosis following surgery for patients affected by early stage BAC than those affected by other type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We aim to analyse differences between stage I peripheral nodular BAC and stage I peripheral adenocarcinoma of the lung, METHODS: From January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1999, 1158 patients were submitted to surgical resection for NSCLC. Out of them, 28 patients (2.4%) resulted affected by stage I peripheral pure BAC and 80 (6.9%) by stage I peripheral adenocarcinoma. We made a comparison between these two groups. RESULTS: The percentage of females in BAC patients was similar to that registered in adenocarcinoma patients (21.4 vs. 17.5%). No differences were detected between smokers in BAC and adenocarcinoma patients (P=0.331). The upper lobes were the most common sites of the primary tumour in both tumour subtypes (71.4 vs. 67.5%). Relapse of disease was less frequent in BAC than in adenocarcinoma patients (14.2 vs. 33.7%); recurrent disease developed intrathoracic with higher frequency in BAC patients (75 vs. 33.3%). Both 5-year disease-free and long-term survival were significantly higher in patients affected by BAC (81 vs. 51% and 86 vs. 71%, respectively) (P<0.05); when analysis is performed by dividing stage IA from IB tumours, BAC patients resulted to have higher DFS (stage IA, 93 vs. 58% - P=0.044; stage IB, 61 vs. 32.5%) and higher long-term survival (stage IA, 92 vs. 79%; stage IB, 75 vs. 56%). CONCLUSION: Patients with stage I pure BAC have significantly longer disease-free and overall survival than those with similar stage adenocarcinoma. Even if classified as subtype of adenocarcinoma, BAC is characterised by clinical behaviour less aggressive than similar stage adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   
BackgroundMany comprehensive bariatric surgery programs have implemented preoperative behavioral interventions for patients presenting with problematic eating behaviors in an effort to enhance postoperative weight loss and improve psychosocial adjustment. However, it is unknown whether these interventions are best delivered pre- or postoperatively. The purpose of this study was to determine when bariatric surgery patients are most receptive to a behavioral intervention, before or after surgery.MethodsA total of 32 pre- and postoperative patients were referred to a 10-week intervention designed to reduce eating behaviors associated with postoperative weight gain (e.g., loss of control while eating, grazing). The sample was 78.1% female and 84.4% white, with an average age of 49.43 ± 9.13 years and a body mass index of 44.22 ± 6.48 kg/m2. Of the 32 patients, 21 were referred preoperatively and 11 were referred postoperatively (5.63 ± 2.91 months after surgery). These patients were tracked prospectively to determine whether pre- or postoperative patients were more likely to attend and complete the behavioral intervention.ResultsCompared with the preoperative patients, the postoperative patients were more likely to follow-up with their referral and initiate treatment [χ2(1) = 10.06, P = .002]. Of the postoperative patients, 100% attended the first intervention session compared with only 43% of preoperative patients. The postoperative patients also attended more intervention sessions [t(18) = 2.51, P = .02] and were more likely to complete the intervention [χ2(1) = 7.21, P = .007]. Only 14% of the preoperative referral patients completed the program compared with 91% of the postoperative patients.ConclusionComprehensive bariatric surgery programs ought to consider balancing the needs of the preoperative patients presenting with maladaptive eating behavior with the likelihood of them participating in a behavioral intervention before surgery.  相似文献   
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the prostate is a rare variant of prostatic cancer that shares morphologic similarity with prostatic adenocarcinoma of Gleason 5 pattern. It has also been considered morphologically and immunohistochemically indistinguishable from small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of other origins. CD44 is a cell-surface molecule proposed to identify cancer stem/progenitor cells in prostate cancer. We performed immunohistochemical study for CD44 expression in 11 cases of prostatic small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma and compared its patterns of expression with 73 cases of prostatic adenocarcinoma and 47 cases of small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of other organs. Strong and diffuse membrane staining for CD44 was observed in 100% of the prostatic small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas. In conventional adenocarcinomas of the prostate, positive staining was only seen in rare, scattered tumor cells; and CD44 staining was negative in most of the small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of nonprostate origin. The difference in CD44 expression between small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of the prostate and those of other organs are statistically significant (P < .001). Our study demonstrates the utility of immunohistochemical staining for CD44 in distinguishing prostatic small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma from its mimickers including prostatic adenocarcinoma of Gleason 5 pattern and small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of other organs. CD44 is the first marker that shows a high degree of tissue/organ specificity for small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas. Because CD44 is a putative marker of prostate cancer stem cells, the strong and diffuse expression of CD44 and the lack of expression of prostate luminal differentiation markers androgen receptor and prostatic specific antigen in prostatic small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas suggest that the tumor cells may retain cancer stem cell features.  相似文献   
Effective communication, where all parties share a common understanding, is necessary to realize the promise of Genomic Medicine. It is especially salient given the imperative to increase the participation of diverse populations in genomics research and to expand the reach of clinical genomics. We have previously shown that cancer genetic counseling is suboptimal for patients with limited health literacy. To address this finding, we implemented a pilot study to improve verbal communication between genetic counselors and their patients of limited health literacy that consisted of: i) curriculum development and delivery of a Genetic Counselors (GC) communication workshop; ii) two-month post-workshop interviews with GC participants (n = 9); iii) observations/audio recordings of counseling sessions involving 24 patients and two GC workshop participants; iv) post-counseling interviews with patients (n = 9). The 4.5-h workshop presented evidenced-based principles and strategies for effective communication with limited health literacy patients (e.g. use of plain language and teach-back), and offered specific techniques and exercises to practice adoption of such practices in the genetic counseling context. GCs expressed appreciation for the opportunity to refine their skills; however, they reported that some strategies were challenging given their professional training and communication habits. For example, GCs were concerned that use of plain language could undermine efforts to obtain informed consent and provide scientifically accurate information. Observations and patient interviews after the workshop revealed that GCs were able to employ the communication strategies with positive effects, with patients indicating sufficient understanding of the genetic test and its implications as well as satisfaction with the counselors’ communication. While derived from research on communication with those of limited health literacy, the communication approaches taught in the GC workshop could benefit most patients, given the high rates of low health literacy in many countries, and the many factors beyond health literacy that can contribute to reduced comprehension in health care environments.  相似文献   
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