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Although many single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) studies have reported an association of atopy, allergic diseases and total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels, almost all of these studies sought risk factors for the onset of these allergic diseases. Furthermore, many studies have analyzed a single gene and hardly any have analyzed environmental factors. In these analyses, the results could be masked and the effects of other genes and environmental factors may be decreased. Here, we described the correlation between four genes [interleukin (IL)-4 (C-590T), IL-4 receptor (A1652G), FCER1B (G6842A) and STAT6 (G2964A)] in connection with IgE production; the role of IL-10 (C-627A) as a regulatory cytokine of allergy; and the severity of food allergy (FA) and atopic eczema (AE) in 220 Japanese allergic children. In addition to these SNPs, environmental factors, i.e., patient's attitude, indoor environment, and so on, were also investigated in this study. Our study was retrospective, and the correlation was analyzed by our defined clinical scores divided into three terms: worst symptoms, recent symptoms and general amelioration at the most recent examination during the disease course. Our results indicated that IL-10 AA, the genotype with lower IL-10 production, is associated with higher IgE levels in the serum (p < 0.0001, estimate; 0.912). Marginal liver abnormalities were observed in the subject group with both FA and AE (p < 0.1191, estimate; 0.1490). Our defined clinical scores enabled evaluation of various aspects of disease severity. Based on the scores, while no single SNP selected in this study determined severity, the combination of the SNP with laboratory data and environmental factors appeared to determine severity.  相似文献   
The depletion of proteoglycans in cartilage matrix is the beginning of cartilage breakdown. Prostaglandins and related compounds might play an important role in inhibition of cartilage metabolism under arthritic conditions. Prostaglandin endoperoxides, intermediate metabolites of arachidonic acid, are more potent chemical mediators than prostaglandins, but their action can only be demonstrated in cartilage co-incubated with synovial tissue, because they are short-lived and active only within a small restricted space. Human rheumatoid synovialis highly inhibited sulfation of cartilage matrix co-incubated. The inhibition of cartilage metabolism was released by indomethacin added to the co-incubating system, showing its responsiveness to indomethacin. The magnitude of inhibition was time-dependent and substantially greater than that by prostaglandin in cell-free rheumatoid synovial culture media. The results suggest a possible involvement of prostaglandin endoperoxides in potent inhibition of cartilage metabolism under arthritic conditions.  相似文献   
The requirement for endoscopic access to a stricture is a major limitation of the endoscopic dilatation for the treatment of strictures in the gastrointestinal tract. We have developed the double‐balloon enteroscopy method that enables visualization of the entire small bowel. In addition, double‐balloon enteroscopy has a potential for the interventional therapy including dilatation of strictures. We present here a case of jejunal strictures in a 47‐year‐old woman with Crohn's disease successfully treated with a balloon catheter in combination with double‐balloon enteroscopy. Balloon dilation with double‐balloon enteroscopy is a promising method for the treatment of small bowel strictures in Crohn's disease.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although it is clear that dissemination via the blood system involves angiogenesis, it is uncertain whether tumors also induce lymphangiogenesis or simply invade existing peritumoral vessels. The purpose of this study was to elucidate changes in tumor blood and lymph vessels in cases involving the invasion of squamous cell carcinoma in the oral cavity, and its significance. Blood and lymph vessels densities in tongue carcinomas induced in hamsters were investigated. METHODS: Tongue cancer was induced by abrading the right margin of the tongue of each hamster with an endodontic barbed broach and subsequently applying 1.0% 9,10-dimenthl-1,2-benzanthracene (DMBA) dissolved in acetone, three times a week, at the same site. Fresh frozen sections were prepared and blood vessels stained blue by perfusion with Coomassie Brilliant Blue and lymph vessels stained brown for 5'-nucleotidase. The effects on the blood vessels and lymph vessels were observed. RESULTS: The results showed that blood and lymph vessel densities were greater in the advanced carcinoma tissues than in normal tissue. These were compared in terms of the mode of cancer invasion. As tumor invasion progressed, the blood vessel density decreased but lymph vessel density tended to be higher in high-degree tumor invasion than in low-degree tumor invasion. The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-C was seen more frequently as tumor invasion progressed. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings indicated that angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are affected by cancerous invasion.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: To understand the immunopathological features of oral lichen planus (OLP), we analyzed the expression of chemokines in the epithelial cell layers. Methods: Epithelia from OLP or healthy gingiva were collected by laser microdissection. The chemokine and chemokine receptor expressions in the epithelia were analyzed by DNA microarray. RESULTS: High levels of MIP-3alpha/LARC/CCL20 and its receptor CCR6 were expressed in the lesional epithelia. Furthermore, DC-CK1/CCL18, ELC/CCL19, SDF-1/CXCL12 and CXCR4 expressions were also increased. Immunohistologial analysis showed that high numbers of Langerhans cells (LCs) were present in the epithelia of OLP. Lesional epithelia also expressed high levels of the ligands specific for CXCR3 (e.g. MIG/CXCL9, IP-10/CXCL10 and I-TAC/CXCL11) and CCR5 (e.g. RANTES/CCL5). CONCLUSIONS: Infiltration of LCs is orchestrated by CCR6. Further, LCs residing in the lesional epithelia may be a mature phenotype. Moreover, infiltration of T cells in OLP could be mediated by signaling pathways through CXCR3 and CCR5.  相似文献   
This observational study of Japanese men without metabolic syndrome (MetS) (age: 41+/-8 years) was conducted to clarify whether or not heart rate elevation precedes the development of full-blown MetS. MetS was defined based on two modifications of the criteria of the Japanese Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Metabolic Syndrome. Premetabolic syndrome subjects were defined as those having one component of MetS with increased body mass index (BMI). Among the subjects without MetS (n=1,859 when the BMI criterion was >or=25 and n=2,020 when the BMI criterion was >or=27.5), the incidence of progression to full-blown MetS by the time of the second examination at the end of the 3-year study period was higher in the subjects with premetabolic syndrome than in those without it. The receiver-operator characteristic curve analysis and binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the odds ratio (OR) of a heart rate >or=69 beats/min at the first examination for progression to full-blown MetS by the time of the second examination was significant in subjects with premetabolic syndrome (BMI>or=25: OR=3.64 [1.22-10.88]; BMI>or=27.5: OR=3.67 [1.28-10.55]; p<0.05). Thus, heart rate elevation appears to precede the development of full-blown MetS in subjects with premetabolic syndrome. Heart rate seems to be a simple and useful marker for predicting the progression to full-blown MetS of middle-aged Japanese men with premetabolic syndrome.  相似文献   
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