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Passive uptake of drugs into cells is described in terms of the following steps: (1) massive immediate binding of the drugs to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane resulting in practical equilibrium between extremely high drug concentrations at the cell surface compared to the drug concentration in the medium. (2) Due to their amphipathic nature, anticancer drugs are practically excluded from the lipid core of the membrane. They cross the lipid core by distinct flip-flop events that occur in the case of doxorubicin and daunorubicin after an average period of 0.7 and 0.15 min, respectively. (3) The drug reaching the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane is in practical equilibrium with the drug present in the cytoplasm. (4) Almost all the amounts of anticancer drugs present in the cells are bound by molecular sinks, such as DNA or cytoskeleton elements. The resistance afforded to multidrug resistant (MDR) cells by extrusion pumps, such as P-glycoprotein, is negatively correlated with the affinity of the drugs to the membranes and with their flip-flop rates across membranes. Binding rates of the drugs to membranes and intracellular sinks have no effect on drug concentration in the cytoplasm once equilibrium is reached between the passive uptake of drugs and their active extrusion.  相似文献   
CCAAT displacement protein (CDP), a nuclear protein of 180-190 kDa, contains a triplicated motif, the cut domain, similar (80-90% conserved) to three repeats of 60-65 amino acids first identified in Drosophila cut, a homeo-domain protein involved in cell-fate decisions in development. Cut repeats bind DNA and exhibit subtle differences in target-site recognition. DNA sequences specifically bound by cut repeats were isolated by PCR-mediated DNA target-site selection. Sequences selected for cut repeat 2 and 3 (CR2 and CR3) binding are A+T-rich and favor an ATA motif with similar, but not identical, flanking base preferences. CR2 and CR3 discriminate among similar target sequences. CR1, which is more divergent from CR2 and CR3, displays the most restricted pattern of DNA sequence recognition. Methylation interference analysis demonstrates different protein-DNA contacts for CR1 and CR3 binding to a target sequence. Thus, CDP/cut is a complex protein whose DNA-binding properties reflect the combinatorial interaction of four domains (three cut repeats and one homeodomain) with target DNA sequences.  相似文献   
Myocardial revascularization is usually considered "complete" if all stenosed major coronaries are bypassed. Attempts were made to compare the results of this method with an approach by which each of the following five left ventricular infarct-prone segments is revascularized if ischemic: anteroseptal, anterolateral, posterosuperior, posteroinferior, and diaphragmatic. Two subsets of patients were studied. A total of 366 patients (Group A) who underwent aortacoronary bypass operations from 1980 to 1982 were followed up for a mean of 16.3 (6 to 43) months and were retrospectively divided into two groups: Group A1 (120 patients) had incomplete segmental revascularization (mean of 3.4 grafts per patient) and Group A2 (246 patients) had complete segmental revascularization (4.0 grafts per patient) (p less than 0.0001). Groups A1 and A2 were identical in all clinical and angiographic parameters: unstable angina, 60%; previous myocardial infarction, 70%; left main stenosis, 10%; and ejection fraction less than 30%, 2%. Overall operative mortality was 2.3%. Results in Groups A1 and A2, respectively, were as follows: operative mortality, 5.8% versus 0.8% (p less than 0.005); perioperative myocardial infarction, 6.9% versus 0.8% (p less than 0.0005); 35 month survival rate, 93.3% versus 97.9% (p less than 0.02); total freedom from symptoms, 54.1% versus 68.3% (p less than 0.025). In addition, 151 patients operated on in 1984 (Group B) were studied prospectively with regard to operative mortality and perioperative myocardial infarction, and the results were identical to those in Group A. Compared to conventional complete revascularization, complete segmental revascularization provides better results.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The field of psychiatric epidemiology continues to employ self-report instruments, but the low degree of agreement between diagnoses achieved using these instruments vs. that achieved by psychiatrists in the clinical modality threatens the credibility of the results. METHODS: In the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area follow-up, 349 individuals who had a Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) interview were blindly examined by psychiatrists using the Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN). Comparisons were made at the level of diagnosis, syndrome, and DSM-IV symptom group. Indexes of agreement were computed and characteristics of discrepant cases were identified. RESULTS: Agreement on diagnosis of major depressive disorder was only fair (kappa = 0.20), with the DIS missing many cases judged to meet criteria for diagnosis using the SCAN (29% sensitivity). A major source of discrepancy was respondents with false-negative diagnoses who repeatedly failed to report DIS symptoms attributed to life crises or medical conditions. Older age, male sex, and lower impairment were associated with underdetection by the DIS, using logistic regression analysis. In spite of the diagnostic discrepancy, there was substantial correlation in numbers of symptom groups in the 2 modalities (r = 0.49). Agreement was highest (about 55% sensitivity and 90% specificity) when both the SCAN and DIS thresholds were set at the level of depression syndrome instead of diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Weak agreement at the level of diagnosis continues to threaten the credibility of estimates of prevalence of specific disorders. A bias toward underreporting, as well as stronger agreement at the level of the depression syndrome and on ordinal measures of depressive symptoms, suggests that associations with risk factors are conservative.  相似文献   
The neuronal form of nitric oxide synthase (NOS-1) has been localized to several cell types in the retinas of experimental animals; however, localization in the human retina has not been definitive. By using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we have compared the cellular expression and localization of NOS-1 in the rat and human retinas. In both rat and human retinas, NOS-1 is expressed in the inner segments of photoreceptors, cells in the inner nuclear layer, particularly amacrine cells, and retinal ganglion cells. In human cones, NOS-1 is abundantly present in the outer segments. In the rat, optic nerve transection caused a loss of cells that were positive for NOS-1 in the ganglion cell layer. Although a retinal ganglion cell localization has not been reported consistently in the literature, our data clearly localize NOS-1 to the retinal ganglion cells of the rat and human retinas.  相似文献   
JUSTIFICATION: Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic chronic valvular heart disease is an important preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in suburban and rural India. Its diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. These criteria need verification and revision in the Indian context. Furthermore, there are glaring differences in management protocols available in literature. These facts prompted Indian Academy of Pediatrics to review the management of rheumatic fever. PROCESS: Management of Rheumatic fever was reviewed and recommendation was formulated at national consultative meeting on 20th May 2007 at New Delhi. OBJECTIVES: To formulate uniform guidelines on management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in the Indian context. Guidelines were formulated for the management of streptococcal pharyngitis, acute rheumatic fever and its cardiac complication as well as secondary prophylaxis for recurrent episodes. RECOMMENDATIONS: (1) Streptococcal eradication with appropriate antibiotics (Benzathine penicillin single dose or penicillin V oral or azithromycin). (2) Diagnosis of rheumatic fever based on Jones criteria. (3) Control inflammatory process with aspirin with or without steroids (total duration of treatment of 12 weeks). (4) Treatment of chorea according to severity (therapy to continue for 2-3 weeks after clinical improvement). (5) Protocol for managing cardiac complication like valvular heart disease, congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation. (6) Secondary prophylaxis with benzathine penicillin and management of anaphylaxis.  相似文献   
Extracellular matrix of the human lamina cribrosa   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We used immunoperoxidase staining and double immunofluorescent staining to demonstrate the macromolecular components of the extracellular matrix of the lamina cribrosa from young human donors. The cribriform plates were made up of a core of elastin fibers with a sparse, patchy distribution of collagen type III. The plates were coated with collagen type IV and laminin; these basement membrane components were presumably made by the astrocytes that were distributed on the surfaces of the plates. The insertion of the lamina cribrosa in the sclera was made up of concentric, circumferential elastin fibers that surrounded the lamina cribrosa and were continuous with the elastin in the cribriform plates. Astrocytic processes extended into the bundles of elastin fibers, whereas the basement membrane components extended into the sclera. The mechanical properties of the macromolecules of the extracellular matrix of the lamina cribrosa may make this tissue compliant and sensitive to intraocular pressure. Perhaps individual differences in the macromolecular components of this tissue contribute to the glaucomatous changes in the optic nerve head.  相似文献   
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