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异基因造血干细胞移植(hematopoieticcelltransplantation,HCT)后代谢综合征的发生主要由预处理导致的神经激素系统紊乱、血管内皮损伤、移植物的免疫和炎症作用以及继发的移植物抗宿主病及其治疗等引起。对代谢综合征及其组分(糖尿病、高血压、血脂紊乱等)的筛查可以尽早地调整治疗策略,控制危险因素的发生,进而降低远期的心血管疾病的发生率和致死率。为此,美国的研究人员回顾性分析了86例异基因HCT受者代谢综合征的发生情况,并与代谢综合征在普通人群中的流行情况进行比较。  相似文献   
Summary. Background: Fibrinogen contains an alternatively spliced γ‐chain (γ′), which mainly exists as a heterodimer with the common γA‐chain (γA/γ′). Fibrinogen γ′ has been reported to inhibit thrombin and modulate fibrin structure, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Objective: We aimed to investigate the molecular mechanism underpinning the influence of γ′ on fibrin polymerization, structure and viscoelasticity. Methods: γA/γA and γA/γ′ fibrinogens were separated using anion exchange chromatography. Cross‐linking was controlled with purified FXIIIa and a synthetic inhibitor. Fibrin polymerization was analyzed by turbidity and gel‐point time was measured using a coagulometer. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to image protofibril formation while final clot structure was assessed by confocal and scanning electron microscopy. Clot viscoelasticity was measured using a magnetic microrheometer. Results: γA/γ′ fibrin formed shorter oligomers by AFM than γA/γA, which in addition gelled earlier. γA/γ′ clots displayed a non‐homogenous arrangement of thin fibers compared with the uniform arrangements of thick fibers for γA/γA clots. These differences in clot structure were not due to thrombin inhibition as demonstrated in clots made with reptilase. Non‐cross‐linked γA/γA fibrin was approximately 2.7 × stiffer than γA/γ′. Cross‐linking by FXIIIa increased the stiffness of both fibrin variants; however, the difference in stiffness increased to approximately 4.6 × (γA/γA vs. γA/γ′). Conclusions: Fibrinogen γ′ is associated with the formation of mechanically weaker, non‐uniform clots composed of thin fibers. This is caused by direct disruption of protofibril formation by γ′.  相似文献   
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common renal malignancy in adults and exhibits highly intrinsic and acquired resistance to standard therapeutic strategies. We sought to determine the anti-cancer activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Nigella sativa seeds (NSE) and thymoquinone (TQ). Human renal cell carcinoma (ACHN) and fibroblast L929 cell lines were treated with NSE and TQ, and cytotoxicity was measured using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay. Cell death pattern was determined by annexin V and propidium iodine (PI)-staining methods. Exposure to NSE, TQ and cisplatin significantly inhibited the growth of ACHN cells and showed significant increase of early apoptotic cells. Normal cells were more resistant to NSE and TQ-induced effects. The present study demonstrates that N. sativa and TQ exert anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on ACHN cells in a concentration and time-dependent manner, which suggests their potential to be used as a new therapeutic strategy for renal cancers.  相似文献   
Saffron is a well-known spice produced from dried stigmas of Crocus sativus L. flowers. Apart from its wide use in food preparations, it also has a broad range of medical properties. We examined the potential anti-inflammatory effects of saffron ethanolic extract (SEE) using an animal model of arthritis. Adjuvant-induced arthritis was induced in Wistar rats by injection of Complete Freund's Adjuvant. The rats were then injected intraperitoneally every other day with 25–600 mg SEE/kg or dexamethasone (DEX, 2 mg/kg). Changes in body weight, paw oedema and arthritis indices were recorded over the subsequent 12 days of treatment. Results revealed that SEE particularly at the higher concentrations significantly reduced paw and tibiotarsal joint diameters and comparing with DEX caused no significant change in body weight. These observations suggest that SEE displays a considerable anti-inflammatory potency and could potentially be used as an anti-arthritic agent in control of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
AIM: To evaluate existing evidence for the association between different type of brassiere exposures and the risk of breast cancer. METHODS: Ovid Medline, CINAHL, Cochrane Data Base of Systematic Reviews, Pubmed, Scopus, Proquest, Sciencedirect, Wiley Online Library, WanFang Data, Hong Kong Index to Chinese Periodicals, China Journal Net, Chinese Medical Current Contents, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, China Academic Journals Full-Text database, Taiwan Electronic Periodical Services and HyRead; reference lists of published studies; original research studies published in English or Chinese examining the association between type and duration of brassiere-wearing and breast cancer risk. Data were abstracted by a first reviewer and verified by a second. Study quality was rated according to predefined criteria. “Fair” or “good” quality studies were included. Results were summarised by meta-analysis whenever adequate material was available. RESULTS: Twelve case-control studies were included in the review. Meta-analysis showed brassiere wearing during sleep was associated with a two times of increased odds. CONCLUSION: The present review demonstrates insufficient evidence to establish a positive association between the duration and type of brassiere wearing and breast cancer. Further research is essential; specifically, a large-scale epidemiological study of a better design is needed to examine the association between various forms of brassiere exposure in detail and breast cancer risk, with adequate control of confounding variables.  相似文献   
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