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We describe a case of aldosterone-producing adrenocortical adenoma (APA) associated with a probable post-operative adrenal crisis possibly due to subtle autonomous cortisol secretion. The patient was a 46-year-old female who suffered from severe hypertension and hypokalemia. CT and MRI scans revealed a 2-cm diameter adrenal mass. The patient's plasma aldosterone level was increased, and her plasma renin activity was suppressed, both of which findings were consistent with APA. Cushingoid appearance was not observed. Morning and midnight serum cortisol and plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels were all within the normal range. Her serum cortisol level was suppressed to 1.9 microg/dl as measured by an overnight 1-mg dexamethasone suppression test, but was incompletely suppressed (2.7 microg/dl) by an overnight 8-mg dexamethasone suppression test. In addition, adrenocortical scintigraphy showed a strong uptake at the tumor region and a complete suppression of the contra-lateral adrenal uptake. After unilateral adrenalectomy, she had an episode of adrenal crisis, and a transient glucocorticoid replacement improved the symptoms. Histopathological studies demonstrated that the tumor was basically compatible with APA. The clear cells in the tumor were admixed with small numbers of compact cells that expressed 17alpha-hydroxylase, suggesting that the tumor was able to produce and secrete cortisol. In addition, the adjacent non-neoplastic adrenal cortex showed cortical atrophy, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase immunoreactivity in the zonae fasciculata and reticularis was markedly diminished, suggesting that the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of the patient was suppressed due to neoplastic production and secretion of cortisol. Together, these findings suggested that autonomous secretion of cortisol from the tumor suppressed the HPA axis of the patient, thereby triggering the probable post-operative adrenal crisis. Post-operative adrenocortical insufficiency should be considered in clinical management of patients with relatively large APA, even when physical signs of autonomous cortisol overproduction are not apparent.  相似文献   
Chymase is known to generate angiotensin II in the vascular wall. In this study we investigated a novel role for chymase other than angiotensin II production in vascular proliferation after balloon injury. Chymase promoted the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells in the matrix-coated invasion chambers and activated promatrix metalloproteinase-2 obtained from the culture medium of vascular smooth muscle cells. Two weeks after balloon injury, significant neointimal formation was found in dog carotid arteries. After injury, active matrix metalloproteinase-2 was increased in parallel with the augmentation of chymase activity that was seen in the proliferating region of the vascular wall. The oral administration of NK3201 (1 mg/kg per day), a chymase inhibitor, prevented neointimal formation and significantly suppressed both active matrix metalloproteinase-2 and chymase activities 2 weeks after injury. These results suggest that chymase inhibitors can prevent the development of intimal hyperplasia via the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-2 activation in balloon-injured arteries.  相似文献   
Some chordomas have a very poor prognosis because of their aggressive growth nature, but the efficacy of repeat operations for these cases has not been well documented. This report concerns 3 patients with aggressive chordoma of the clivus, who underwent operations 6 to 12 times over a period of 8 to 17 years because of symptomatic regrowth. Overall mean interval between repeat operations was 18 months with a range from 5 to 57 months and survival times were 9 to19 years after the first surgery. Main symptoms before each operation were diplopia and visual disturbance. Repeat palliative operations by intentional extradural debulking of the tumour to decompress offending neural structures, as well as maximal removal of the tumour, using appropriate skull base approaches, can mitigate progressive symptoms, and may result in better quality and some prolongation of life, although our patients gradually deteriorated neurologically throughout the clinical course.  相似文献   
A 52-year-old man fell from standing and a computed tomography (CT) scan revealed traumatic intracerebral haematoma and subarachnoid haemorrhage in the temporal cortex. He was treated without surgery and discharged. On day 30 after the accident, he had no neurological deficit. On day 37 he complained of headache and urinary incontinence, and on day 39 he was hospitalized due to progressive neurological deterioration (reduced conciousness, dilated pupils, and left hemiplegia). A CT scan revealed a diffuse low-density in the right cerebral hemisphere with marked midline shift. Emergency decompressive craniectomy and right temporal lobectomy were performed. Angiography after surgery revealed moderate vasospasm in the right middle and anterior cerebral arteries. The patient remained severely disabled. Delayed onset neurological deterioration can be caused by brain oedema and vasospasm after traumatic brain injury, despite an intervening period of improvement.  相似文献   
Background: The intrathecal alpha2 -adrenergic agonist, clonidine, has been shown to have considerable antinociceptive effect, although clonidine causes hypotension and bradycardia The combination of intrathecal clonidine and local anesthetics enhances analgesic effects, whereas the combination may cause marked hypotension and motor blockade, which may limit the clinical application of the combination. Tizanidine, another alpha2 -adrenergic agonist, has also provided antinociception without producing pronounced hemodynamic changes. This study was designed to evaluate the antinociceptive and hemodynamic interactions of tizanidine and clonidine with lidocaine.

Methods: Male Sprague Dawley rats were chronically implanted with lumbar intrathecal catheters. The tail-flick test was used to assess the thermal nociceptive threshold. The ability of intrathecal tizanidine, clonidine, lidocaine, or the combinations of alpha2 -adrenergic agonist and lidocaine to alter the tail-flick latency was examined. To characterize the antinociceptive interaction, the isobolographic analysis was applied. Additionally, the motor function, blood pressure and heart rate after intrathecal administration of drugs and combinations were also monitored.

Results: Intrathecal tizanidine, clonidine, or the combinations increased the tail-flick latency in dose- and time-dependent fashion without affecting motor function. The order potencies (dose producing a 50% of peak effect, in micro gram) of tizanidine and clonidine were 1.8 and 0.75, respectively. With isobolographic analysis, tizanidine with lidocaine and clonidine with lidocaine showed significantly synergistic antinociceptive interaction. Potency ratio analysis and fractional analysis also confirmed the synergistic interaction. At the doses in the combinations showing comparable antinociception, tizanidine with lidocaine, unlike clonidine with lidocaine, did not affect motor function or blood pressure.  相似文献   

Extirpated specimens of a squamous cell carcinoma from a human thigh were transplanted to the subcutaneous tissue of nude mice. Fourteen days later, the transplanted tumor masses were, again, extirpated from the nude mice. The transplanted chimera of the squamous cell carcinoma as seen with the electron microscope resembled the tumor cells before transplantation. It is concluded that ultrastructural investigation of transplanted chimera from squamous cell carcinoma cases may be useful for examining the site of action and clinical effects of anticancer drugs on this kind of tumor.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of whole differentiated neurons in the intestines from 15 children with Hirschsprung's disease was investigated using neuron specific enolase (NSE) and the perineuronal elements were studied using S-100 protein immunostaining.In aganglionic segments, NSE immunoreactive ganglion cells and S-100 positive satellite cells were absent, but the hypertrophic nerve trunks did show a markedly positive NSE and S-100 immunoreactivity.Two different forms of aganglionic segment were present. One was the middle aganglionic segment of long segment aganglionosis which was almost completely dennervated. In the other type, there were several NSE positive nerve fibers in the muscularis propria of both the aganglionic segment of short segment aganglionosis and the distal aganglionic segment of long segment aganglionosis. These latter two aganglionic segments seemed to be innervated by extrinsic nerves.  相似文献   
Skinfold thicknessess (SFT) were measured at ulnar, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac sites in 730 boys and 724 girls (age 3–12 years) whose stature ranged from 100 to 150 cm and whose weight was within ±20% of the average. Means and standard deviation (SD) were calculated after logarithmic transformation of the original skinfold readings to demonstrate stature-based standards of SFT in Japanese children. The means of SFT exhibited nadirs (boys/ girls: ulnar 5.1/5.9 mm, triceps 7.9/9.5 mm, subscapular 4.9/6.1 mm, suprailiac 4.5/6.2 mm) in subjects 110–115 cm tall except for ulnar SFT in girls. SFT values increased as children increased in stature. Standard deviations of SFT at the four sites in short children (staturte < mean ?1 SD) were estimated using the stature-based standard as well as an age-based standard. Susms of the SDs assessed by the age-based standard were significantly smaller than those assessed by the stature-based standard in boys (P < 0.05) and girls (P < 0.01) with short stature, suggesting that SFT in short children was falsely understimated by the age-based standard. Thus, the stature-based standard is beneficial for the assessment of SFT, especially in children whose stature is below the mean ?-1 SD. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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