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We have previously demonstrated that Mycobacterium bovis BCG-specific immunoglobulin G antibodies in lymphocyte secretions (ALS) can be employed as a marker for active tuberculosis (TB). We aimed to determine whether the ALS method allows detection of subclinical TB infection in asymptomatic individuals. A prospective study of family contacts (FCs) of patients with active TB and healthy controls was performed. Thirteen of 42 FCs had high ALS responses, including 6 FCs who subsequently developed active TB. No correlation was observed between the tuberculin skin test and the ALS responses in the FCs (r = 0.1, P = 0.23). Among patients with active TB, BCG-specific ALS responses steadily declined from the time of diagnosis through 6 months following antimycobacterial chemotherapy (P = 0.001). The ALS assay enabled detection of infection in exposed symptom-free contacts, who are at greater risk for developing active TB. The method may also allow discrimination between effective treatment of active infection and suboptimal response to therapy.  相似文献   
Vibrio cholerae O1 can cause diarrheal disease that may be life-threatening without treatment. Natural infection results in long-lasting protective immunity, but the role of T cells in this immune response has not been well characterized. In contrast, robust B-cell responses to V. cholerae infection have been observed. In particular, memory B-cell responses to T-cell-dependent antigens persist for at least 1 year, whereas responses to lipopolysaccharide, a T-cell-independent antigen, wane more rapidly after infection. We hypothesize that protective immunity is mediated by anamnestic responses of memory B cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and T-cell responses may be required to generate and maintain durable memory B-cell responses. In this study, we examined B- and T-cell responses in patients with severe V. cholerae infection. Using the flow cytometric assay of the specific cell-mediated immune response in activated whole blood, we measured antigen-specific T-cell responses using V. cholerae antigens, including the toxin-coregulated pilus (TcpA), a V. cholerae membrane preparation, and the V. cholerae cytolysin/hemolysin (VCC) protein. Our results show that memory T-cell responses develop by day 7 after infection, a time prior to and concurrent with the development of B-cell responses. This suggests that T-cell responses to V. cholerae antigens may be important for the generation and stability of memory B-cell responses. The T-cell proliferative response to VCC was of a higher magnitude than responses observed to other V. cholerae antigens.Vibrio cholerae is a gram-negative bacterium that can cause a severe, acute secretory diarrhea. Serological differentiation of V. cholerae strains is based on the O-side chain of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component of the outer membrane. Of the more than 200 serogroups of V. cholerae identified, only the O1 and O139 serogroups can cause epidemic cholera (44). These pathogens are noninvasive and colonize the mucosal surface of the small intestine (44).Natural infection with V. cholerae is known to provide protection against subsequent disease, but the mechanism of this protective immunity is not fully characterized. The vibriocidal antibody is a complement-dependent bactericidal antibody that is associated with protection from infection. However, no known threshold level of the vibriocidal antibody confers complete protection from V. cholerae infection, and some individuals with low serum vibriocidal antibody titers are still protected. This suggests that the vibriocidal titer may be a surrogate marker (16, 45). Elevated serum immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody levels specific for the B subunit of cholera toxin (CTB), the major structural subunit of a type IV pilus (TcpA), and LPS are also associated with protective immunity in areas where cholera is endemic (19). However, after natural infection, the serum levels of these antibodies wane more rapidly than protective immunity (19). Patients with cholera develop memory B-cell responses of both the IgG and the IgA isotype to at least two V. cholerae protein antigens, CTB and TcpA. These responses are detectable for at least 1 year after infection and persist even after V. cholerae antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells and serum antibody titers have returned to baseline (18). B-cell memory responses also develop for the T-cell independent antigen LPS, but these responses wane more rapidly than memory B-cell responses to protein antigens, suggesting that durable memory B-cell responses to some V. cholerae antigens may be T-cell dependent (18).We have recently demonstrated that cholera patients mount a primed T-cell response in the mucosa after V. cholerae O1 infection (6). We hypothesize that protection from cholera may be mediated by memory B cells capable of an anamnestic response in the gut mucosa and that these memory B cells may depend on stimulation provided by memory T cells for their development and maintenance. T cells may contribute to the activation of B cells during V. cholerae infection by secreting stimulatory cytokines and direct contact with B cells in lymph nodes. Therefore, T cells may have an important role in protective immunity to V. cholerae infection.We characterized the memory T-cell responses to V. cholerae antigens following natural V. cholerae infection and compared these with serological responses to the same antigens. Previously, our group has studied various V. cholerae antigens, including mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin, TcpA, CTB, and LPS (22, 33, 37). We also included in the present study responses to a novel antigen, V. cholerae cytolysin/hemolysin (VCC) (31, 32). The hly gene that encodes the VCC protein is widespread across both pathogenic and environmental strains of V. cholerae, suggesting that VCC may impart an advantage to the organism (42). Although the precise role of VCC in V. cholerae infection is unknown, VCC is the primary virulence factor in V. cholerae infection with non-O1, non-O139 strains that do not produce cholera toxin (12, 46). The immune response to VCC is not well understood; however, recent studies suggest that VCC may promote a Th2 response in V. cholerae infection (2). In addition, the cytolytic activity of VCC may generate epithelial destruction that allows other V. cholerae antigens to penetrate the mucosa and promote the inflammatory response observed in V. cholerae infection (35, 39).  相似文献   
Current oral cholera vaccines induce lower levels of protective efficacy and shorter durations of protection in young children than in adults. Immunity against cholera is serogroup specific, and immune responses to Vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the antigen that mediates serogroup-specific responses, are associated with protection against disease. Despite this, responses against V. cholerae O-specific polysaccharide (OSP), a key component of the LPS responsible for specificity, have not been characterized in children. Here, we report a comparison of polysaccharide antibody responses in children from a region in Bangladesh where cholera is endemic, including infants (6 to 23 months, n = 15), young children (24 to 59 months, n = 14), and older children (5 to 15 years, n = 23) who received two doses of a killed oral cholera vaccine 14 days apart. We found that infants and young children receiving the vaccine did not mount an IgG, IgA, or IgM antibody response to V. cholerae OSP or LPS, whereas older children showed significant responses. In comparison to the vaccinees, young children with wild-type V. cholerae O1 Ogawa infection did mount significant antibody responses against OSP and LPS. We also demonstrated that OSP responses correlated with age in vaccinees, but not in cholera patients, reflecting the ability of even young children with wild-type cholera to develop OSP responses. These differences might contribute to the lower efficacy of protection rendered by vaccination than by wild-type disease in young children and suggest that efforts to improve lipopolysaccharide-specific responses might be critical for achieving optimal cholera vaccine efficacy in this younger age group.  相似文献   
Infection with Vibrio cholerae and oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) induce transient circulating plasmablast responses that peak within approximately 7 days after infection or vaccination. We previously demonstrated that plasmablast responses strongly correlate with subsequent levels of V. cholerae-specific duodenal antibodies up to 6 months after V. cholerae infection. Hence, plasmablast responses provide an early window into the immunologic memory at the mucosal surface. In this study, we characterized plasmablast responses following V. cholerae infection using a flow cytometrically defined population and compared V. cholerae-specific responses in adult patients with V. cholerae O1 infection and vaccinees who received the OCV Dukoral (Crucell Vaccines Canada). Among flow cytometrically sorted populations of gut-homing plasmablasts, almost 50% of the cells recognized either cholera toxin B subunit (CtxB) or V. cholerae O1 lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Using a traditional enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot assay (ELISPOT), we found that infection with V. cholerae O1 and OCVs induce similar responses to the protein antigen CtxB, but responses to LPS were diminished after OCV compared to those after natural V. cholerae infection. A second dose of OCV on day 14 failed to boost circulating V. cholerae-specific plasmablast responses in Bangladeshi adults. Our results differ from those in studies from areas where cholera is not endemic, in which a second vaccination on day 14 significantly boosts plasmablast responses. Given these results, it is likely that the optimal boosting strategies for OCVs differ significantly between areas where V. cholerae infection is endemic and those where it is not.  相似文献   
Vibrio cholerae O1 can cause severe watery diarrhea that can be life-threatening without treatment. Infection results in long-lasting protection against subsequent disease. Development of memory B cells of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA isotypes to V. cholerae O1 antigens, including serotype-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the B subunit of cholera toxin (CTB), after cholera infection has been demonstrated. Memory B cells of the IgM isotype may play a role in long-term protection, particularly against T-cell-independent antigens, but IgM memory has not been studied in V. cholerae O1 infection. Therefore, we assayed acute- and convalescent-phase blood samples from cholera patients for the presence of memory B cells that produce cholera antigen-specific IgM antibody upon polyclonal stimulation in in vitro culture. We also examined the development of serological and antibody-secreting cell responses following infection. Subjects developed significant IgM memory responses by day 30 after infection, both to the T-cell-independent antigen LPS and to the T-cell-dependent antigen CTB. No significant corresponding elevations in plasma IgM antibodies or circulating IgM antibody-secreting cells to CTB were detected. In 17 subjects followed to day 90 after infection, significant persistence of elevated IgM memory responses was not observed. The IgM memory response to CTB was negatively correlated with the IgG plasma antibody response to CTB, and there was a trend toward negative correlation between the IgM memory and IgA plasma antibody responses to LPS. We did not observe an association between the IgM memory response to LPS and the vibriocidal titer.Vibrio cholerae continues to be a significant global health burden as a cause of severe secretory diarrhea, resulting in an estimated three to five million annual cases, with more than 100,000 deaths from rapid dehydration (47); cholera has recently become endemic in new regions (44, 45). V. cholerae is a noninvasive pathogen that colonizes the mucosal surface of the small intestine. Strains can be distinguished serologically by the O antigen of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS); V. cholerae O1 is the most common cause of cholera in South Asia as well as globally. The O1 serogroup has two major biotypes, El Tor and classical, and two major serotypes, Inaba and Ogawa (35). Natural infection with V. cholerae O1 El Tor induces protective immunity that lasts for at least 3 to 10 years in both areas where cholera is not endemic and areas where it is endemic (21). It remains unknown, however, what aspects of the adaptive immune response to cholera confer this long-term protection.V. cholerae-infected patients mount immunologic responses to both protein and polysaccharide antigens, including rises in both serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies (14). A number of these serological responses have been shown to correlate with protection against reinfection; these include the complement-dependent serum vibriocidal antibody (14) and IgA (but not IgG) responses to LPS, cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), and toxin coregulated pilus A (TcpA) (17). These serological responses, however, are short-lived (4, 32), and the association of the vibriocidal titer with protection is not absolute (36), suggesting that these responses may reflect protection from more recent exposure but that other immunologic mechanisms mediate longer-term protection. In addition to serological responses, development of mucosal immune responses to intestinal antigens can be detected in the blood, when B cells activated by antigen in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues circulate transiently in the blood as antibody-secreting cells (ASCs), before homing back to intestinal mucosal surfaces (11, 26). Circulation of ASCs specific to both LPS and CTB is seen after cholera infection, peaking around the seventh day after infection and declining by day 11 (32).Responses of the IgM isotype to cholera antigens have been less thoroughly investigated than the IgG and IgA responses. However, IgM defenses may be an important component of the overall immunologic response to cholera, since vibriocidal antibodies are principally of the IgM isotype (22) and IgM levels of pooled convalescent-phase serum samples correspond closely with vibriocidal activity (24), which in turn correlates with immunity (14). The pentameric structure of IgM facilitates strong cross-linking of antigens and activation of complement in the defense against other gram-negative enteric bacteria (2).We have recently shown development of memory B cells of both the IgG and IgA isotypes to LPS, CTB, and TcpA; these cells persisted in the circulation beyond 1 year for the protein antigens CTB and TcpA, but were not measurably above baseline levels by 9 to 12 months after infection for the polysaccharide-containing antigen LPS (16, 18). These circulating memory B cells can be detected by ex vivo polyclonal stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs); stimulated memory B cells mature into ASCs detectable by enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay. Alternatively, memory B-cell responses can be detected by measuring antigen-specific antibodies secreted by maturing ASCs during the ex vivo stimulation of PBMCs in the memory B-cell assay (18).Memory B cells relevant for cholera immunity may include IgM+ as well as switched-memory (IgA+ and IgG+) populations. The majority of circulating IgM+ cells are naïve B cells, but some IgM+ cells bear the memory cell marker CD27+, and recent evidence suggests that these IgM+CD27+ cells are true memory B cells whose immunoglobulin variable region genes have undergone somatic hypermutation in response to antigen in early-stage germinal centers (39). IgM+ memory cells can undergo isotype switching to produce IgG, IgA, or IgE antibody, but they also have a role in producing rapid, high-affinity IgM antibody responses to acute infection (19, 37, 46). In this study, we have measured the development of memory B-cell responses of the IgA, IgG, and IgM isotypes to both a protein (CTB) and a nonprotein (LPS) antigen, and we compared these memory responses with other immunologic responses in patients after V. cholerae infection in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
For anesthetic drugs undergoing nonorgan-based elimination, there is a definite trend towards using pharmacokinetic (PK) models in which elimination can occur from both central (k10 ) and peripheral compartments(k20 ). As the latter cannot be assessed directly, assumptions have to be made regarding its value. The primary purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of assuming various degrees of peripheral elimination on the estimation of PK parameters. For doing so, an explanatory model is presented where previously published data from our laboratory on three muscle relaxants, i.e., atracurium, doxacurium, and mivacurium, are used for simulations. The mathematical aspects for this explanatory model as well as for two specific applications are detailed. Our simulations show that muscle relaxants having a short elimination half-life are more affected by the presence of peripheral elimination as their distribution phase occupies the major proportion of their total area under the curve. Changes in the exit site dependent PK parameters (Vdss ) are also mostly significant when k20 is smaller than k10 . Although the physiological processes that determine drug distribution and those affecting peripheral elimination are independent, the two are mathematically tied together in the two-compartment model with both central and peripheral elimination. It follows that, as greater importance is given to k20 , the rate of transfer from the central compartment (k12 ) increases. However, as a result of a proportional increase in the volume of the peripheral compartment, peripheral concentrations remain unchanged whether or not peripheral elimination is assumed. These findings point out the limitations of compartmental analysis when peripheral elimination cannot be measured directly.  相似文献   
The regression limited sampling strategy approach (R‐LSS), which is based on a small number of blood samples drawn at selected time points, has been used as an alternative method for the estimation of the area under the concentration–time curve (AUC). However, deviations from planned sampling times may affect the performance of R‐LSS, influencing related therapeutic decisions and outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different sampling time deviation (STD) scenarios on the estimation of AUC by the R‐LSS using a simulation approach. Three types of scenarios were considered going from the simplest case of fixed deviations, to random deviations and then to a more realistic case where deviations of mixed nature can occur. In addition, the sensitivity of the R‐LSS to STD in each involved sampling point was evaluated. A significant impact of STD on the performance of R‐LSS was demonstrated. The tolerance of R‐LSS to STD was found to depend not only on the number of sampling points but more importantly on the duration of the sampling process. Sensitivity analysis showed that sampling points at which rapid concentration changes occur were relatively more critical for AUC prediction by R‐LSS. As a practical approach, nomograms were proposed, where the expected predictive performance of R‐LSS was provided as a function of STD information. The investigation of STD impact on the predictive performance of R‐LSS is a critical element and should be routinely performed to guide R‐LSS selection and use. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Safety and immunogenicity study of an oral, killed, bivalent whole-cell, cholera vaccine, Shanchol was carried out in Bangladeshi participants. This study was conducted prior to initiating a feasibility study in Bangladesh.

Study participants

The double-blind, randomized placebo controlled study was carried out in adults (18-45 years), toddlers (2-5 years) and younger children (12-23 months). Two doses of the vaccine/placebo were given 14 days apart.


Shanchol did not elicit major adverse events in any age group. Vibriocidal antibody responses in adults were 60% against Vibrio cholerae O1 Inaba, 72% against V. cholerae O1 Ogawa and 21% against V. cholerae O139. In toddlers, responses were 84%, 75% and 64% and in younger children it was 74%, 78% and 54% against Inaba, Ogawa and O139 serotypes. The responses in all ages were higher in vaccinees compared to pre-immune titers or to responses in placebo recipients (P < 0.001).Plasma IgA antibody response to O1 Inaba LPS was seen in 61%, 73% and 45% of adults, toddlers and younger children, respectively.


The safety and immunogenicity data for Shanchol is promising and warrants future use in large scale trial in cholera endemic areas, high risk Bangladeshi population and in other countries in the region.  相似文献   
The structural complexity of a PBPK model is usually accompanied with significant uncertainty in estimating its input parameters. In the last decade, the global sensitivity analysis, which accounts for the variability of all model input parameters simultaneously as well as their correlations, has gained a wide attention as a powerful probing technique to identify and control biological model uncertainties. However, the current sensitivity analysis techniques used in PBPK modeling often neglect the correlation between these input parameters. We introduce a new strategy in the PBPK modeling field to investigate how the uncertainty and variability of correlated input parameters influence the outcomes of the drug distribution process based on a model we recently developed to explain and predict drug distribution in tissues expressing P-glycoprotein (P-gp). As direct results, we will also identify the most important input parameters having the largest contribution to the variability and uncertainty of model outcomes. We combined multivariate random sampling with a ranking procedure. Monte–Carlo simulations were performed on the PBPK model with eighteen model input parameters. Log-normal distributions were assumed for these parameters according to literature and their reported correlations were also included. A multivariate sensitivity analysis was then performed to identify the input parameters with the greatest influence on model predictions. The partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCC) were calculated to establish the input–output relationships. A moderate variability of predicted Clast and Cmax was observed in liver, heart and brain tissues in the presence or absence of P-gp activity. The major statistical difference in model outcomes of the predicted median values has been obtained in brain tissue. PRCC calculation confirmed the importance for a better quantitative characterisation of input parameters related to the passive diffusion and active transport of the unbound drug through the blood-tissue membrane in heart and brain. This approach has also identified as important input parameters those related to the drug metabolism for the prediction of model outcomes in liver and plasma. The proposed Monte–Carlo/PRCC approach was aimed to address the effect of input parameters correlation in a PBPK model. It allowed the identification of important input parameters that require additional attention in research for strengthening the physiological knowledge of drug distribution in mammalian tissues expressing P-gp, thereby reducing the uncertainty of model predictions.  相似文献   
Many currently available diagnostic tests for typhoid fever lack sensitivity and/or specificity, especially in areas of the world where the disease is endemic. In order to identify a diagnostic test that better correlates with typhoid fever, we evaluated immune responses to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (serovar Typhi) in individuals with suspected typhoid fever in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We enrolled 112 individuals with suspected typhoid fever, cultured day 0 blood for serovar Typhi organisms, and performed Widal assays on days 0, 5, and 20. We harvested peripheral blood lymphocytes and analyzed antibody levels in supernatants collected on days 0, 5, and 20 (using an antibody-in-lymphocyte-supernatant [ALS] assay), as well as in plasma on these days. We measured ALS reactivity to a serovar Typhi membrane preparation (MP), a formalin-inactivated whole-cell preparation, and serovar Typhi lipopolysaccharide. We measured responses in healthy Bangladeshi, as well as in Bangladeshi febrile patients with confirmed dengue fever or leptospirosis. We categorized suspected typhoid fever individuals into different groups (groups I to V) based on blood culture results, Widal titer, and clinical features. Responses to MP antigen in the immunoglobulin A isotype were detectable at the time of presentation in the plasma of 81% of patients. The ALS assay, however, tested positive in all patients with documented or highly suspicious typhoid, suggesting that such a response could be the basis of improved diagnostic point-of-care-assay for serovar Typhi infection. It can be important for use in epidemiological studies, as well as in difficult cases involving fevers of unknown origin.Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (serovar Typhi) is the cause of typhoid fever, an illness that affects over 20,000,000 individuals worldwide each year, killing over 200,000 (5, 8, 16). The largest burden of typhoid fever is borne by impoverished individuals in resource-poor areas of the world. Serovar Typhi is a human-restricted invasive enteric pathogen which, after ingestion, crosses the intestinal mucosa, is taken up by gut-associated lymphoreticular tissues, and enters the systemic circulation. Both mucosal and systemic host immune responses are stimulated after infection. Serovar Typhi is an intracellular pathogen, and antibody and cell-mediated immune responses occur after infection or immunization with live oral attenuated typhoid vaccines (10, 25, 34).Diagnostic tests for typhoid fever often lack sensitivity and/or specificity, especially in areas of the world that are endemic for typhoid fever, where clinically distinguishing typhoid fever from other febrile illnesses is difficult (5, 17, 39). Microbiologic culturing of blood is approximately 30 to 70% sensitive, with the highest sensitivity being associated with an absence of prior use of antibiotics and the culturing of larger volumes of blood, features that complicate this mode of diagnosis in young children (5, 6, 8, 36). Microbiologic culturing of bone marrow aspirates is more sensitive than blood but often clinically impractical (1, 11, 12). Serum Widal assay titers are often nonspecific in endemic settings and are of limited value unless titers are markedly elevated or are analyzed for changes from acute to convalescent phases of illness (18, 33, 38). Molecular diagnostic assays including PCR are promising, but issues of practicality, contamination, and quality control have limited their use in many resource-poor areas of the world (14).Since serovar Typhi interacts with both the mucosal and the systemic immune systems, we were interested to determine whether analyses of mucosal immune responses would give improved insight into this human-restricted infection. Activated mucosal lymphocytes migrate from intestinal tissue and circulate within peripheral blood before rehoming to mucosal tissues (20, 31). This migration peaks 1 to 2 weeks after intestinal infection and may be measured by using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in an antibody-secreting cell (ASC) assay (19, 26) or in supernatants recovered from harvested PBMC (the “antibody in lymphocyte supernatant” [ALS] assay) (7, 31). Although ALS and ASC responses have previously been measured after immunization with oral live attenuated typhoid vaccines, detailed analyses of ALS or ASC responses in individuals with wild-type typhoid fever are lacking (21, 24). In order to gain further insight into mucosal immune responses during wild-type serovar Typhi infection, we undertook a study to characterize the serum and ALS responses to serovar Typhi among individuals with suspected typhoid fever in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
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