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The authors reviewed the radiographic manifestations of 17 cases of parosteal osteosarcoma, with pathologic correlation in 15. There were two types of parosteal osteosarcoma radiologically. The majority of cases were type I with uniformly dense masses which had regular borders. They often adhered to the cortex and showed no evidence of soft-tissue invasion which correlated with low-grade pathologic malignancy and a relatively benign clinical course. Type II involved the bone, soft-tissue and the medullary cavity. These lesions were poorly differentiated and frequently accompanied by metastatic lesions.
Twenty five cases, including 26 eyes with retinal vein occlusion (RVO) were examined by means of the electro-oculogram. The results showed that 23 of the 26 eyes suffering from RVO exhibited abnormalities of the electro-oculogram (EOG). The potential difference and Arden ratio in the RVO eyes were lower than those in the normal eyes (P<0.01). The more the visual acuity of ill eyes was decreased, the higher the abnormal rate of EOG in ill eyes was. 14 eyes had the visual acuity less than 0.1, whose EOGs were abnortmal. Six eyes had the visual acuity from 0. 2 to 0. 4, in which the EOGs of 5 eyes were abnormal. Six eyes had the visual acuity more than 0. 5, a-mong which the EOGs of 4 eyes were abnormal. Based on the above observations, it may be considered that the circulatory disturbance resulting from RVO damages not only the internal layer but also the external layer of the retina. We suggest that EOG is a useful method for distingquishing lesions caused by RVO and may reflect the functional condition  相似文献   
Ligustrazini in the treatment of chronic cor pulmonale   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
点点酒意 带来神来之笔 酒赐予吾灵气。常酒后行文,数部拙著于案,盖盖于此!或得缪赞,以得酒资而侃之。  相似文献   
几种中草药复配杀虫剂的急性毒性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为有效开发植物杀虫剂资源及今后的推广应用提供科学依据。用两种粉剂和两种醇剂的杀虫应用浓度给小白鼠灌,而家兔则行皮肤刺激试验。结果显示,除醒剂Y-13经口有中毒情况发生外,其它3种制剂均无中毒现象,醇剂Y-13的家兔皮肤也无刺激反应发生。作者认为:4种制剂在有杀虫效果的前提下,杀虫应用浓度对人和动物都较安全。有开发和推广应用价值。  相似文献   
目的探讨交叉韧带重建术中可吸收挤压螺钉的使用方法和疗效。方法总结53例交叉韧带重建病例使用可吸收挤压螺钉的情况,在术中、术后并发症、术后康复、膝关节功能状况等方面进行回顾性分析。结果三例出现韧带切割现象。两例股骨侧螺钉拧入后导引针无法拔出。一例挤压螺钉断裂。术后Lysholm评分平均92.4±4.1。结论交叉韧带重建术中使用可吸收挤压螺钉固定的方法固定牢固,术后恢复快,利于早期康复。  相似文献   
用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP—AES),同时测定了广州与潮州产青果中13种微量元素和宏量元素的含量,结果发现其含有多种人体必需和与乙型肝炎的发生发展有关的微量元素;初步讨论了它们与青果功效的关系。  相似文献   
Carcinoma of the cervix is typically treated with a combination of intracavitary brachytherapy and external beam radiation. The external beam dose is delivered with whole pelvis fields followed by split fields that protect midline organs at risk (bladder and rectum) while treating the parametria. Three approaches have been developed to shield midline structures: a simple rectangular block, a block customized to a single brachytherapy isodose line, and a step wedge filter constructed to conform to multiple brachytherapy isodose lines. A customized step wedge filter has the potential to produce a more homogeneous dose distribution but has not achieved widespread use due to labor intensive construction. We have developed a simple, novel method to produce a custom midline step wedge using dynamic multileaf collimation (dMLC). A comparison of film measurements in a phantom with the dose calculated by a commercial treatment planning system demonstrated agreement within 3% or 3 mm. The technique requires delivery times comparable to conventional techniques.  相似文献   
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