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Prevention Science - The effectiveness of bullying prevention programs has led to expectations that these programs could have effects beyond their primary goals. By reducing the number of victims...  相似文献   
Data from many laboratory and clinical investigations indicate that CD34+ cells comprise approximately 1% of human bone marrow (BM) mononuclear cells, including the progenitor cells of all the lymphohematopoietic lineages and lymphohematopoietic stem cells (stem cells). Because stem cells are an important but rare cell type in the CD34+ cell population, investigators have subdivided the CD34+ cell population to further enrich stem cells. The CD34+/CD38- cell subset comprises less than 10% of human CD34+ adult BM cells (equivalent to < 0.1% of marrow mononuclear cells), lacks lineage (lin) antigens, contains cells with in vitro replating capacity, and is predicted to be highly enriched for stem cells. The present investigation tested whether the CD34+/CD38- subset of adult human marrow generates human hematopoiesis after transfer to preimmune fetal sheep. CD34+/ CD38- cells purified from marrow using immunomagnetic microspheres or fluorescence-activated cell sorting generated easily detectable, long- term, multilineage human hematopoiesis in the human-fetal sheep in vivo model. In contrast, transfer of CD34+/CD38+ cells to preimmune fetal sheep generated only short-term human hematopoiesis, possibly suggesting that the CD34+/CD38+ cell population contains relatively early multipotent hematopoletic progenitor cells, but not stem cells. This work extends the prior in vitro evidence that the earliest cells in fetal and adult human marrow lack CD38 expression. In summary, the CD34+/ CD38- cell population has a high capacity for long-term multilineage hematopoietic engraftment, suggesting the presence of stem cells in this minor adult human marrow cell subset.  相似文献   
Patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) have reduced numbers and frequencies of dendritic cells (DCs) in blood, and there is also evidence for defective activation through Toll‐like receptors (TLRs). Collectively, these observations may point to a primary defect in the generation of functional DCs. Here, we measured frequencies of plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) and myeloid DCs (mDCs) in peripheral blood of 26 CVID patients and 16 healthy controls. The results show that the patients have reduced absolute counts of both subsets. However, the decreased numbers in peripheral blood were not reflected in reduced frequencies of CD34+ pDC progenitors in the bone marrow. Moreover, studies at the single cell level showed that DCs from CVID patients and healthy controls produced similar amounts of interferon‐α or interleukin‐12 and expressed similar levels of activation markers in response to human cytomegalovirus and ligands for TLR‐7 and TLR‐9. The study represents the most thorough functional characterization to date, and the first to assess bone marrow progenitor output, of naturally occurring DCs in CVID. In conclusion, it seems unlikely that CVID is secondary to insufficient production of naturally occurring DCs or a defect in their signalling through TLR‐7 or TLR‐9.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to determine whether stem cell factor (SCF) and erythropoietin (EPO) act differently on defined subsets of progenitor cells, and if potential differences correlate with the receptor density on each subset. To investigate this possibility directly, we optimized conditions for the identification and purification of homogeneous progenitor cell subpopulations from human bone marrow. Populations containing 40% and 44% colony forming cells (CFCs) with 99% and 95% purity for the granulomonocytic and erythroid lineage, respectively, were sorted on the basis of differential expression of CD34, CD64, and CD71. In addition, a population containing 67% CFCs, of which 29-43% were CFU-MIX, was sorted from CD34hi CD38loCD50+ cells. Purified progenitor cell subsets were compared directly for responsiveness to SCF and EPO using a short-term proliferation assay. Expression of the receptors for SCF and EPO were then examined on each subset using a flow cytometer modified for high- sensitivity fluorescence measurements. The results show that EPO induces extensive proliferation of erythroid progenitor cells, but has no effect on the proliferation or survival of primitive or granulomonocytic progenitors, even when used in combination with other cytokines. The majority of erythroid progenitor cells furthermore stained positively with anti-EPO receptor (EPO-R) monoclonal antibodies, whereas other progenitor cells were negative. SCF alone induced extensive proliferation of erythroid progenitor cells, and had a stronger synergistic effect on primitive than on granulo-monocytic progenitors. In spite of these differences in SCF activity, there were no significant differences in SCF-R expression between the progenitor subsets. These results suggest that the selective action of EPO on erythropoiesis is determined by lineage-restricted receptor expression, whereas there are additional cell-type specific factors that influence progenitor cell responses to SCF.  相似文献   
There is a long-standing controversy as to whether a single bone marrow (BM)-derived cell can differentiate along both hematopoietic and stromal lineages. Both primitive hematopoietic and stromal progenitor cells in human BM express the CD34 antigen but lack expression of other surface markers, such as CD38. In this study we examined the CD34+, CD38- fraction of human fetal BM by multiparameter fluorescence- activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis and single-cell sorting. CD34+, C38- cells could be divided into HLA-DR+ and HLA-DR- fractions. After single-cell sorting, 59% of the HLA-DR+ cells formed hematopoietic colonies. In contrast, the CD34+, CD38-, HLA-DR- cells were much more heterogeneous with respect to their light scatter properties, expression of other hematopoietic markers (CD10, CD36, CD43, CD49b, CD49d, CD49e, CD50, CD62E, CD90w, CD105, and CD106), and growth properties. Single CD34+, CD38-, HLA-DR- cells sorted into individual culture wells formed either hematopoietic or stromal colonies. The presence or absence of CD50 (ICAM-3) expression distinguished hematopoietic from stromal progenitors within the CD34+, CD38-, HLA-DR- population. The CD50+ fraction had light scatter characteristics and growth properties of hematopoietic progenitor cells. In contrast, the CD50- fraction lacked hematopoietic progenitor activity but contained clonogenic stromal progenitors at a mean frequency of 5%. We tested the hypothesis that cultures derived from single cells with the CD34+, CD38- , HLA-DR- phenotype could differentiate along both a hematopoietic and stromal lineage. The cultures contained a variety of mesenchymal cell types and mononuclear cells that had the morphologic appearance of histiocytes. Immunophenotyping of cells from these cultures indicated a stromal rather than a hematopoietic origin. In addition, the growth of the histiocytic cells was independent of the presence or the absence of hematopoietic growth factors. Based on sorting more than 30,000 single cells with the CD34+, CD38-, HLA-DR- phenotype into individual culture wells, and an analysis of 864 stromal cultures initiated by single CD34+ BM cells, this study does not support the hypothesis of a single common progenitor for both hematopoietic and stromal lineages within human fetal BM.  相似文献   
The effect of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) on highly enriched human apheresis CD34(+) progenitor cells was investigated in vitro. The progenitor cells were mobilized by treatment with cyclophosphamide + granulocyte - colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in patients with multiple myeloma. CD34(+) cells were cultured for 7 days in serumfree medium containing stem cell factor (SCF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-3 (IL-3), and this is referred to as cytokine-dependent proliferation. After 7 days of cytokine-dependent proliferation the total number of viable cells increased 1.6-8.2 times, and subsets of cells expressing the granulocyte marker CD15, the myelomonocytic marker CD64 and the erythrocyte phenotype CD71(high) /CD64(-) were detected among the in vitro cultured cells. Addition of G-CSF together with SCF + IL-3 + GM-CSF increased the number of CD15(+) and CD64(+) cells, but without altering the number of erythroid cells. IGF-1 caused a dose-dependent increase in the number of CD15(+), CD64(+) and CD71(high) /CD64(-) cells, and this increase was detected when cells were cultured in both SCF + IL-3 + GM-CSF alone and G-CSF + SCF + IL-3 + GM-CSF. A minor subset of CD34(+) cells could still be detected among in vitro cultured cells and the number of CD34(+) cells was not altered by adding G-CSF and/or IGF-1. Morphologically recognizable mature granulocytes or erythroid cells could not be detected for any of the combinations investigated. We conclude that IGF-1 can enhance the in vitro proliferation of committed progenitor cells derived from apheresis CD34(+) cells.  相似文献   
The present study investigated possible receptor-like characteristics of glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked antigens on human monocytes and granulocytes by measuring cytoplasmic calcium fluxes and the oxidative burst in cells following cross-linking of GPI-linked antigens. Cross-linking of cell-bound anti-CD14, -CDw52 and -CD55 induced cytoplasmic calcium fluxes and oxidative bursts in unprimed human monocytes similar to those observed following FcyR cross-linking. In granulocytes primed with 200 nM N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (FMLP), cross-linking of cell-bound anti-CD16, -CD24, -CD59 and -CD67 led to calcium fluxes and activation of the oxidative burst. The oxidative bursts mediated by GPI-linked antigens were stronger than those induced by 200 nM FMLP, even though FMLP induced a larger increase in cytoplasmic calcium concentration. The responses were likely to be independent of FcyR interactions as F(ab′)2 fragments of IgG or IgM antibodies were used in the experiments. Activating effects of monoclonal antibody to GPI-linked antigens were not observed in cells from patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, which are deficient in GPI-linked antigens. In addition, treatment with GPI-specific phospholipase C led to inhibition of cell activation through GPI-linked antigens but not through transmembrane receptors. Cross-linking of a number of non-GPI-linked antigens (CD11a, CD18, CD31, CD35, CD43, and CD45) neither induced calcium fluxes, nor activated the oxidative burst. The results indicate that most, if not all, GPI-linked surface glycoproteins on myeloid cells are capable of mediating cell activation and suggest that the GPI anchor is a structure facilitating signal transduction.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A limited number of mostly cross-sectional studies have examined the possible effects of power sports on aggressive and antisocial involvement in children and youth. The majority of these studies have serious methodological limitations, and results are partly contradictory. Longitudinal studies with representative, reasonably large samples and adequate dependent variables are lacking. METHODS: The relationship between participation in power or fight and strength sports (boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, and oriental martial arts) and violent and antisocial behaviour was examined in a sample of 477 boys, aged 11 to 13 years at Time 1, over a two-year period. Making use of information about different participation patterns over time, the longitudinal design provided an opportunity to examine specified hypotheses about possible causal effects of power sports. RESULTS: The total pattern of results strongly suggests that participation in power sports actually leads to an increase or enhancement of antisocial involvement in the form of elevated levels of violent as well as non-violent antisocial behaviour outside sports. In addition, there were no indications of selection effects; the presence of such effects would imply that boys who started with power sports were characterised by already elevated levels of antisocial involvement. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide strong support for the 'enhancement hypothesis'. The negative effects in boys seemed to stem from both the practice of power sports itself and from repeated contact with 'macho' attitudes, norms, and ideals. The negative effects of participation in power sports represent a societal problem of considerable dimensions which has been largely neglected up to now.  相似文献   
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