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BACKGROUND: Since 1997, a number of trials have shown promising results in treating generalized vitiligo with narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) both in adults and children. However, there is little knowledge concerning the duration and permanency of the treatment-induced repigmentation. OBJECTIVE: Our main objective was to perform a follow-up trial of successfully treated patients receiving narrowband UVB for generalized vitiligo. METHODS: We have investigated to what degree the treatment-induced repigmentation remains stable for up to 2 years post-treatment. We performed an initial open trial including 31 patients with generalized vitiligo. They received narrowband UVB thrice weekly for up to 12 months. Patients experiencing > 75% repigmentation were defined responders and were included in the follow-up trial. Responders were followed every 6 months for up to 2 years after cessation of treatment. We observed the pigmentation status and registered any changes indicating loss of pigmentation and relapse. RESULTS: Eleven of the 31 treated patients were included in the follow-up trial. Six patients had relapse and five patients had stable response 24 months after cessation of treatment. Four out of six relapses were within 6 months post-treatment. CONCLUSION: In our study population of 31 patients with generalized vitiligo, five patients (16%) experienced > 75% stable repigmentation 2 years after cessation of a treatment programme of up to 1 years narrowband UVB therapy.  相似文献   
Amphetamine-induced mesolimbic dopamine release has been reported to reduce prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response. In addition, it is well known that mesolimbic dopamine stimulation leads to hyperactivity. The present study was undertaken to explore the possibility that one or the other measure may be a more sensitive in vivo indicator of dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens by determining if the amphetamine dose-response curves for these two behavioral measures were different. The data indicate that the dose-response curves obtained for the different behavioral measures are identical. These data are consistent with the idea that the same dopamine terminal field supports both prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response and dopamine-stimulated hyperactivity.  相似文献   
Previous studies of sonograms in premenarchal girls have reported the typical ovary to be homogeneous in echogenicity, with cysts an uncommon finding, particularly in children less than 6 years old. These studies found no macrocysts (cysts greater than 9 mm in greatest length) in patients less than 11 years old. This information contradicts published pathology studies and our sonographic experience. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of cysts in the ovaries of premenarchal girls. The pelvic sonograms of 101 consecutive premenarchal girls between 2 and 12 years old, without known gynecologic or endocrinologic disease, were prospectively studied. One hundred fifty-five ovaries were adequately imaged in three dimensions. Ovaries were evaluated for the presence or absence of cysts (as defined by sonographic criteria), and the length of the cyst or of the largest cyst, if several were noted, was measured. Cysts were identified in 106 ovaries (68%). Cysts were seen in patients of all ages, particularly in the younger children (2-6 years old). Thirteen of the cysts, noted in 11 patients between 2 and 10 years old, were macrocysts. The typical sonographic appearance of the ovary in premenarchal girls is not homogeneous. Cysts are common in premenarchal girls between 2 and 12 years old and are the cause of the typical heterogeneous image. Macrocysts can be seen in healthy girls less than 11 years old.  相似文献   
Several metabolic aspects of primary active transport have been explored in this communication. One emphasized theme entailed the need to investigate the properties of the mitochondria and the active transport systems within the intact cell. Several methodological and conceptual approaches were described that permitted such an analysis. The answers provided were sometimes qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative information was provided regarding the cytosolic signal linking active transport with respiration, suggesting that the cytosolic ADP concentration was an important element in that link. The intact renal cell was found to work normally at 50 to 60% of its maximal respiratory capacity, indicating that sufficient reserve capacity was present for increased metabolic demands. Several examples were described in which a combination of qO2 measurements and/or optical techniques were used to differentiate between effects of agents which act primarily on transport or metabolic events. Finally, the control of transport by metabolism was discussed, primarily emphasizing the role of ATP and Pi. One of the overall conclusions from these studies is that, in general, the mitochondria and the transport systems seem to display similar properties in the intact cell as they do in isolated form. However, uncertainties concerning the cellular microenvironment surrounding the mitochondria and the plasma membrane transporters have produced some interesting surprises concerning their function in the intact cell. More quantitative information on the energy compartmentation of the renal cell would be helpful to clarify numerous aspects of metabolic function.  相似文献   
Male genital oedema can be defined as swelling or the appearance of swelling of the scrotum and/or the penile shaft and prepuce. Despite the various causes of genital oedema reported in the published work, a concise approach to the evaluation and management has not been sufficiently addressed.  相似文献   
We randomly assigned children with otitis media with effusion to receive either erythromycin-sulfisoxazole, cefaclor, amoxicillin or placebo for a 2-week period, primarily to determine whether either erythromycin-sulfisoxazole or cefaclor would have greater short term efficacy than that found previously for amoxicillin, and secondarily to supplement earlier data on outcomes in placebo-treated subjects. Interim analyses showed no statistically significant (P less than 0.05) differences between the three antimicrobial treatment groups in the primary outcome measures, i.e. the prevalence of middle-ear effusion 2 and 4 weeks after entry, and indicated that postulated differences favoring the erythromycin-sulfisoxazole and cefaclor groups over the amoxicillin group were unlikely to be found even if the originally calculated sample size were attained. Subject accrual was therefore terminated. Final analysis showed no significant between-group differences in other outcome measures as well. In antimicrobial vs. placebo comparisons neither erythromycin-sulfisoxazole nor cefaclor gave more favorable outcomes than placebo, whereas more children were effusion-free in the amoxicillin group than in the placebo group at 2 weeks (31.6% vs. 14.1%, P = 0.007), but not at 4 weeks. We conclude that when antimicrobial treatment for otitis media with effusion is deemed advisable, neither erythromycin-sulfisoxazole nor cefaclor should replace amoxicillin as first line treatment.  相似文献   
Preventive dentistry for the elderly is a two-track system: one for the haves and another for the have nots (not an uncommon duality). For those who have teeth, the major needs are prevention of new or recurrent caries and preventing further loss of supporting tissue. The strategies are essentially the same as for the younger populations, with some modification. For the have-nots, maintenance of denture function and denture hygiene becomes the counterpart. Both groups have the same needs for surveillance of soft tissue health and salivary gland function. The major challenge for the preventively oriented dentist concerned with the elderly is to develop an appreciation of the need for regular care in an age group that places a low priority on this service. This is an educational and a behavioral problem that has to be addressed by our social and behavioral scientists. The practitioner, however, has to build it into dental practice on an ongoing basis. People do not become elderly over night (although it may seem to happen that way). As people grow older, they lose the youthful sense of immortality and are very amenable to health education. We have to provide it. A well functioning dentition, artificial or, one hopes, natural, adds to well being, "quality of life" and is part of active life expectancy that to many is more important than mere survival.  相似文献   
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