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Objective: The study goal was to compare the laser spot size created using reflective and refractive micromanipulators with a CO2 laser and to determine the sensitivity of spot size to laser power. Study Design and Setting: A CO2 laser and operating microscope (400-mm focal length) was coupled to either a reflective (Cassegrain-like) or refractive micromanipulator. Laser spot size was determined by measuring the region of ablation created by laser irradiation of wood (dry tongue depressors), exposed photographic film, and agar gel using optical micrometry. Laser power varied from 0.5 to 20 W with pulse durations of 0.1 and 0.5 second. Results: The reflective micromanipulator demonstrated overall smaller spot sizes for a given laser power and lower incremental change in spot size with increasing power. The reflective design demonstrated less sensitivity to increases in laser power. Conclusions: Micromanipulator optical design can result in significant differences in laser spot size. The reflective device used in this study demonstrated less sensitivity to increasing laser power. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002;126:593-597.)  相似文献   
Previously, we reported that transgenic mice overexpressing endothelin-1 in astrocytes showed more severe neurological deficits and increased infarct after transient focal ischemia. In those studies, we also observed increased level of aldose reductase (AR), the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the polyol pathway, which has been implicated in osmotic and oxidative stress. To further understand the involvement of the polyol pathway, the mice with deletion of enzymes in the polyol pathway, AR, and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SD), which is the second enzyme in this pathway, were challenged with similar cerebral ischemic injury. Deletion of AR-protected animals from severe neurological deficits and large infarct, whereas similar protection was not observed in mice with SD deficiency. Most interestingly, AR(-/-) brains showed lowered expression of transferrin and transferrin receptor with less iron deposition and nitrotyrosine accumulation. The protection against oxidative stress in AR(-/-) brain was also associated with less poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and caspase-3 activation. Pharmacological inhibition of AR by Fidarestat also protected animals against cerebral ischemic injury. These findings are the first to show that AR contributes to iron- and transferrin-related oxidative stress associated with cerebral ischemic injury, suggesting that inhibition of AR but not SD may have therapeutic potential against cerebral ischemic injury.  相似文献   
Reports the case of a 60-year-old woman who underwent R2 total gastrectomy, and subsequent palliation of painful symptom recurrence via a membrane-covered metal stent. Received: 13 June 1996/Accepted: 31 July 1996  相似文献   
This study investigated whether previous contact with mental illness affected the attitudes to mental illness (AMI) of general student nurses in Hong Kong — the contact hypothesis. We employed a quasi-experimental design. We compared the attitudes to mental illness of students who had previous contact with mental illness through having taken a psychiatric secondment with those who had not taken a psychiatric secondment. Also, we compared the AMI of: students who had taken other courses related to mental illness with those who had not; those who had a family history of mental illness with those who had not; and those who lived with a mentally ill relative with those who did not. We found that previous contact with mental illness had no significant effect on the attitudes to mental illness of the students. In other words our findings do not support the contact hypothesis. Our sample expressed positive general attitudes to mental illness when presented with general issues about mental illness. However, their attitudes were less positive when presented with specific issues about mental illness that might impinge upon their daily lives. We discuss the implications of these findings for mental health nursing practice, education and research.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species may contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma. Functional genetic polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase are good candidates for asthma susceptibility. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of the manganese-containing form of SOD (MnSOD) gene at amino acid position 16 (Val16Ala) and catalase gene in the promoter at A-21T and C-262T polymorphisms and asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese population. METHODS: The association study was conducted in a case-control design in asthma patients (n=251) and healthy controls (n=316) by genotyping. The functional significance was assessed by determining erythrocyte SOD and catalase activity. RESULTS: The Val allele of MnSOD at Val16Ala and the A allele of catalase gene at A-21T were not different between patients and controls, while the C allele of catalase gene at C-262T was found to be significantly different between patients and controls (P=0.033). The less frequent variant of catalase gene (-262T) was found to be protective from the development of asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese non-smoking population (adjusted odds ratio=0.35, 0.15-0.85; P=0.017). Asthma patients had elevated erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities in comparison with healthy controls (P<0.01). However, their activities were not associated with different genotypes within healthy controls or asthma patients. CONCLUSION: This is the first report showing that SOD and catalase functional activities are not associated with their respective genetic polymorphisms but related to the presence of asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese population.  相似文献   
From available clinical, radiographic, and synovial fluid findings, coupled with in vivo radiolabelled crystal turnover data and in vitro experimental data, a hypothesis has been formulated relative to the pathogenesis of BCP crystal deposition diseases (Fig. 2). Synovial lining cells phagocytose BCP crystals and particulate collagens in the joint fluid. During and/or after internalization these cells are stimulated in a variety of ways: 1) protease synthesis and secretion is relentlessly stimulated, which may damage joint tissues producing clinically evident loss of collagenous tissues including cartilage, bone, and tendon, and which may release additional amounts of crystals and particulate collagens into the synovial fluid, completing a vicious cycle; 2) PGE2 production is greatly augmented; 3) DNA synthesis is stimulated as a result of increased inositol phospholipid turnover and intracellular crystal dissolution. The increased number of synovial cells also augments the total local generation of proteases and prostenoids. Mechanical factors such as trauma or joint overuse also contribute to the pathogenesis of joint destruction as discussed in the article on the clinical aspects of BCP crystal deposition.  相似文献   
Purpose: The aim of the study was to provide information about the characteristics of three main types of orthokeratology (ortho‐k) lenses used in Hong Kong and to report on their performance based on the clinical impressions of a group of ortho‐k practitioners. Method: Twelve ortho‐k practitioners were interviewed between 1 March and 30 June 2001. Results: Most ortho‐k lenses were ordered from three manufacturers: DreimLens, Fargo and Contex. The median maximum myopia reduction reported for DreimLens, Contex and Fargo lenses were 6.25 D, 6.00 D and 4.50 D respectively. The time to reduce myopia by up to 4.00 D could be up to three weeks for Contex and DreimLens and up to four weeks for Fargo. For reduction of myopia by up to 4.00 D, the treatment usually required only one or two lenses per eye for all three types of lenses. The incidence of lens binding and lens tightening after achieving the optimal reduction was reported to be higher with the DreimLens design. Good centration, less lens binding, relatively lower incidence of complications and lens tightening after achieving the optimal reduction were reported with the Fargo lenses. Conclusions: DreimLens tended to be more effective for myopia reduction. However, some practitioners were concerned with the aggressiveness of myopia reduction using this lens design and the higher potential for ocular complications. Selection of the lens design is dependent on various factors, in particular, practitioners need to be comfortable with the design they choose and to consider the needs of their patients and the final goal of the treatment.  相似文献   
YB Cheung 《Public health》1998,112(2):113-117
In view of the rising divorce rates, the impact of divorce on health has an increasing importance in public health. The differentials in health between the married and the divorced may be explained by ‘marital selection’ and ‘marital protection’. Using longitudinal data from a study of the 1958 British birth cohort, factors that select people into divorce were identified from the areas of socio-economic status, health, and attractiveness, which included physical attractiveness, health-related behaviour and temperament. Evidence for both positive and adverse selection is found. The different sets of selection factors for females and males appear to be in line with gender role expectations. The health differentials between married and divorced men were weak and can be explained away by the selection factors. Having controlled for the selection effects, there were still significant associations between divorce and physical and psychological health in women. Though these unexplained differentials cannot be definitely interpreted as the consequences of marital dissolution, this interpretation remains plausible.  相似文献   
The simultaneous occurrence of renovascular hypertension and an adrenocortical adenoma is a rare entity. The case of a 64-year-old woman who underwent an aortorenal bypass graft for renovascular hypertension requiring a multidrug antihypertensive regimen is presented. Persistently elevated blood pressures in the postoperative period prompted further workup for other causes of hypertension. Laboratory evaluation showed hyperaldosteronism and hyporeninemia despite enalapril administration. Abdominal computerized tomography (CT) revealed a left adrenal mass which, on surgical removal, was found to be a cortical adenoma. Subsequently, her antihypertensive therapy has been reduced to a single agent. Previous authors have described only four patients with malignant hypertension who had the rare clinical combination of renal artery stenosis and an aldosteronoma. This case reemphasizes the critical need for a thorough search for other surgically correctable lesions in those patients who remain severely hypertensive after the "definitive" operation.  相似文献   
One hundred thirty-three strains of Aeromonas (human, n = 102; animal, n = 16; environmental, n = 15) previously identified to the DNA group level by molecular methods were biochemically analyzed for 58 properties. On the basis of the use of between 9 and 16 selected tests, 132 of the 133 strains (99%) could be assigned to their correct hybridization group using this biochemical scheme. The results suggest a feasible approach for identifying aeromonads to genospecies level under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   
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