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Objective: A multidisciplinary vocational rehabilitation programme, the Vocational Enablement Protocol (VEP) was developed to address the specific needs of employees with hearing difficulties. In the current study we evaluated the process of implementing the VEP in audiologic care among employees with hearing impairment. Design: In conjunction with a randomized controlled trial, we collected and analysed data on seven process parameters: recruitment, reach, fidelity, dose delivered, dose received and implemented, satisfaction, and perceived benefit. Study sample: Sixty-six employees with hearing impairment participated in the VEP. The multidisciplinary team providing the VEP comprised six professionals. Results: The professionals performed the VEP according to the protocol. Of the recommendations delivered by the professionals, 31% were perceived as implemented by the employees. Compliance rate was highest for hearing-aid uptake (51%). Both employees and professionals were highly satisfied with the VEP. Participants rated good perceived benefit from it. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the VEP could be a useful treatment for employees with hearing difficulties from a process evaluation perspective. Implementation research in the audiological setting should be encouraged in order to further provide insight into parameters facilitating or hindering successful implementation of an intervention and to improve its quality and efficacy.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether individualized tailor-made behavioural treatment based upon a problem analysis of each case was more effective than a standardized behavioural treatment protocol. Twenty-two obsessive-compulsive patients were randomly assigned to two treatment conditions: (1) tailor-made cognitive behavioural therapy and (2) standardized exposure in vivo therapy. Treatment in both conditions led to significant improvements on obsessive-compulsive targets and on the Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory. Improvement generalized to general levels of psychopathology, depressed mood and social anxiety. Contrary to expectations the individualized treatment was not more effective than the standardized exposure therapy.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Surgical closure of oroantral communications (OACs) has several disadvantages. An animal study was performed to test whether OACs can be closed nonsurgically with a biodegradable polyurethane (PU) foam. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 6 rabbits, an OAC was created on both sides of the maxilla. Three rabbits were used to evaluate the animal model by applying a surgical treatment on 1 side and by leaving the other defects untreated. In the 3 other rabbits, OACs were closed with PU foam. Wound healing was evaluated clinically and histologically. RESULTS: The surgically treated defects healed without complications. The untreated defects showed complicated and delayed healing. Healing of the foam-treated OACs was dependent on the type of foam that was used. CONCLUSIONS: The rabbit is a suitable animal model for OAC investigations. It is possible to close an OAC with a biodegradable PU foam. Further research is needed to show the most suitable composition of the PU for this purpose.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To test whether central motor processing can be impaired in chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). DESIGN: Experimental 2-group analysis. SETTING: Tertiary care center in the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: Five patients with stage 3 RSD of the left forearm, free of symptoms and complaints in the right forearm; and 10 healthy control subjects. INTERVENTION: On a digitizer, RSD patients and controls had to draw 3 sequences of graphemes of different complexity with their (unaffected) dominant right hand. The drawing tracks were segmented in time periods between points of velocity minima of the pen tip. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean velocity, coefficients of variation of both length and movement time per segment, and mean intersegmental pausing time were calculated for each sequence. RESULTS: A repeated-measures analysis of variance by using the multivariate method yielded a 35% lower mean velocity (F(1,13) = 5.83, P =.031), a 110% larger segment length variability (F(1,13) = 9.72, P =.008) and a 60% larger variability of movement time per segment (F(1,13) = 5.78, P =.032) in RSD patients. No group difference was found for intersegmental pausing time or any interaction effect with the type of task. CONCLUSION: Patients with chronic RSD have a normal ability to preprogram sequential movements of their unaffected hand; but with impaired temporospatial coding and movement execution. We concluded that cortical mechanisms may be involved in motor impairments in patients with chronic RSD.  相似文献   
In this study we wanted to investigate the post-operative astigmatism and visual acuity after phacoemulsification and conventional extracapsular cataract surgery. Patients operated between April and June 1993 (n=150) were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were examined prior to surgery and at day 1, at day 10, and in week 6 post-operatively. The difference between the post-operative log mean visual acuity in the Phaco group and in the CECCE group was significant after 1 and 10 days, however it was not significant (p=0.191) after 6 weeks. The mean astigmatism was significantly less in the Phaco group than in the CECCE group during the whole post-operative check-up period. This study suggests that Phaco results in a lower post-operative astigmatism and an earlier visual rehabilitation compared to the CECCE technique.Abbreviations Phaco Phacoemulsification - CECCE Conventional extracapsular cataract extraction  相似文献   
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a disorder associated with progressive iron overload and deposition in multiple organs. It is the most common inherited single gene disorder in people of Northern and Western European descent. About 80% of individuals of European descent with HH are homozygous for a cysteine-to-tyrosine substitution (C282Y) in the gene now called HFE. The function of HFE protein, a major histocompatibility class I-like transmembrane protein, has not been fully elucidated. Three consequences of the C282Y mutation are lack of expression of HFE on the cellular surface, a lowered iron level in macrophages, and an increased rate of clearance of iron from the intestinal lumen. These changes could confer protection against certain pathogens early in life before iron overload occurs. Furthermore, the C282Y mutation might have been selected for during the European plagues caused by Yersinia spp. and other pathogens because of the conferred resistance to infection, i.e., by epidemic pathogenic selection.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Herpesviruses are a significant cause of human morbidity. Traditional approaches to the identification of these viruses require infectious or at least antigenic virus. Multiplex PCR (mPCR) is capable of simultaneously amplifying a range of targets from a single preparation of nucleic acids and when combined with a suitable detection assay, it is capable of discriminating each of the amplicons. OBJECTIVES: Several methods have been described in the literature, however, they lack one or more significant design features required to suitably control a routinely applied nucleic acid amplification assay. We aimed to design a multiplex herpesvirus PCR that could co-amplify eight human herpesvirus targets plus an internal control (IC) molecule in a single tube. STUDY DESIGN: Primers were designed to target the DNA polymerase genes of each of the human herpesviruses. Synthetic controls were developed to act as templates for the evaluation of assay sensitivity and specificity and for development of an in-house competitive quantitative PCR. Amplicon was discriminated using a simplified enzyme linked amplicon hybridisation assay (ELAHA). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: For routine diagnostic use we reduced the number of herpesviral targets from 8 to 6 in order to maintain adequate clinical sensitivity. The ELAHA proved more sensitive than agarose gel electrophoresis. Additionally, 36 cytomegalovirus positive patients were examined with an in-house quantitative PCR-ELAHA which was developed to confirm that that the mPCR's co-detection limit of 10(2) copy of synthetic template per millilitre was relevant for use in detecting virus from clinical samples. The mPCR-ELAHA was then applied to the screening of 174 patient specimens resulting in a specificity of 98% and a sensitivity of 93%. This preliminary study demonstrated that the mPCR-ELAHA was a complete approach to the detection of herpesviruses from a range of clinical samples and disease states.  相似文献   
Web-based virtual microscopy in teaching and standardizing Gleason grading   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gleason grading forms the basis of prognostic and therapeutic assessment in prostatic carcinoma despite its subjective nature and substantial interobserver variation. The accuracy of Gleason grading can be improved by the use of educational tools such as reference images. However, conventional microscopy images are of limited educational value because it is neither possible to view the sample at different magnifications nor to navigate into different areas of the specimen. This limitation can be overcome by the use of virtual microscopy, which allows viewing entire digitized microscope slides. We created an interactive Web site ( www.webmicroscope.net/gleason ) featuring a comprehensive set of prostatic needle biopsies as virtual slides, which can be viewed with a standard Web browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape). To evaluate the validity of Web-based virtual microscopy for Gleason grading, an experienced uropathologist (TK) scored a series of 62 biopsies from the original glass slides and 6 weeks later from virtual slides on the Web site using an ordinary desktop computer. The intraobserver agreement was excellent, with identical Gleason scores found in 48 of the 62 cases ( kappa = 0.73). The 14 remaining scores differed only by 1 point on the Gleason scale (2-10). The virtual slides were viewed by 2 other uropathologists (PM and HH), with interobserver kappa coefficients ranging from 0.55 to 0.62, which is within the range of previously reported studies using glass slides. The 3 uropathologists' Gleason scores were included as reference scores on the Web site, which now serves as a publicly open platform for self-testing and learning of Gleason grading. We conclude that Web-based virtual microscopy is a promising new tool for teaching and standardizing Gleason grading.  相似文献   
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