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Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is often associated with fatty liver. Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) deficiency is one of the known causes of fatty liver and acquired ApoB deficiency has recently been reported with HCV infection. We report two patients (47-year-old lady and 48-year-old man) who had asymptomatic transaminase elevation, fatty liver, anti-HCV positive with high viral load (genotype 3). Their lipid profile showed low total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides and ApoB. One of the patients who received treatment for HCV infection showed improvement in lipid profile and ApoB levels.  相似文献   
To assess the value of unbound bilirubin (UB) and saturation index (SI) in serum and CSF as indicators of Kernicterus, we studied 50 icteric neonates (serum indirect bilibrubin (IB) greater than or equal to 7 mg/dl) and 20 controls (IB less than 7 mg/dl) during the first week of life. Serum and CSF were obtained simultaneously in all neonates. Of 36 neonates with IB greater than 12 mg/dl 19 had evidence of kernicterus. UB was estimated by Sephadex gel filtration and SI by salicylate displacement technique. Positive correlation (r = +0.85) was obtained between serum and CSF UB levels. There was a significant difference (p less than 0.05) between mean serum and CSF UB levels in kernicterus and non-kernicterus neonates (kernicterus serum UB = 0.71 +/- 0.22) mg/dl, CSF UB = 0.16 +/- 0.06 mg/dl: non-kernicteric serum UB = 0.40 +/- 0.10 mg/dl, CSF UB = 0.10 +/- 0.03 mg/dl). A critical serum UB level 0.5 mg/dl and a danger zone of CSF UB (0.1 to 0.15 mg/dl) was observed in presence of kernicterus. Neonates with kernicterus and 30% non-kernicteric had serum SI greater than or equal to 8. Mean values of serum and CSF SI were comparable in all neonates. The serum and CSF UB and SI, and the mean percentage cross over of UB from serum to CSF when statistically compared were not significantly influenced by risk factors.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Antineoplastic agents often achieve antitumor activity at the expense of close to unacceptable toxicity. One potential avenue to improve therapeutic index might combine agents targeting distinct components of the same growth regulatory pathway. This might lead to more complete modulation of the target pathway at concentrations lower than those associated with limiting adventitious toxicities from either agent alone. The protein kinase antagonist UCN-01 is currently used in Phase I/II trials and has recently been demonstrated to inhibit potently PDK1. We have recently documented that the alkylphospholipid perifosine potently also inhibits Akt kinase (PKB) activation by interfering with membrane localization of Akt. This leads to the hypothesis that these two agents might act synergistically through distinct mechanisms in the PI3K/Akt proliferation and survival-related signaling pathway. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The synergistic effects of UCN-01 and perifosine, on two cell lines (A-549 and PC-3), were examined using various long-term in vitro assays for cell growth, cell cycle distribution, clonogenicity, survival morphology, and apoptosis. Along with Western blotting experiments were performed to determine whether this synergistic combination of two drugs has significant effect on their downstream targets and on biochemical markers of apoptosis. RESULTS: After 72 h, perifosine at concentrations of 1.5 and 10 microM UCN-01 at 40 and 250 nM did not significantly affect the growth of PC-3 and A459 cells, respectively. However, in combination at the same respective individual concentrations (1.5 microM and 40 nM of perifosine and UCN-01, respectively, in PC-3 cells and 10 microM perifosine and 0.25 microM UCN-01 in the somewhat more resistant A549 cells), virtually complete growth inhibition of both the cell lines resulted. Supra-additive inhibition of growth was also demonstrated in independent clonogenic assays. Mechanistic studies in cell culture models suggest enhanced depletion of the S-phase population in cells treated by the combination. This correlated with enhanced inactivation of Akt along with activation of caspases 3 and 9 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage. Evidence of synergy was formally demonstrated and occurred across a wide range of drug concentrations and was largely independent of the order or sequence of drug addition. CONCLUSIONS: As the concentrations of UCN-01 and perifosine causing synergistic inhibition of cell growth are clinically achievable without prominent toxicity, these data support the development of clinical studies with this combination.  相似文献   
Using a quantitative immunoautoradiographic technique with simultaneously exposed internal standards, antigenic sites on A1, A1B, A2 and A2B erythrocytes were quantitated. The binding of purified radioiodinated rabbit anti-A antibodies was studied by the direct incubation technique. 61 normal individuals and 44 patients suffering from leukaemia and other haematological disorders such as polycythaemia vera (PV) and aplastic anaemia (Apl.A) were investigated. Among the normal volunteers, antigenic sites gradually increased up to 3 months of life, later on they were comparable with the values of adults. A reduction of more than 50% in the antigenic sites was observed in all cases of Apl.A. 50-70% of patients with various forms of leukaemia had a decrease in antigenicity. 1 patient suffering from acute unclassified leukaemia showed two populations of red cells. This case differed from natural O/A1 chimerism where A1 erythrocytes had normal antigenicity while in the patient, A1 antigens were depressed. 2 patients (1 with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, 1 with Apl.A) who were investigated after allogenic bone marrow transplantation had a marked decrease in antigenic sites. Reasons for A antigenic variations in haematological disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
The meniscofemoral ligaments were studied in 84 fresh-frozen knees from 49 cadavers. Combined anterior and posterior approaches were used to identify the ligaments. In total, 78 specimens (93%) contained at least one meniscofemoral ligament. The anterior meniscofemoral ligament (aMFL) was present in 62 specimens (74%), and the posterior meniscofemoral ligament (pMFL) in 58 (69%). The 42 specimens (50%) in which both ligaments were present were from a significantly younger population than that with one MFL or none (p < 0.05). Several anatomical variations were identified, including oblique fibres of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), which were seen in 16 specimens (19%). These were termed the 'false pMFL'. The high incidence of MFLs and their anatomical variations should be borne in mind during arthroscopic and radiological examination of the PCL. It is important to recognise the oblique fibres of the PCL on MRI in order to avoid wrongly identifying them as either a pMFL or a tear of the lateral meniscus. The increased incidence of MFLs in younger donors suggests that they degenerate with age.  相似文献   
Contaminating white blood cells in stored platelet concentrate (PC) are the source of many pro-inflammatory cytokines. These are implicated in transfusion reactions. To study the release of interleukin (IL)-8 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) at different time interval in PC prepared by-platelet rich plasma (PRP) and buffy coat (BC) using different principles. Fifteen PCs were prepared by both the methods. The supernatants of PCs prepared by PRP and BC methods were collected aseptically after 1, 18, 65 and 112 h of preparation. pH, platelet and WBC counts were done. The supernatants were frozen in aliquots at −56 °C for measurement of IL-8 and TNF-α concentration using ELISA. The Mean ± SD value of WBC in PRP-PC was 7.4 ± 3.75 × 107 and in BC-PC 3.9 ± 2.2 × 107. The mean platelet counts were 6.05 ± 1.94 × 1010 and 6.54 ± 2.18 × 1010 respectively. The highest level of IL-8 in one hour was up to 30 pg/ml in both the type of PC. It increased up to 986 pg/ml in PRP-PC and 481 pg/ml in BC-PC at 112 h. IL-8 increased significantly during storage period of 5 days in both types of PCs (P0.000 and P0.01). TNF-α level remained low up to 18 h. The highest level was 72 pg/ml in PRP-PC and 57 pg/ml in BC-PC at 65 h. IL-8 levels significantly increased after one hour of storage and TNF-α. levels were low up to 18 h and then showed increase. The BC-PC had significantly low levels of IL-8 compared to PRP-PC (P0.0001).  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Efforts to prevent HIV transmission from mother to infants in settings like India may benefit from the availability of reliable methods for rapid and simple HIV screening. Data from India on the reliability of rapid HIV test kits are limited and there are no data on the use of rapid HIV tests for screening of pregnant women. METHODS: Pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic and delivery room in Pune agreed to participate in an evaluation of five rapid HIV tests, including (a) a saliva brush test (Oraquick HIV-1/2, Orasure Technologies Inc.), (b) a rapid plasma test (Oraquick HIV-1/2) and (c) three rapid finger prick tests (Oraquick HIV-1/2; HIV-1/2 Determine, Abbott; NEVA HIV-1/2 Cadila). Results of the rapid tests were compared with three commercial plasma enzyme immunoassay (EIA) tests (Innotest HIV AB EIA, Lab systems/ELISCAN HIV AB EIA, UBI HIV Ab EIA). RESULTS: Between September 2000 and October 1, 2001, 1258 pregnant women were screened for HIV using these rapid tests. Forty-four (3.49%) of the specimens were HIV-antibody-positive by at least two plasma EIA tests. All of the rapid HIV tests demonstrated excellent specificity (96-100%). The sensitivity of the rapid tests ranged from 75-94%. The combined sensitivity and specificity of a two-step algorithm for rapid HIV testing was excellent for a number of combinations of the five rapid finger stick tests. CONCLUSION: In this relatively low HIV prevalence population of pregnant women in India, the sensitivity of the rapid HIV tests varied, when compared to a dual EIA algorithm. In general, the specificity of all the rapid tests was excellent, with very few false positive HIV tests. Based upon these data, two different rapid HIV tests for screening pregnant women in India would be highly sensitive, with excellent specificity to reliably prevent inappropriate use of antiretroviral therapy for prevention of vertical HIV transmission.  相似文献   
Little is known about birth outcomes for HIV-infected women in India. We examine maternal and neonatal birth outcomes in HIV-infected women within the context of enhanced pre-natal care associated with a randomized clinical trial conducted in Pune, India. Birth outcomes of 212 HIV-infected pregnant women were compared with those of 130 HIV-uninfected pregnant women attending a government tertiary care hospital between 2002 and 2004. These women and children were participating in the Six Week Extended-Dose Nevirapine (SWEN) study. Birth outcomes and maternal morbidity data were collected at delivery. We found no differences between HIV-infected and uninfected pregnant women with respect to the proportion with elevated intrapartum blood pressure, eclampsia, oligohydramnios, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preterm delivery, or caesarean section (p>0.05). HIV-infected women were more likely to have peri-partum fever (3% versus 0%, p=0.04). There were no differences in neonatal parameters such as low birth weight (LBW), infants who were small for gestational age, or those having congenital anomalies (p>0.05). Compared with infants of HIV-infected women enrolled antenatally, infants of HIV-infected women enrolled in the post-partum ward had a higher risk of pre-term delivery (20% versus 8%, p=0.02) and LBW (41% versus 22%, p=0.002). HIV-infected women in this cohort in India were not found to have significant negative birth outcomes. Antenatal care was important as those not having received any antenatal care prior to deliver were at increased risk of having a pre-term delivery or an infant with LBW. Based on these data, regular antenatal care provided to HIV-infected women can reduce risk of adverse birth outcomes for their infants.  相似文献   
The study presents the data analysis (1) To find out the trend of blood component use during the period 2003–2010 and to determine impact of component awareness programs on reduction in whole blood (WB) and single unit transfusions. (2) To determine Hb trigger. The details about blood units issued were entered in the integrated blood bank management software as well as in Microsoft Excel. The data of 4,838 cases of pregnancy anemia; 2,244 receiving blood for obstetric (Ob) hemorrhage including 270 cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation; 1,413 women having Gynecological (Gy) bleeding; 911 Ob, 2,032 Gy and 740 surgeries for Gy malignancy were analyzed. During the years 2003–2010 there was gradual increase in component utilization for pregnancy anemia, Ob/Gy surgeries and Ob/Gy bleeding and significant reduction in WB transfusions due to component awareness programs. But single unit transfusions showed comparatively lower trend of reduction. The mean Hb was 6.4 g/dL for pregnancy anemia, 8.1 g/dL for surgeries and 7.3 g/dL for Ob/Gy bleeding.  相似文献   
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