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A 45-year-old man was referred to our department in March of 1989. Physical examination showed erythroderma, palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis, generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and leukemic manifestation. The lymphocyte count in the peripheral blood before treatment was 1.7 × 104 cells/mm3. Atypical lymphocytes such as flower cells and lobulated cells were seen in the peripheral blood. A sample excised from a lymph node showed immunoblastic, pleomorphic T cells by a modified classification scheme of the Working Formulation. A high level of serum LDH was detected (2.1 times the upper normal limit). Anti HTLV-1 antibody was also detected in the serum. The atypical lymphocytes were positive for CD3, CD4, CD5, CD7 and HLA-DR, and negative for CD8. Thus, the clinical, pathologic and immunologic features were those of typical acute-type ATL. The patient was treated with VEPA-M for three months starting in March of 1989. Because of poor response, the patient was then treated with MACOP-B, M-FEPA, and VEPP-B for about one year from June of 1989 and has been free of disease up to the time of writing, March of 1993.  相似文献   
A 57-year-old female presented with an abnormal Pap smear. Colposcopic examination of the cervix revealed white mucosa with erosion and several areas of black pigmentation. After a colposcopically directed biopsy and loop conization, radical hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy were performed. Pathological examination disclosed an invasive squamous cell carcinoma admixed with many dendritic melanocytes. Melanin granules were present within the melanocytes and tumor cells. Although similar tumors have been reported in other sites, this is the first report to our knowledge of a pigmented squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Deposition of proteins on surfaces of medical devices has been recognized to putatively relate to the process of regulation of biomaterial-associated complications by attachment of fibrin clots, eukaryotic cells, and microbes. The molecules adsorb to a varying extent, depending not only on the physicochemical properties of the biomaterial, but also on the composition of the host fluid. OBJECTIVE: Adsorption of proteins on catheters exposed both ex vivo and in vitro to dialysate of patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) was studied. METHODS: Peritoneal dialysis effluent was collected from 5 patients with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory PD. Tenckhoff catheters were obtained from 16 patients. Deposition of proteins on excised Tenckhoff catheters and tubing of different materials exposed to PD effluent in vitro was studied using 125iodine-labeled antibodies. Adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis strains was quantified on tubing exposed to PD effluent in vitro. RESULTS: The presence of albumin, transferrin, immunoglobulin G, fibrinogen, fibronectin, von Willebrand factor, vitronectin, and thrombospondin was determined at various concentrations in PD effluent. All proteins analyzed were detected on PD catheters removed from patients. The extent of protein deposition on Tenckhoff catheters exposed to PD effluent, in vitro, rapidly reached a plateau and remained constant, as it did on polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene tubing. Adhesion of staphylococci was enhanced on Tenckhoff catheters exposed to PD effluent compared to unused PD solution. CONCLUSIONS: The data identify surface exposed proteins that may serve as adhesion sites for microbes on peritoneal catheters indwelled in patients undergoing PD.  相似文献   
The expression of gap junction protein was examined immunohistochemically using affinity-purified antibody against rat liver gap junction protein, connexin 32 (Cx32), in the kidneys of fetal (gestation days 13–16) and adult Syrian golden hamsters. Phalloidin histochemical staining, PNA- and RCA I-lectin stainings, NCAM immunostaining, and alkaline phosphatase and Na+-K+-ATPase enzyme-histochemical staining were performed in combination with Cx32 immunostaining. The kidney sections were observed with a confocal scanning laser microscope. By gestation day 13, Cx32 immunoreactivity was observed in the differentiating tubules. The Cx32 staining was localized on the lateral cell membrane of the cells lining the developing proximal tubules, while the S-shaped bodies, developing distal tubules, and collecting tubules showed no positive immunostaining. As the kidney developed, the density of Cx32 immunoreactivity increased. As the gap junction provides pathways for cell-cell communication, the development of Cx32 expression may imply that this structure plays an important role in renal tubule development. Confocal scanning laser microscopy provided a clear image of the fluorescence-labeled cell structures, free from out-of-focus blur. Using the same sections, stereoscopic images were easily reconstructed from serial optical sections, and were helpful in understanding the spatial distribution of Cx32 expression in the developing fetal proximal tubules.  相似文献   
For almost 20 years, the neutralizing-epitope site specific for influenza B virus Victoria group isolates was conserved at the "tip" of the hemagglutinin molecule; however, it was not detected in half of the isolates from the 2002-2003 epidemic in Japan. Amino acid substitutions (D164E or N165K) were observed at the "tip", and the epitope was altered. The viral antigenicities were affected, and human antibodies did not substantially inhibit the hemagglutination in the hemagglutination inhibition tests. It is suspected that such variants will be important in future epidemics.  相似文献   
Heat-shock induces a strong stress response and modifies all aspects of cellular physiology, which involves dynamic changes in the nucleocytoplasmic distributions of a variety of proteins. Many distinct nucleocytoplasmic transport pathways exist in eukaryotic cells, but how a particular transport pathway is regulated under different cellular conditions remains elusive. The finding of this study indicate that conventional nuclear import, which is mediated by importin alpha/beta, is down-regulated, while the nuclear import of 70 kD heat-shock cognate protein is up-regulated in heat-shock cells. Among the factors involved in the mediation of the conventional nuclear import, significant levels of importin alpha accumulate in the nucleus in response to heat-shock. An analysis of the behaviour of importin alpha with fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss in photobleaching studies show that nuclear importin alpha becomes less mobile and its nucleocytoplasmic recycling is impaired in heat-shock cells. These data coincided well with biochemical and cytological studies. Our present data show that heat-shock induces the nuclear accumulation, nuclear retention, and recycling inhibition of importin alpha, resulting in the suppression of conventional nuclear import. This suggests a new regulatory mechanism for the adaptation of cells to environmental changes, such as heat-shock.  相似文献   
In this study, we isolated and characterized a murine counterpart of the human Arpp (hArpp) gene. Sequence analysis revealed that the murine Arpp (mArpp) gene is almost identical to the Ankrd2 gene, which has recently been isolated as a mouse gene induced in stretched skeletal muscle. The mArpp gene encodes a protein of 332 amino acids that contains four well-conserved ankyrin-repeat domains in the central portion of the protein. The amino acid sequence of mArpp protein (mArpp) is highly homologous to that of mouse cardiac-restricted ankyrin-repeat protein (Carp), which is proposed to be a putative genetic marker for cardiac hypertrophy. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that mArpp is preferentially expressed in type 1 skeletal muscle fibers, and that mArpp is localized in both the nucleus and the sarcomeric I-band of muscle fibers, suggesting that Arpp may function as a nuclear and sarcomeric protein. Furthermore, mArpp was also expressed in neurons of the cerebellum and cerebrum, the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, and the esophageal epithelium, suggesting that mArpp may play a functional physiologic role in brain, pancreas, and esophagus as well as in type 1 muscle fibers. Interestingly, although mArpp was localized in both nucleus and cytoplasm in neurons, its localization was restricted to nucleus in pancreas and esophagus, suggesting that intracellular localization of mArpp is regulated in a tissue-specific manner. Furthermore, we found that mArpp- and Carp-expression in skeletal muscle were markedly up-regulated after denervation. Although the elevated expression level of Carp was kept only for two weeks after denervation, that of Arpp was kept at least for 4 weeks, suggesting that mArpp and Carp may play distinct functional roles in denervated skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Three phases of neurogenesis can be recognized during Xenopus spinal cord development. An early peak during gastrulation/neurulation is followed by a phase of low level neurogenesis throughout the remaining embryonic stages and a later peak at early larval stages. We show here that several genes known to be essential for early neurogenesis (X-NGNR-1, XNeuroD, XMyT1, X-Delta-1) are also expressed during later phases of neurogenesis in the spinal cord, suggesting that they are involved in regulating spinal neurogenesis at later stages. However, additional neuronal determination genes may be important during larval stages, because X-NGNR-1 shows only scant expression in the spinal cord during larval stages. Thyroid hormone treatment of early larvae promotes neurogenesis in the spinal cord, where thyroid hormone receptor xTRalpha is expressed from early larval stages onward and results in precocious up-regulation of XNeuroD, XMyT1, and N-Tubulin expression. Similarly, thyroid hormone treatments of Xenopus embryos, which were coinjected with xTRalpha and the retinoid X receptor xRXRalpha, repeatedly resulted in increased numbers of neurons, whereas unliganded receptors repressed neurogenesis. Our findings show that thyroid hormones are sufficient to up-regulate neurogenesis in the Xenopus spinal cord.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinoma of the lung are currently subject to similar treatment regimens despite distinct differences in histology and epidemiology. The aim of this study is to identify a molecular target with diagnostic and therapeutic values for SCC. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Genes specifically up-regulated in SCC were explored through microarray analysis of 5 SCCs, 5 adenocarcinomas, 10 small cell lung carcinomas, 27 normal tissues, and 40 cancer cell lines. Clinical usefulness of these genes was subsequently examined mainly by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Seven genes, including aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B10 (AKR1B10), were identified as SCC-specific genes. AKR1B10 was further examined by immunohistochemical analysis of 101 non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) and its overexpression was observed in 27 of 32 (84.4%) SCCs and 19 of 65 (29.2%) adenocarcinomas. Multiple regression analysis showed that smoking was an independent variable responsible for AKR1B10 overexpression in NSCLCs (P < 0.01) and adenocarcinomas (P < 0.01). AKR1B10 staining was occasionally observed even in squamous metaplasia, a precancerous lesion of SCC. CONCLUSION: AKR1B10 was overexpressed in most cases with SCC, which is closely associated with smoking, and many adenocarcinoma cases of smokers. These results suggest that AKR1B10 is a potential diagnostic marker specific to smokers' NSCLCs and might be involved in tobacco-related carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
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