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Inhaled iloprost controls pulmonary hypertension after cardiopulmonary bypass   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
PURPOSE: Severe pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a major cause of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction. Various iv vasodilator modalities have been used with limited results because of lack of pulmonary selectivity. The aim of the present controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy of inhaled iloprost, a synthetic prostacyclin analogue, in patients with elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) immediately after separation from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). METHODS: Twelve patients with persistent PH after discontinuation of CPB were included in the study. In all patients standard hemodynamic monitoring was used. Inhaled iloprost was administered via nebulized aerosol at a cumulative dose of 0.2 micro g*kg(-1) for a total duration of 20 min. Complete sets of hemodynamic measurements were performed before inhalation (baseline), during and after cessation of the inhalation period. Echocardiographic monitoring of RV function was also used. RESULTS: Inhaled iloprost induced a reduction in the transpulmonary gradient at the end of the inhalation period in comparison to baseline (9.33 +/- 3.83 mmHg vs 17.09 +/- 6.41 mmHg, P < 0.05). The mean pulmonary artery pressure to systemic artery pressure ratio decreased over this period (0.28 +/- 0.08 vs 0.45 +/- 0.17, P < 0.05). A statistically significant decrease of the PVR to systemic vascular resistance ratio was also observed (0.15 +/- 0.05 vs 0.21 +/- 0.05, P < 0.05). Improved indices of RV function were observed in echocardiographic monitoring. CONCLUSION: Inhaled iloprost appears to be a selective pulmonary vasodilator and may be effective in the initial treatment of PH and the improvement of RV performance in the perioperative setting.  相似文献   


Enlarged parietal foramina are variable ossification defects in the parietal bones that present as symmetric radiolucencies on skull radiographs. In contrast to the normal small parietal foramina, enlarged parietal foramina are a hereditary condition and genes associated with it have been identified.


A literature review was performed to discuss the many known findings related to enlarged parietal foramina.


Even though they remain asymptomatic in the majority of cases, they may be associated with other pathologies and occasionally become symptomatic. This article provides a comprehensive review of the current knowledge of enlarged parietal foramina.  相似文献   
Several agents and conditions have been reported to unmask or accentuate the electrocardiographic pattern of Brugada syndrome including fever. At a molecular level, sodium channels have been showed to be temperature dependent. Herein, we describe a case of Brugada electrocardiographic pattern unmasked during febrile state and marked leukocytosis.  相似文献   
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