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Levels of the soluble form of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (sTREM)-1 are elevated in severe sepsis. However, it is not known whether sTREM-1 measurements can distinguish milder bacterial infections from noninfectious inflammation. The present authors studied whether serum sTREM-1 levels differ in community-acquired pneumonia, exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and controls, and whether sTREM-1 may be used as a surrogate marker for the need for antibiotics. Serum sTREM-1 levels in 150 patients with pneumonia, COPD and asthma exacerbations and 62 healthy controls were measured. Serum sTREM-1 levels were significantly elevated in pneumonia (median 295.2 ng x mL(-1)), COPD (280.3 ng x mL(-1)) and asthma exacerbations (184.0 ng x mL(-1)) compared with controls (83.1 ng x mL(-1)). Levels were higher in pneumonia and Anthonisen type 1 COPD exacerbations than in type 2 and 3 COPD and asthma exacerbations. The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve for sTREM-1 as a surrogate marker for the need for antibiotics was 0.77. Serum levels of the soluble form of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 were elevated predominantly in pneumonia and Anthonisen type 1 COPD exacerbations versus type 2 and 3 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations, asthma and controls. Serum levels of the soluble form of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 has moderate but insufficient accuracy as a surrogate marker for the need for antibiotics in lower respiratory tract infections.  相似文献   
Abstract: Background: Few studies have examined in depth the labor progression of multiparas to determine if there is any additional impact of being parous beyond the first birth. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of parity on labor progression in contemporary obstetric practice. Methods: Our sample consisted of all low‐risk women who delivered a term, live‐born infant from January 2002 to March 2004 at a single institution in Delaware, United States (n = 5,589). The median duration of labor by each centimeter of cervical dilation was computed for parity = 0 (n = 2,645); parity = 1 (n = 1,839); parity = 2 (n = 750); and parity = 3 + (n = 355). Results: Multiparas had a significantly faster labor progression from 4 to 10 cm (293, 300, and 313 min, respectively, for parity = 1, parity = 2, and parity = 3 +), compared with nulliparas (383 min for parity = 0), as well as a shorter second stage of labor. However, no significant differences were found in duration of the active phase or the second stage of labor among multiparas. Conclusions: Additional childbearing appears to have no effect of on the progression of labor among multiparous subgroups. The difference in duration of the active phase between nulliparas and multiparas is substantially smaller in a contemporary population. (BIRTH 33:1 March 2006)  相似文献   
本实验制作不同程度心肌缺血的动物模型,以声处理5%人血白蛋白为超声造影剂进行心肌灌注造影,探讨MCE时间-强度曲线各指标与心肌缺血程度间的关系。结果表明:心肌显影的峰值强度和曲线下面积均与缺血程度呈显著负相关(相关系数分别为r=-0.98,P值<0.005;r=-0.94,P值<0.05),且能区分轻度、中度和重度三种程度的心肌缺血;而三项时间指标与心肌缺血程度间未发现显著性差异。本实验的初步结果表明,MCE是一项活体评估局部心肌血流灌注的有效方法。  相似文献   
Intravenous administration of human bone marrow stromal cells (hMSCs) after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) in rats provides functional benefit. We tested the hypothesis that these functional benefits are derived in part from hMSC production of growth and trophic factors. Quantitative sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of hMSCs cultured with normal and MCAo brain extracts were performed. hMSCs cultured in supernatant derived from ischemic brain extracts increased production of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). These neurotrophins and angiogenic growth factors increased in a post‐ischemia time‐dependent manner. The hMSC capacity to increase expression of growth and trophic factors may be the key to the benefit provided by transplanted hMSCs in the ischemic brain.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the characteristics of the early stage treponema pallidum infected tissue in ear, nose, oropharynx and larynx and to raise relevance ratio of syphilis in nose and oropharynx and enhance doctor's self-protection awareness. METHODS: The histopathologic characteristics were studied by using HE staining, Warthin-Starry (W-S) staining was adopted to examine the treponema pallidum(TP) in lesion issue and its exudates smear for 12 cases biopsy tissues of suspicious syphilis. The diagnosis was confirmed by venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL), rapid plasma reagin circle test(RPR), treponema pallidum hemagglutination test(TPHA) and fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test (FTA-ABS). Treat with curing syphilis methods which published by nation. RESULTS: In the 12 cases mucous membrane specimen, the squamous epithelium proliferated, neutrophilic granulocyte infiltrated, within inherent membrane generous plasmacyte and lymphocyte infiltrated. W-S staining: plenty of treponema pallidum were found inside mucous membrane epithelium and exudate smear. Serology examination: 11 cases VDRL(++++), 7 cases RPR (+), 11 cases TPHA(+), 1 case FTA-ABS(+). After systemic treatment, 11 cases are clinically recovered. All patients serology become negative. CONCLUSION: W-S staining method can directly demonstrate histopathologic characteristics in early syphilis, in intrinsic membrane numerous plasmacyte infiltration. Combining with specific syphilis serology examination could increase diagnosis rate of syphilis in nose and oropharynx.  相似文献   
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