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Treatment with an oral aromatie retinoid (etretinate) and with PUVA significantly reduced the elevated levels of putrescine, spermidine and spermlne in psoriatic lesions. Both treatments also significantly reduced the spermidine/spermine ratio, which is considered to be an indicator of proliferation activity. Although both regimens produced a roughly parallel reduction of epidermal polyamines the initial fall of putrescine was much more rapid in patients receiving retinoid. This may indicate that one of the primary targets of retinoids could be ornithine deearboxylase.  相似文献   
Abstract— Forty-five young adults were divided into three groups of equal size and given a professional toothcleaning (3 times during 1 wk) with dental gels containing either chlorhexidine (CHX, 1%), or a SnF2-amine fluoride (AmF) combination (F content 1.20%). The control group received toothcleaning with a placebo gel. The study was done double blind. The number of salivary mutans streptococci was monitored for 11 wk after the gel treatment using both mitis-salivarius-bacitracin agar plates and the chairside method based on the adhesion of mutans streptococci on plastic strips (DentocuIt-SM Strip mutans). Professional toothcleaning with a CHX gel was clearly most effective ( P < 0.001) but the baseline levels of streptococci returned in 11 wk. SnF2-AmF gel also reduced significantly ( P < 0.001) mutans streptococci but recolonization occurred already in 7 wk. Placebo gel, i.e. professional toothcleaning as such, did not show any statistically significant effect on the numbers of salivary mutans streptococci. None of the treatments affected the levels of lactobacilli or the total aerobic flora in saliva samples. Professional toothcleaning with a CHX gel, or with a SnF2,-AmF gel, can be regarded as an alternative to the commonly used, but more patience demanding, application of gel in mouth trays at home for individuals with high caries activity.  相似文献   
Neither iodinated proteins nor iodinated. low-molecular weight compounds (e.g. iodinated tyrosine derivatives) could be detected in concentrated human salivary supernatant by using the Ce(SO4)2-method either directly or after thin-layer chromatography. Salivary sediment contained free 1? ions, loosely bound iodine (released with saline) and strongly bound iodine (released with sonication, detergent and acid hydrolysis). A positive correlation between salivary and crevicuiar excretion of l? from plasma was observed. Thiocyanate ions, which competitively inhibit peroxidase-catalysed oxidation and iodination reactions and which are abundant in human saliva, possibly prevent the coupling of l? to protein in vivo although some human salivary proteins are very susceptible to iodination in vitro.  相似文献   
Abstract — The effects of timolol maleate on the secretion and composition of human saliva were studied in vivo. Eight healthy volunteers received orally 10 mg timolol maleate. Stimulated parotid saliva samples, resting whole saliva samples, and blood samples were collected immediately before and four times after the drug intake at intervals of 1 h. The levels of total protein, lysozyme, IgA, IgG and IgM, salivary peroxidase, myeloperoxidase, lactoferrin, amylase, thiocyanate (SCN-), and hypothiocyanite (OSCN-) were analyzed from saliva samples. Drug levels were measured both from parotid saliva and blood samples. Results were compared to the analyses of the samples collected in a similar way but without administration of any drugs. Decreased levels of total protein, lactoferrin, amylase, and salivary peroxidase were observed in parotid saliva after a single oral dose of timolol maleate. No such decrease was found in lysozyme, myeloperoxidase, SCN-, OSCN-, or immunoglobulins. Salivary flow rate was not significantly changed after drug intake. The results suggest that the β-blocking drug may cause qualitative changes in the composition of saliva by inhibiting the synthesis and/or release of acinar proteins.  相似文献   
Abstract. A 65-year-old woman presenting with back pain, difficulties in walking and watery diarrhea. A right adrenal tumor and high excretion of catecholamines were found. Laboratory examinations showed raised levels of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, pancreatic polypeptide, gastrin and calcitonin. Histology showed a combined pheochromocytoma—ganglioneuroma. The neoplastic cell population was immunohistochemically shown to contain tyrosine hydroxylase, neuropeptide Y, met-enkephalin, substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, calcitonin and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Postoperatively, the patient recovered fully and the hormone levels returned to normal.  相似文献   
Proteolytic activities were measured in extracts of human skin melanoma, lymphatic metastasis and in nonmalignant naevi by using various proteinase substrates as well as plasminogen activator assay. pH-optima for hydrolysis of various proteinase substrates by these tumors were found to be essentially the same as in healthy human skin. Melanoma extracts were found to especially readily hydrolyze N-alpha-benzoyl-DL-arginine beta-naphthylamine (BANA) at pH 5.8 in the presence of 1 mmol/l dithiothreitol and EDTA (cathepsin B1-like enzyme) as well as histones and p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester (TAME) at pH 7.5, and showed increased capacity to activate plasminogen when compared to nonmalignant naevus. The possible role of proteinases in malignant melanoma is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract – The in vitro susceptibility of Streptococcus mutans, S. sobrinus and Lactobacillus casei to dental gels containing various combinations of amine fluoride (AmF 297), stannous fluoride (SnF2), and chlorhexidine (CHX) was studied. The combination of AmF-SnF2 with a total fluoride content of 1.2% was the most effective against mutans streptococci but not against L. casei. At notably lower total fluoride concentration (0.4%), AmF as such or combined with SnF2, was significantly less effective against mutans streptococci than CHX or CHX-AmF-SnF2 combinations. CHX-AmF combination was a slightly more potent inhibitor of streptococcal growth than CHX-NaF. With L. casei the differences between various gels were small but CHX alone seemed to be the most effective. Of the studied agents, CHX seemed to be the most potent individual chemotherapeutic compound whose activity against S. mutans could be enhanced by combining it with AmF. However, clinical experiments are required to test the in vivo antibacterial efficacy of CHX-AmF and AmF-SnF2 combinations which were most effective in our in vitro experiments.  相似文献   
This study investigated the variation in perceived tiredness among 11, 13 and 15-year-old Finnish adolescents (n=4187). Additionally interrelationships between sleep habits, use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, tobacco and coffee) and perceived tiredness among 15-year-olds were examined. This study is part of an international, WHO-coordinated survey of school children's health and lifestyle (the HBSC Study). In Finland, research data represented the whole country. The data were collected in March–May 1994. Pupils responded anonymously to a standardized questionnaire during a class period. Subjective tiredness was very common and increased with age among adolescents. Perceived tiredness on at least four school mornings a week increased from 24 to 35% among boys and from 16 to 34% among girls. Feeling tired more often than once a week increased from 20 to 37% in girls and from 24 to 50% in boys. Structural equation models showed that interrelationships between three factors – sleep habits, use of psychoactive substances and perceived tiredness – were statistically significant. For these three factors the two remaining factors explained 24% of the variance of perceived tiredness among boys and 20% among girls, and the two remaining factors explained 42% (16%) of the variation in sleep habits. For the variance of the use of psychoactive substances sleep habits and perceived tiredness explained 26% (12%). Subjective tiredness is strongly age related; this together with the use of psychoactive substances and sleep habits regulate adolescents’ daily life and well-being.  相似文献   
This study investigated sleeping habits and sleep difficultiesby selected sociodemographic background variables (age, sex,fathers occupation, urban v. rural environment and geographicalregion of Finland) among 11- to 16-year-old Finnish school children.The study is part of a larger, comparative, WHO-coordinatedproject on the health and life-style of school children (HealthBehavior of School Aged Children—A WHO Cross-NationalSurvey, the HBSC-Study). The Finnish research data representedthe whole country. Using a standardized survey questionnairethe data were collected anonymously in schools in spring 19Cleaned data were compiled from 2996 pupils. In general sleepinghabits were healthy among adolescents but with increasing ageunhealthy (irregular) sleeping habits as well as sleep difficultiesemerged. Age and in some cases sex were important explanatoryfactors of sleeping habits and sleep difficulties. Other sociodemographicfactors were far less correlated with sleep.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. 61 boys with constitutional delay of growth and maturation, aged 9-19 years and with a bone age (BA) lag of 1.3-5.5 years, were administered fluoxymesterone (0.05-0.24 mg/kg daily orally, relative dose increasing with age) to accelerate growth. The therapy was continuous and lasted 0.4-3.6 years. The findings are compared with 37 observation periods in a similar group of untreated boys. Growth velocity increased in every treated boy during the therapy, the mean first-year increment being 4.3±1.6 cm/year. For most boys this brought about a decrease in the height difference from peers, and so afforded the psychosocial relief that was the objective of the therapy. After therapy the velocity decreased slightly hi most boys, from a mean of 9.1±1.4 to 7.1±3.3 cm/year. The effect of the intervention on final height was assessed by three relatively independent methods of prediction. These were found to be equally valid in the 15 control boys for whom final heights are known. The effect appeared to vary individually, but on the average there appeared to be no loss of height potential. No individual boy with initial BA>10.5 years showed a substantial reduction in predicted final height.  相似文献   
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