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Tuberculosis involving the soft tissue from adjacent bone or joint is well recognized. However, primary tuberculous pyomyositis, tuberculous bursitis, and tuberculous tenosynovitis are rare entities constituting 1% of skeletal tuberculosis. Tuberculous tenosynovitis involves most commonly the tendon sheaths of the hand and wrist, and tuberculous bursitis occurs most commonly around the hip. The greater trochanteric bursa and the greater trochanter are the most frequent sites of tuberculous bursitis. Cases of primary tuberculous pyomyositis and tenosynovitis of the tendons of the ankle and foot are seldom reported in the radiology literature. All imaging modalities-plain radiography, bone scan, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)--provide information that is helpful in determining therapy. MRI in particular, with its multiplanar capabilities and superb contrast of soft tissue, can demonstrate the extent of the soft tissue mass and access the adjacent bones and joints. However, MRI has no diagnostic specificity in regard to tuberculosis, and in nonendemic areas, biopsy is strongly recommended. All patients in this review were permanent residents of North America or Western Europe and were immunocompetent. Examples of atypical presentations of the above entities are demonstrated.  相似文献   
As part of the Edgecombe County High Blood Pressure Control Program, a medical record review was conducted within a multispecialty private group practice in the county. The purposes of the review were to assess the relationship between the process of medical care and blood pressure control and to explore the variation in level and impact of medical care by race and sex. At the end of a three-year period, 41 percent of 628 hypertensive patients from the practice had uncontrolled diastolic blood pressure (DBP), as defined by Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program criteria. The percentage of uncontrolled hypertensives ranged from 53 percent for black men to 34 percent for white women. Hypertensive patients whose physicians were more aggressive in their use of antihypertensive drug therapy were more likely to be controlled. The effect of the level of physician drug aggressiveness tended to be more pronounced for blacks than for whites. Differences by race in exposure to and efficacy of aggressive drug treatment may influence racial variation in blood pressure control.  相似文献   
Background :
The aim of this study was to examine nuclear p53 overexpression in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, adenocarcinoma of the prostate, and renal cell carcinoma.
Methods :
Forty-four pathologic specimens from 39 bladder cancer patients, 41 prostatic adenocarcinoma, and 39 renal cell carcinoma specimens were analyzed immunohistochemically with D07 monoclonal antibody to detect the expression of the mutant p53 gene. Overexpression was said to occur when the number of positively-stained tumor nuclei were≥ 10% in each specimen. p53 overexpression was correlated with the clinical and histopathological features of these cancers.
Results :
Nuclear p53 overexpression occurred in 18.2% of transitional cell bladder cancer specimens, 12.2% of prostate cancer specimens, and 17.9% of renal cell cancer specimens. Statistical analyses showed that grade, vascular invasion, and necrosis in bladder cancer, a high Gleason score in prostate cancer, and the 1-year mortality rate in renal cancer were significantly related with p53 nuclear overexpression (P<0.05).
Conclusion :
Using the D07 monoclonal antibody, nuclear p53 overexpression is relatively uncommon in urologic malignancies, and moderately correlates with several histopathological and clinical features of urologic malignancies.  相似文献   
The anthelmintic activity of aqueous extracts (0.25–50 mg/mL) from 14 plant species that represent seven families of the Sudanese flora was examined using the free living rhabditid nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans as a test organism. Extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca and Sesbania sesban were the most effective (LC50, 0.8 and 8.0 mg/mL, respectively). Extracts of Albizzia anthelmintica, Cymbopogen narvatus, Abrus precatorius, Rhyncosia minima, Striga hermonthica and Anogeissus leiocarpa (LC50, 9.5–84.6 mg/mL were less effective in this model test system. Extracts of six plant species, Albizzia malacophylla, Gardenia lutea, Physostigma mesoponticum, Salvadora persica, Xeromphis nilotica and Waltheria indica had no effect upon C. elegans survival.  相似文献   
To investigate HER-2/neu oncoprotein immunoreactivity, monoclonal antibody TA1 immunohistochemical examination of flash-frozen radical prostatectomy specimens was performed (n = 35). All prostatic specimens contained benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and/or prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), as well as prostatic carcinoma (CaP). HER-2/neu oncoprotein immunoreactivity in BPH tissues was not significantly different than that for the PIN basal cell layer (P = 0.10) or for the PIN luminal cells (P = 0.17). There was significantly more HER-2/neu oncoprotein immunoreactivity in BPH than in areas of CaP (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in the amount of immunoreactivity present in PIN basal cells when compared to the PIN luminal cells (P = 0.49). Both the PIN basal cells and luminal cells stained for the HER-2/neu oncoprotein to a higher degree than cells in the CaP areas (P < 0.001 in both cases). HER-2/neu oncoprotein immunoreactivity is present at a significantly higher degree in BPH and PIN than in malignant prostatic epithelium.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine neurophysiological characteristics of dystonia patients using electromyographic soleus H-reflex methods. METHODS: Thirty normal healthy individuals were compared to 27 patients with focal (cervical) or generalized dystonia. Three H-reflex assessment methods were included: the ratio of maximum H-reflex to direct muscle potential (H/M ratio); vibration inhibition (H(v)/H(c) ratio); and H-reflex recovery curves (HRRC). RESULTS: Average H/M ratios between groups were not statistically significant. The average H(v)/H(c) ratio for the generalized dystonia group was significantly greater than the focal dystonia and normal groups. Average values of the HRRC showed the generalized dystonia group had significantly greater disinhibition than the focal dystonia and control groups during the early inhibition phase. The HRRC for the focal dystonia group was greater than normal and more similar to the generalized dystonia group during the late phases of the recovery curve. The average value of the localized late facilitation phase for the focal dystonia group was significantly greater than the control group and less than the generalized dystonia group. No differences were observed between groups for the average localized late inhibition phase of the recovery curve. CONCLUSIONS: Soleus H-reflex measures identified neurophysiologic differences between generalized dystonia, cervical dystonia and normal conditions. SIGNIFICANCE: This methodology enables analysis of the underlying characteristics of dystonic pathologies using soleus H-reflex methods rather than upper extremity H-reflex techniques.  相似文献   
One strategy for improving resistance to opportunistic pathogens is to determine host cellular responses during the invasion process and upregulate those responses that are relevant to host defense mechanisms. Within this context, we have shown previously that invasion of endothelial cells by Candida albicans in vitro causes increased production of prostaglandins. As a prerequisite for modulating endothelial cell prostaglandin production, we now characterize the mechanisms through which this process occurs. Endothelial cell invasion by C. albicans appeared to stimulate the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins by upregulating the synthesis of endothelial cell cyclooxygenase and increasing the activity of the endothelial cell phospholipase. The enhanced activities of these two enzymes were independent of calphostin C-sensitive protein kinase C and resulted in the increased production and extracellular secretion of prostaglandin I2 (PGI2), PGF2 alpha, and PGE2. The secretion of these prostaglandins had no effect on the amount of endothelial cell injury induced by C. albicans. The role of the increased prostaglandin secretion by endothelial cells is likely related to modulation of the leukocyte response at the candida-leukocyte-endothelial cell interface.  相似文献   
The effect of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) on urine flow rates and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity and expression was studied in rat intestinal and renal epithelia. The cytokine produced a significant diuretic effect and increased urine flow rate by around 10-fold compared with the control. This effect was considered to be secondary to the well-documented natriuretic effect of the cytokine described in the literature. On the other hand, we have shown previously that IL-1beta inhibits glucose absorption from the jejunum. As sodium excretion and glucose absorption are both dependent on Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity, the effect of the cytokine on the renal and intestinal pump was investigated. IL-1beta inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the activity of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase in villus and crypt jejunal cells and in medullary and cortical kidney cells. Western blot analysis revealed a decrease in the protein expression of the enzyme, which was confirmed by the radiolabeled ouabain binding assay. The results suggest that the diuretic and natriuretic effect of IL-1beta and its inhibitory effect on glucose absorption are all due to downregulation of the Na(+)/K(+) pump in the kidney and jejunum.  相似文献   
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