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(1) The estrous cycle in the rat may be used to study recurrent changes in motor behaviors and motivation which are strongly related to cyclic hormonal and CNS changes. (2) The peak in motivated behaviors occurs during a sharply defined period on the night between proestrus and estrus and is evident in facilitated wheel-running, lordosis, and intracranial self-stimulation. (3) Behaviors without a clearly motivated character do not show an estrous cyclicity. (4) The estrous cyclic variation in intracranial self-stimulation was observed at a specific locus — the pars campacta of the substantia nigra. (5) A neurochemical link between sexually motivated behavior, wheel running and intracranial self-stimulation is suggested. This link is in part dopaminergic but is probably also activated by many other systems.  相似文献   
Thirty gallium scans, using currently acceptable dosage levels (5-6 mCi) and a conventional rotating gamma camera, were performed on 20 patients with lymphoma or infection. Compared to planar scans, SPECT increased sensitivity and lesion detection from 48% to 89% in lymphoma, and from 50% to 80% in infection. The predictive value of a negative site was 81% in lymphoma and 67% in infection. Gallium utility is markedly increased by SPECT imaging. A normal gallium SPECT scan is highly accurate in ruling out disease.  相似文献   
J D Carroll  W H Gaasch 《Herz》1981,6(3):131-137
Following surgical correction of chronic aortic regurgitation, left ventricular (LV) volume falls to normal or near normal in most patients; this change generally occurs within the first week after surgery. During the ensuing six months, a significant regression of LV hypertrophy occurs, but most patients do not achieve a normal LV mass. The systolic ejection fraction may increase while the LV end-diastolic pressure almost uniformly falls to normal. Postoperative studies of LV volume mass and function should be aimed at identifying those patients which do not undergo these favorable changes so that medical therapy can be directed at this high risk group.  相似文献   
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) using electrocoagulation was successfully performed in 56 out of 58 selected patients. Cholangiography was performed in 53 patients. Six patients had common duct stones; five were unsuspected preoperatively. After the gallbladder was removed, three patients underwent open common duct exploration. In another five cases, anatomical anomalies were discovered. Cholangiography performed via the cystic duct before any structures are divided can prevent the most serious complication--common duct injury. Cholangiography should be attempted on all patients undergoing LC.  相似文献   
Except for two reported patients, increased free sialic acid excretion has been associated with lysosomal storage. This is a report of a child with progressive neurologic deterioration and increased excretion of free sialic acid. Although lysosomal storage was absent, nuclear invagination or inclusions were present.  相似文献   
Background: The role of intraoperative fluorocholangiography (IOC) in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is controversial. We evaluated the use of IOC at an institution where the study is performed routinely. Methods: Records of all patients undergoing LC during a 3-year period ending January 1, 1996 were reviewed. Results: A total of 1207 patients received IOC, whereas 116 patients did not. IOC findings were categorized as follows: normal, 1016 cases (84%); CBD stone, 149 cases (12.3%); anomalies, 23 cases (1.9%); duodenal diverticula, 10 cases (0.8%); ductal strictures, four cases (0.3%); and CBD diverticula, 5 cases (0.4%). In the 116 patients who did not receive IOC, 35 of the procedures could not be performed, whereas 81 were not attempted. Of the 149 IOC that showed CBD stones, two were false positives. Anomalies included accessory right hepatic ducts (11 cases), cystic ducts joining the right hepatic duct (seven cases), and abnormal cystic duct entries (five cases). Duct injuries occurred in 5 cases (0.4%), three before and two after IOC. Four injuries were minor; IOC prevented CBD transection. Conclusions: Routine IOC is feasible, safe, accurate, and provides critical information of immediate use during LC. By treating ductal stones at operation and identifying patients without CBD stones, IOC minimizes need for postoperative studies, including endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC).  相似文献   
The atoxic binding fragment of tetanus toxin, Fragment C, was injected into paravertebral ganglion 14, the avian homologue of the mammalian stellate ganglion. Postinjection survival intervals were varied from 2.5 h to 33 days. Experiments performed at the shortest survival time of 2.5 h showed that Fragment C was retrogradely transported by sympathetic preganglionic axons at a rate greater than or equal to 10 mm/h. At survival times ranging from 5 to 15 h. Fragment C-positive, retrogradely labeled sympathetic preganglionic neurons were observed within the last cervical spinal segment and throughout the first three thoracic spinal cord segments. Sporadic retrograde labeling of sympathetic preganglionic neurons was evident within the fourth and fifth thoracic spinal cord segments. Fragment C-labeled perikarya and dendrites exhibited both diffuse cytoplasmic immunostaining as well as intracellular, perinuclear accumulations of small. Fragment C-positive granules. Retrogradely labeled preganglionic neurons were found within both autonomic subnuclei within avian thoracic spinal cord; the column of Terni and the nucleus intercalatus spinalis. The distribution and numerical density of retrogradely labeled sympathetic preganglionic neurons indicated further that: (a) both myelinated and unmyelinated preganglionic axons appear to be capable of intra-axonally transporting Fragment C; and (b) it is unlikely that there is differential Fragment C labeling of a morphologically distinct population of sympathetic preganglionic neurons within or across subnuclei. Fragment C is transferred out of sympathetic preganglionic somas and dendrites into the surrounding neuropil at an aggregate rate greater than or equal to 5 mm/h. Trans-synaptic transport was evident at postinjection survival times as short as 5 h and continued to increase in density within the sympathetic preganglionic neuropil for 24 h. Fragment C-positive terminal labeling persisted for at least 20 days. At survival times greater than or equal to 1 day. Fragment C-positive puncta and weak intracellular labeling of neurons were evident in areas of the spinal gray outside of the nuclear boundaries of the column of Terni and nucleus intercalatus. The regions showing evidence of trans-synaptic and transneuronal labeling included: (a) a group of small cells dorsal to the column of Terni, (b) lamina V and (c) lamina VII. This expansion of Fragment C-labeled neuronal elements was segmental in organization and co-extensive with the retrograde labeling pattern of sympathetic preganglionic neurons. Spinal interneurons in these regions may provide segmental, monosynaptic input to sympathetic preganglionic neurons. Fragment C leaked into the systemic circulation from the site of injection in paravertebral ganglion 14.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Studies were made comparing the corneal endothelium of bisected human corneas; one half of each was mechanically agitated in McCarey-Kaufman (M-K) medium, while the other half remained static in M-K medium for an equal period of time. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis of the corneal endothelium suggested that the endothelium of the corneas undergoing agitation does not show deterioration in morphology when compared with the non-agitated group. This finding is significant as donor corneas are now being transported in greater numbers.  相似文献   
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