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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of implantation of porous-coated anatomic medullary fitting prostheses on stress in the proximal femur. Three-dimensional finite element models of a cadaveric femur before and after implantation were used to evaluate the resulting changes in stress in the bone. Models of the femur were generated automatically from computed tomographic scan data with use of an innovative mesh-generation technique. The models were analyzed for three levels of porous coating (proximal, 5/8, and full), with the assumption of ideal ingrowth (perfect bonding) over porous areas and a frictionless, tension-free surface on smooth areas. All models were loaded and restrained to represent conditions of normal gait. The stresses predicted in the implanted femur are consistent with clinical observations of proximal cortical atrophy (normal stress reduced to 6-9% of normal at the calcar and 50–55% at mid-prosthesis) and of hypertrophy at the porous coating junctions (normal stress at the 5/8-coating junction, 123% of stress proximal to the junction) and hypertrophy near the distal tip of the prosthesis (anterior and posterior normal stresses 200–800% of normal). The fully coated prosthesis induced stresses in the bone near the tip of the prosthesis that were most like stresses in the normal femur (medial and lateral normal stress 105 and 102% of the stress in the normal femur). Below the collar, the normal stress associated with the proximally coated prosthesis was 6% greater than that produced with the other two levels of coating but still was only 2% of normal. The 5/8-coated prosthesis appeared to combine the worst features of the fully coated and proximally coated prostheses–greater stress-shielding at the calcar and higher stress near the tip of the prosthesis.  相似文献   
Critics of Kohlberg's moral theory today focus on the content of his theory and more specifically on its justice-orientated moral concept. This has led to the well-known 'justice-care debate'. The purpose of this article is to critically examine the validity of Kohlberg's moral theory for research in nursing ethics from a caring perspective (referring to the content) as well as from a cognitive-structural perspective (referring to the basic assumptions of the model). The analysis points to the usefulness and value of the cognitive-structural model to empirically study nurses' ethical behaviour; the content of Kohlberg's model, however, needs to be adapted by adding a caring perspective as well as some personal and situational variables. An adjusted version of Kohlberg's model is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract Factors influencing the remarkable growth of home health care include increased elderly population, decreased average length of hospital stay, and technological advancements that reduce the need for hospitalization. Societal changes have prompted increasing concern about personal risk to home care providers. The purpose of this pilot study was to: 1) ascertain factors related to perception of risk by home health care administrators and staff and to identify strategies used by home health care administrators to reduce risk to staff; and 2) determine whether quality of care is affected when home-visit situations present risk. A convenience sample of 36 home health care administrators and 62 staff was surveyed about risks and measures provided by the home health care agency to minimize risk. Factors associated with risk are geographic location, high incidence of crime, inappropriate patient or caregiver behavior, infectious diseases, and evening assignments. Strategies used to minimize risk include safety programs, preplanning of visits, personal protective equipment, escorts, and buddy systems. Perceived ability to refuse high-risk assignments, however, is questionable, as 66% of the staff stated that they leave a situation "as soon as possible." These findings will be used to strengthen inservice programs and to provide a basis for future studies.  相似文献   
Fast gamma oscillations, often at 40 Hz, have been demonstrated throughout the brain including the thalamus, auditory, visual and motor cortices. The function of gamma rhythms is elusive, but several authors have hypothesized that they contribute to the "binding" of diverse information into a single coherent percept, and to the synchronization of movement. In skeletal muscle a "Piper rhythm" around 40 Hz is commonly observed during maximal voluntary contraction, and has been shown to correlate with activity of similar frequency in a limited area of contralateral motor cortex. Gamma rhythms are detected primarily during complex cortical activity, and are seldom recorded at rest or coherently over wide areas. Here we use bihemispheric transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to study time-dependent correlations between evoked motor potentials from non-homologous muscles in opposite limbs of normal volunteers. The results suggest the presence of an occult, synchronous 40 Hz rhythm across broad areas of resting motor cortex in both hemispheres.  相似文献   
High titre (1011–1012 pfu/ml) suspensions of autonomouslyreplication-defective type 5 human adenovirus (AV) recombinantswith different reporter gene inserts (CMV-Luciferase (Lux),CMV-ß-galactosidase (Lac Z), RSV-Lux and RSV-Lac Z)were injected Into intact quadrlceps muscles of 1–5 dayold (Group 1) or 35–45 day old (Group 2) normal mice,as well as regenerating adult mouse muscles (Group 3) and 35day old mdx muscles (Group 4). The expression of the reportergenes was quantitated 10 days and 2 months later. At 10 dayspostinjection all reporter gene expression was very high inthe neonatally injected (Group 1) muscles. In Group 2 musclesthe transduction was markedly less. In Group 3 muscles the geneexpression was significantly better than in the Group 2 muscles.In adult mdx muscles (Group 4) where spontaneous regenerationis usually present, the results were similar to those in Group3 animals. At 2 months post-injection in Group 1 animals, theRSV-Lux expression was even higher than at 10 days postinjection.The cell surface density of  相似文献   
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