Hemangioma of the facial sinuses is a rare pathology, and given the lack of clinical specificity, the differential diagnosis with a malignant lesion often arises. We report the case of a 32-year-old patient who consulted for recurrent epistaxis of moderate severity. The preoperative diagnosis of a hemangioma of the left maxillary sinus was based on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging data, confirmed by the anatomopathological study of the surgical specimen, preceded by an embolization that facilitated the endoscopic surgical excision. 相似文献
Pheochromocytomas arising from outside the adrenal glands are called paragangliomas and constitute a rare disease and can occur in the pelvic retroperitoneum. Symptoms of excess catecholamine production, as well as elevated urine vanillylmandelic acid levels and serum and urine norepinephrine levels, are highly diagnostic for paraganglioma. Imaging can be helpful for the diagnostic of these pelvic tumors, differentiating them from other pelvic masses. We hereby present a case of pelvic malignant paraganglioma. 相似文献
Background: Ketamine increases both blood pressure and heart rate, effects commonly thought of as sympathoexcitatory. The authors investigated possible central nervous system actions of ketamine to inhibit cardiac parasympathetic neurons in the brainstem by inhibiting multiple nicotinic excitatory mechanisms.
Methods: The authors used a novel in vitro approach to study the effect of ketamine on identified cardiac parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in rat brainstem slices. The cardiac parasympathetic neurons in the nucleus ambiguus were retrogradely prelabeled with the fluorescent tracer by placing rhodamine into the pericardial sac. Dye-labeled neurons were visually identified for patch clamp recording. The effects of ketamine were tested on nicotine-evoked ligand-gated currents and spontaneous glutamatergic miniature synaptic currents (mini) in cardiac parasympathetic preganglionic neurons.
Results: Ketamine (10 [mu]m) inhibited (1) the nicotine (1 [mu]m)-evoked presynaptic facilitation of glutamate release (mini frequency, 18 +/- 7% of control; n = 9), and (2) the direct postsynaptic ligand-gated current (27 +/- 8% of control; n = 9), but ketamine did not alter the amplitude of postsynaptic miniature non-N-methyl-d-aspartate currents. [alpha] Bungarotoxin, an antagonist of [alpha]7 containing nicotinic presynaptic receptors, blocked ketamine actions on mini frequency (n = 10) but not mini amplitude. 相似文献
Children are the most risk prone in cases of burns. The previous epidemiologic study of paediatric burns in Lagos-Nigeria was carried four decades ago. A new study becomes necessary in view of the increasing incidences of petroleum related fire disasters in Nigeria.
Patients and methods
: Children up to the age of 14 years admitted for major burns at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja-Lagos, Nigeria between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2008 were studied. Information about the demographics, mechanism/circumstances of burns, associated injuries, surface extent (TBSA) and depth, modes of management and outcome, length of admission, and post mortem findings in cases of death were collected.
: A total of 298 children with major burns were seen; 198 were males and 100 females. The ages ranged from 1 day to 14 years with mean of 4.56 ± 3.95 years. Forty percent of the cases occurred among the toddlers and 25.5% in the 2-5 years age group. Fire was the leading cause of burns, occurring in 198 (66.4%) cases. The TBSA ranged from 1% to 100% with mean of 29.67 ± 21.98. The mortality rate was 29.9%. Autopsy showed asphyxia as the primary cause of death in 14 (48.27%) cases, multiple organ dysfunctions in 27.59% and septicaemia in 13.79%.
This study identifies the main causes of paediatric burns and the major factors responsible for morbidity and mortality at the present time in a low income country. The level of awareness about burns prevention among the populace and health care facilities should be improved. 相似文献
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome is a rare underestimated condition, that generally complicates a rise in blood pressure in an acute setting. This entity has been increasingly identified in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus disease. PRES is challenging to diagnose seeing as it presents with nonspecific neurological symptoms, such as head-aches, confusion, seizures, visual changes or a coma, and can mimic neuropsychiatric lupus. Imaging plays a necessary role in confirming this diagnosis, as it is characterized by vasogenic edema of the posterior white matter, in which the distribution is bilateral and symmetrical. Although this syndrome is rare, early diagnosis allows a prompt treatment and therefore a favorable outcome. We present a case report of PRES in a 14-year-old female previously diagnosed with lupus nephropathy, who presented to the emergency department with seizures and uncontrolled hypertension, that was unfortunately not reversible is this patient. 相似文献
Activation of biological functions in T lymphocytes is determined by the molecular dynamics occurring at the T cell/opposing cell interface. In the present study, a central question of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) biology was studied at the single-cell level: can two distinct activation thresholds for cytotoxicity and cytokine production be explained by intercellular molecular dynamics between CTLs and targets? In this study, we combine morphological approaches with numerical analysis, which allows us to associate specific patterns of calcium mobilization with different biological responses. We show that CTLs selectively activated to cytotoxicity lack a mature immunological synapse while exhibiting a low threshold polarized secretion of lytic granules and spike-like patterns of calcium mobilization. This finding is contrasted by fully activated CTLs, which exhibit a mature immunological synapse and smooth and sustained calcium mobilization. Our results indicate that intercellular molecular dynamics and signaling characteristics allow the definition of two activation thresholds in individual CTLs: one for polarized granule secretion (lytic synapse formation) and the other for cytokine production (stimulatory synapse formation). 相似文献
Immuno-electron microscopic and beta-microprobe studies have demonstrated that the internalization of serotonin 5-HT(1A) autoreceptors, after acute treatment with the selective 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT or with the specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine, is associated with a marked decrease in the in vivo binding of [(18)F]MPPF in the nucleus raphe dorsalis (NRD) of rat. To determine whether this event might be amenable to brain imaging, the present [(18)F]MPPF positron emission tomographic (PET) study was carried out in anesthetized cats given or not a single dose (5 mg/kg, i.v.) or chronically treated with fluoxetine (5 mg/kg, s.c. for 21 days). Compared to control, [(18)F]MPPF binding potential was considerably (and visibly) decreased in the cat NRD after acute fluoxetine treatment, while it remained unchanged in other brain regions. Unexpectedly, after chronic fluoxetine treatment, [(18)F]MPPF binding potential was not affected in any brain region. In parallel immuno-electron microscopic experiments carried out in rat, the density of 5-HT(1A) autoreceptors on the plasma membrane of NRD dendrites was comparable to control after chronic fluoxetine treatment. If the decrease in [(18)F]MPPF binding at the onset of SSRI treatment was detectable by PET imaging, it could potentially serve as a biological index of efficacy. 相似文献