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Severe adverse effects during the use of ovulation inhibitors occur mostly in women who have an elevated risk for the development of certain diseases owing to hereditary or acquired factors. By means of a careful personal or family history analysis as well as specific laboratory examinations, an existing predisposition may frequently be diagnosed and the individual risk associated with the use of oral contraceptive inhibitors may be estimated. The present contribution describes the potential effects of treatment with ovulation inhibitors on women with thrombophilia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, overweight or underweight, tumors, psychiatric and neurological diseases and autoimmune disease. The hormonal methods and non-hormonal alternatives available for contraception are elucidated according to existing lesions and risk factors and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Surgical reduction and retention of apophyseal avulsion injuries at the medial epicondyle to prevent joint instability, lasting malalignment, or pseudarthrosis. INDICATIONS: Absolute: intraarticular apophyseal dislocation of the medial epicondyle, complete lesion of the ulnar nerve. Relative: dislocation of the apophysis (> 4 mm) in children > 5 years of age; the need for intervention increases in children as the degree of dislocation, age, and athletic activity increase. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Dislocation of the medial epicondyle (< or = 4 mm) in children < 5 years of age, provided the fragment location is not intraarticular. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Open reduction of the apophysis through a medial approach. Identification of the ulnar nerve. In young children or with small fragments fixation with Kirschner wire. Screw fixation in older children or for larger fragments. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT: Long upper-arm plaster cast until wound healing is achieved. Subsequently, upper-arm plaster cast for 3 weeks. Removal of Kirschner wires after 4-6 weeks, screw removal after 8-12 weeks. Physiotherapy only if marked reduction of elbow mobility is found 6 weeks after cast removal. RESULTS: From January 1, 1994 to December 31, 2003, 25 children with an average age of 12 years suffering from medial epicondylar avulsion fractures were operated on using open reduction and Kirschner wire fixation. An average of 3 years after the injury 14 of these children underwent follow-up examination using a procedure that took subjective, clinical and radiologic parameters into account. Two children showed a slight reduction in overall strength of the injured extremity when compared with the contralateral extremity. One child had a flexion deficit of 10 degrees, all other children showed movement limitations of < or = 5 degrees compared to the contralateral extremity. In all the cases available to follow-up, there was a slight increase in valgus alignment of the elbow joint compared with the uninjured side (3 degrees on average). All fractures consolidated within 6 weeks.  相似文献   
Rehabilitative and palliative measures in the follow-up care of pancreatic cancer patients will remain the dominant medical focus as long as potentially curative measures (recurrence prophylaxis, early detection and therapy of recurrence) have failed to show a significant survival benefit. Rehabilitative measures are possible for patients undergoing potentially curative as well as palliative treatment. Their aim is to alleviate the negative effects of the cancer and its therapy, not only physically, but also psychologically, socially and vocationally. The spectrum of possible somatic handicaps ranges from metabolic disorders, malnutrition and under-nutrition, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms to pain. Assistance in coping with illness, alleviating fears and depression and strengthening compliance are the main areas which are dealt with in psycho-oncology. Assessment of vocational fitness and the capacity to work depends on tumor location, whether R0 or R1 resection has taken place, the extent of pancreas resection, accompanying illnesses, whether or not adjuvant therapy has been given, and the physical condition of the patient  相似文献   
Conclusions Limitation of this analysis is participation of limited centers. Though all the regions of the country are represented total number of procedures reported are less. Isolated CABG is commonest procedure performed in 2004. Congenital surgical procedures are more than the valvular heart disease procedure. For appropriate categorization we need standard nomenclature for various congenital surgical procedures.  相似文献   
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