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Sumatriptan, a 5-hydroxytryptamine(1D) (5-HT(1D))-receptor agonist used in the treatment in migraine, inhibits gastric motility via the enteric nervous system. As no studies have reported enteric neuronal 5-HT(1D) receptors, we used conventional intracellular recordings to characterize the actions of sumatriptan on 145 guinea-pig antral myenteric neurones. In 24 of 29 neurones with a 5-HT(1P) receptor-mediated depolarizing response to 5-HT, application of sumatriptan caused a dose-dependent depolarization, accompanied by increased membrane resistance and enhanced excitability. Depolarizing responses to sumatriptan occurred both in cholinergic and in nitrergic neurones. Sumatriptan did not mimic the 5-HT(3) receptor-mediated fast-depolarizing responses or 5-HT(1A) receptor-mediated inhibitory responses to 5-HT. Sumatriptan had no effect on neurones not responding to 5-HT. The depolarizing response to sumatriptan was inhibited by renzapride, but not by 5-HT(1-7) receptor antagonists. We conclude that sumatriptan behaves as an agonist at the 5-HT(1P) receptor on myenteric neurones in the guinea-pig gastric antrum. The actions of sumatriptan on gastric motility seem to be attributable to a direct action on enteric neurones.  相似文献   
Abstract  Decreased gastric expression and function of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) has been proposed as a potential mechanism underlying diabetic gastroparesis. As gastric nNOS expression is vagally controlled, these changes might occur secondarily to vagal neuropathy. In addition, it is unclear whether other inhibitory neurotransmitters are also involved. We used the type 1 diabetic BioBreeding (BB)-rat model to study jejunal motor control and nNOS expression, which is independent of the vagus. Jejunal segments were used for in vitro contractility studies, and measurement of nNOS expression after 8 or 16 weeks of diabetes compared with age- and sex-matched controls. Unlike electrical field stimulation and acetylcholine (ACh)-induced contractions, non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) relaxations were significantly reduced in diabetic rats. In contrast to control rats, NANC relaxations in diabetic rats were N ω-nitro- l -arginine methyl ester ( l -NAME) insensitive. Jejunal nNOS expression was significantly decreased in diabetic rats. Both in diabetic and in control animals, l -NAME resistant relaxations were sensitive to P2-receptor antagonists. In the jejunum of spontaneously diabetic rats, decreased nitric oxide responsiveness and decreased nNOS protein expression occur while purinergic transmission is unaffected. These findings indicate that nitrergic enteric neuropathy may be a primary dysfunction in diabetes, independent from vagal dysfunction.  相似文献   
Abstract  Impaired accommodation to a meal has been recognized as a pathophysiological mechanism in functional dyspepsia (FD). Based on observations in tertiary care patients, the drinking test has been proposed as a non-invasive tool to estimate accommodation. Our aim was to assess the reproducibility of the drinking test and its correlation with demographic, symptomatic and pathophysiological parameters in secondary care FD patients and healthy controls. Thirty-four healthy controls and 78 FD patients completed a drinking test (3 respectively 2 times), a gastric emptying study and an FD symptom questionnaire. Factors influencing maximal volume and gastric emptying were determined, and the reproducibility of the drinking test was investigated. The maximal satiety was reached at a lower volume in patients (489 ± 276 and 503 ± 248 mL for first and second test respectively vs 937 ± 428 and 1048 ± 421 mL, P  < 0.0001). The ingested amount depended on age, sex and baseline FD symptom score. Patients' sex, final satiety score, total score for stomach complaints at screening and total symptom score before test accounted for the total symptom score after the test. The slow nutrient drinking test confirms its possible role as an attractive non-invasive and reproducible tool for the diagnosis of impaired accommodation and for the assessment of treatment responsiveness.  相似文献   
g. h.  koek  r.  vos  d.  sifrim  r.  cuomo  j.  janssens & j.  tack 《Neurogastroenterology and motility》2005,17(2):191-199
BACKGROUND: Recent studies suggest that duodeno-gastro-oesophageal reflux (DGER) contributes to the occurrence of reflux oesophagitis and Barrett's oesophagus. The mechanisms underlying duodeno-gastric reflux (DGR), a prerequisite for DGER, are poorly understood. AIMS: To study the occurrence of DGR in relation to interdigestive and postprandial gastroduodenal motility. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Ten healthy subjects underwent stationary gastroduodenal manometry with simultaneous duodenal and antral Bilitec recording 4 h before and 5 h after ingestion of a liquid meal. Eight volunteers underwent the same study, with administration of erythromycin postprandially. RESULTS: During the interdigestive phase II, all volunteers had short DGR episodes. Postprandially, DGR occurred in all subjects, on average 39 +/- 28 min after the start of the meal, and was cleared from the stomach after 242 +/- 23 min. Induction of increased antral motility and of a premature phase III, by administration of erythromycin, was associated with faster gastric DGR clearance. However, there was no direct temporal relationship between erythromycin-induced gastric phase III and erythromycin-induced DGR clearance. CONCLUSION: In healthy subjects, duodenogastric reflux occurs sporadically in the interdigestive state and is a normal phenomenon in the postprandial period. Erythromycin induces faster clearance of DGR from the stomach, which depends on enhanced antral contractile activity rather than premature phase III.  相似文献   
Although human postinflammatory dysmotility is known, so far animal studies have primarily investigated changes during inflammation. Here, we focused on postinflammatory changes in rat jejunal myenteric plexus and jejunal motility. Evolution of ethanol/2,4,6-tri-nitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS)-induced inflammation was assessed histologically and by measuring myeloperoxidase activity (MPO). Electromyography and immunohistochemistry were performed 1 week after ethanol/TNBS and also after N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administration. Ethanol/TNBS induced a transient inflammation, with normalization of MPO and histological signs of an early phase of recovery after 1 week. The number of cholinergic neurones was not altered, but myenteric neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-immunoreactivity was significantly lower in the early phase of recovery after TNBS compared with water (1.8 +/- 0.2 vs 3.5 +/- 0.2 neurones ganglion(-1), P < 0.001). Interdigestive motility was disrupted with a loss of phase 1 quiescence, an increase of migrating myoelectric complex cycle length, a higher number of non-propagated activity fronts and a decrease of adequately propagated phase 3 s after TNBS. Administration of L-NAME resulted in a similar disruption of interdigestive motility patterns. In the early phase of recovery after ethanol/TNBS-induced jejunal inflammation, a loss of motor inhibition occurs due to a decrease of myenteric nNOS activity. These observations may provide a model for early postinflammatory dysmotility syndromes.  相似文献   
Abstract  The pathophysiology of functional dyspepsia (FD) is unknown and several mechanisms associated with specific symptom patterns have been recently proposed. Increased duodenal acid exposure has been supposed to be associated with nausea, but recently an increase of severity of several dyspeptic symptoms was noted in a subset of dyspeptic patients. As its pathogenetic role is still unclear, we evaluated an involvement of duodenal acid exposure in symptom generation by inducing a hyperacidity status of the duodenum. Twelve young adult healthy volunteers in a randomized, double-blind protocol, underwent duodenal acid (0.2 N, 5 mL min−1) or saline perfusion, antropyloroduodenal manometry and duodenal pH monitoring both during fasting and postprandially. Every 15 min, severity of discomfort, fullness, bloating, belching, nausea, heartburn, epigastric burning, satiety and pain were evaluated by visual analogue scale. During acid perfusion, symptom scores for discomfort, bloating, nausea, epigastric burning were significantly higher ( P  < 0.01) compared to saline. Postprandial antral motility index was lower (2.96 ± 1.8 vs 3.62 ± 1.8, P  = 0.01) and jejunal motility index higher (4.87 ± 1.0 vs 4.37 ± 1.4, P  = 0.01) during acid perfusion. Occurrence and duration of phases III of the migrating motor complex showed no difference. Duodenal acid perfusion causes a sensitization to dyspeptic symptoms and induces antral hypomotility and jejunal hypercontractility. Through these mechanisms, increased duodenal acid exposure may play a role in the pathophysiology of FD symptoms.  相似文献   
Abstract Gastric distension activates a cerebral network including brainstem, thalamus, insula, perigenual anterior cingulate, cerebellum, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and potentially somatosensory regions. Cortical deactivations during gastric distension have hardly been reported. To describe brain areas of decreased activity during gastric fundus distension compared to baseline, using data from our previously published study (Gastroenterology, 128, 2005 and 564). H215O‐brain positron emission tomography was performed in 11 healthy volunteers during five conditions (random order): (C1) no distension (baseline); isobaric distension to individual thresholds for (C2) first, (C3) marked, (C4) unpleasant sensation and (C5) sham distension. Subtraction analyses were performed (in SPM2) to determine deactivated areas during distension compared to baseline, with a threshold of Puncorrected_voxel_level < 0.001 and Pcorrected_cluster_level < 0.05. Baseline–maximal distension (C1–C4) yielded significant deactivations in: (i) bilateral occipital, lateral parietal and temporal cortex as well as medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate and precuneus) and medial temporal lobe (hippocampus and amygdala), (ii) right dorsolateral and dorso‐ and ventromedial PFC, (iii) left subgenual ACC and bilateral caudate head. Intragastric pressure and epigastric sensation score correlated negatively with brain activity in similar regions. The right hippocampus/amygdala deactivation was specific to sham. Gastric fundus distension in health is associated with extensive cortical deactivations, besides the activations described before. Whether this represents task‐independent suspension of ‘default mode’ activity (as described in various cognitive tasks) or an visceral pain/interoception‐specific process remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   
Abstract  Patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders have elevated rates of sexual or physical abuse, which may be associated with altered rectal sensorimotor function in irritable bowel syndrome. The aim was to study the association between abuse history and gastric sensorimotor function in functional dyspepsia (FD). We studied gastric sensorimotor function with barostat (sensitivity, compliance and accommodation) and gastric emptying test in 233 consecutive FD patients from a tertiary care centre (162 women, mean age 41.6 ± 0.9). Patients filled out self-report questionnaires on history of sexual and physical abuse during childhood or adulthood. Eighty-four patients (out of 198, 42.4%) reported an overall history of abuse [sexual and physical in respectively 30.0% (60/200) and 20.3% (42/207)]. FD patients reporting general as well as severe childhood sexual abuse have significantly lower discomfort thresholds during gastric distension [respectively 10.5 ± 0.4 vs 7.5 ± 1.0 mmHg above minimal distending pressure (MDP), P  = 0.014 and 10.5 ± 0.4 vs 6.6 ± 1.2 mmHg above MDP, P  = 0.007]. The corresponding intra-balloon volume was also significantly lower (respectively 579 ± 21 vs 422 ± 59 mL, P  = 0.013 and 579 ± 19 vs 423 ± 79 mL, P  = 0.033). Gastric accommodation was significantly more pronounced in patients reporting rape during adulthood (91 ± 12 vs 130 ± 40 mL, P  = 0.016). Abuse history was not associated with differences in gastric emptying. A history of abuse is associated with alterations in gastric sensorimotor function in FD. Particularly sexual abuse, rather than physical abuse, may influence gastric sensitivity and motor function.  相似文献   
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