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Background: We evaluated the endoscopic microvascular architecture of the gastric mucosa in portal hypertension patients using the prototype of narrow band imaging (NBI). Material and Methods: The study included 103 Helicobacter pylori‐negative patients with chronic liver disease (22 without portal hypertension (group 1), 81 with portal hypertension (group 2)). Results: (i) Abnormality of collecting venules, reddening mucosa, red spots, a mosaic‐like pattern, and gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) were observed on the gastric mucosa, and an obscure change in collecting venules (73% vs 14%; P < 0.001), reddening mucosa (49% vs 5%; P < 0.001), red spots (36% vs 5%; P < 0.01) and a mosaic‐like pattern (40% vs 5%; P < 0.01) were more frequently observed in group 2 than in group 1. (ii) On magnifying endoscopy with NBI, the mucosa with an obscure change in collecting venules was demonstrated as dilation of the capillaries surrounding the gastric pits in various degrees, and reddening mucosa was observed as extended and swollen gastric pits and various degrees of dilated and convoluted capillaries surrounding the gastric pits. Red spots were demonstrated as extended and swollen gastric pits, dilated and convoluted capillaries surrounding the gastric pits, and intramucosal hemorrhage around these capillaries. GAVE was recognized as partial and marked dilatation of the capillaries surrounding the gastric pits. Conclusion: Abnormality of collecting venules, swelling of gastric pits, dilatation of capillaries surrounding the gastric pits, intramucosal hemorrhage around capillaries, and partial and marked dilatation of the capillaries were observed on the gastric mucosa in portal hypertension patients.  相似文献   
An elderly case of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with suspected hemolytic anemia was experienced. A 70 year-old female was admitted to our hospital on December 31 with complaints of herpetic eruption. She complained of arthralgia since 3 month prior to her admission. The positive findings on examination were skin eruption in the left chest, a systolic heart murmur and a palpable elastic hard liver. Laboratory data showed raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 149 mm per hour, decreased Hb (10.1 g/dl), decreased hematocrit (30.0%), increased reticulocytes (33%1000), decreased thrombocytes (73,000/mm3), increased gamma-globulin (33%) and positive rheumatoid factor. During admission, she developed anemia. A stool test for occult blood was negative. The haptoglobin was 38.8 mg/dl and bone marrow aspiration showed increased erythropoiesis, suggesting features of immune hemolytic anemia, except she was negative on Coomb'test. Eye fundi were similar to case of typical bleeding observed in SLE. Concerning immunological findings, the antinuclear factor was x 1280 and the anti-dsDNA antibody was x 80, on which a diagnosis of SLE was based. She experienced numbness of the left arm and developed left hemiparesis 2 days later. Therapy with 15 mg/day prednisone obtained a good response and anemia, abnormal immunological findings and hemiparesis disappeared.  相似文献   
A 48-year-old man presented with malignant hypertension and massive proteinuria. Renal angiography showed complete obstruction of the left renal artery and 99mTc-mercaptoacetylglycine (MAG3) renography showed a nonfunctioning left kidney. Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty of the left renal artery was unsuccessful; hence, the patient underwent left nephrectomy because of uncontrolled hypertension and proteinuria. Histological examination of a right kidney specimen revealed lesions of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis with benign nephrosclerosis. In contrast, histology of the left kidney showed typical ischemic kidney with hypertrophy of arteriolar smooth muscle cells. The patient responded favorably to the nephrectomy, as his blood pressure and urinary protein dramatically decreased with no antihypertensive medication. This case illustrates the heterogeneous effect of the renin-angiotensin system on either kidney in patients with renovascular hypertension due to unilateral renal artery stenosis.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: We present a case of spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation caused by pituitary gonadotroph macroadenoma, and include a review of the literature. CASE REPORT: A 27-year-old woman presented with irregular menstruation and bilateral multicystic enlargement of the ovaries. Serum estradiol (E(2)) levels were marginally elevated for the follicular phase but within the physiological range. Serum luteinizing hormone (LH) was extremely low, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was normal, and prolactin (PRL) was high. Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a pituitary macroadenoma. Immunohistochemical examination of the surgically removed adenoma showed intense reactivity for FSH and LH. After the operation, E(2), LH and PRL levels were normalized, the ovaries returned to a normal morphology, and regular menstrual cycles were resumed. CONCLUSION: A review of the literature showed that ovarian hyperstimulation caused by pituitary gonadotroph adenoma is not always accompanied by elevated FSH levels. High PRL and E(2) and low LH were reported in the majority of the cases, but E(2) may stay within the range observed in normal menstrual cycles.  相似文献   
We report a case of primary diffuse leptomeningeal gliomatosis (PDLG) followed up with serial magnetic resonance images (MRI). A 45‐year‐old man manifested with bilateral abducens nerve palsy and meningisms. Repeated MRI revealed diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement throughout the central nervous system without intra‐axial mass accompanied with the dilatation of ventricles and focally enlarged cerebral sulci. Brain biopsies showed a leptomeningeal gliomatosis. The MRI findings described here would contribute to the diagnosis of PDLG among other common diseases diffusely spreading along the leptomeningeal structures.  相似文献   
The polymorphism of TTC repeats in Mycobacterium leprae was examined using the bacilli obtained from residents in villages at North Maluku where M. leprae infections are highly endemic (as well as from patients at North Sulawesi of Indonesia) to elucidate the possible mode of leprosy transmission. TTC genotypes are stable for several generations of passages in nude mice footpads and, hence, are feasible for the genotyping of isolates and epidemiological analysis of leprosy transmission. It was found that bacilli with different TTC genotypes were distributed among residents at the same dwelling in villages in which leprosy is endemic and that some household contacts harbored bacilli with a different genotype from that harbored by the patient. Investigations of a father-and-son pair of patients indicated that infections of bacilli with 10 and 18 copies, respectively, had occurred. Genotypes of TTC repeats were found to differ between a son under treatment and two brothers. These results reveal the possibility that in addition to exposure via the presence of a leprosy patient with a multibacillary infection who was living with family members, there might have been some infectious sources to which the residents had been commonly exposed outside the dwellings. A limited discriminative capacity of the TTC polymorphism in the epidemiological analysis implies the need of searching other useful polymorphic loci for detailed subdivision of clinical isolates.  相似文献   
Caffeine causes a considerable O(2) waste for positive inotropism in myocardium by complex pharmacological mechanisms. However, no quantitative study has yet characterized the mechanoenergetics of caffeine, particularly its O(2) cost of contractility in the E(max)-PVA-VO(2) framework. Here, E(max) is an index of ventricular contractility, PVA is a measure of total mechanical energy generated by ventricular contraction, and VO(2) is O(2) consumption of ventricular contraction. The E(max)-PVA-VO(2) framework proved to be powerful in cardiac mechanoenergetics. We therefore studied the effects of intracoronary caffeine at concentrations lower than 1 mmol/l on left ventricular (LV) E(max) and VO(2) for excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling in the excised cross-circulated canine heart. We enhanced LV E(max) by intracoronary infusion of caffeine after beta-blockade with propranolol and compared this effect with that of calcium. We obtained the relation between LV VO(2) and PVA with E(max) as a parameter. We then calculated the VO(2) for the E-C coupling by subtracting VO(2) under KCl arrest from the PVA-independent (or zero-PVA) VO(2) and the O(2) cost of E(max) as the slope of the E-C coupling VO(2)-E(max) relation. We found that this cost was 40% greater on average for caffeine than for calcium. This result, for the first time, characterized integratively cardiac mechanoenergetics of the O(2) wasting effect of the complex inotropic mechanisms of intracoronary caffeine at concentrations lower than 1 mmol/l in a beating whole heart.  相似文献   
A 71-year-old male died of cardiac tamponade due to cardiac rupture 22 days after onset of acute myocardial infarction. Autopsy revealed rupture of an unusual ventricular aneurysm characterized by abrupt interruption of the myocardium, a narrow neck, a thin fibrous outer wall partially showing myocardial fibers, and lack of adhesion between the epicardium and pericardium. A review of the literature revealed that 11 among 32 autopsy cases of false aneurysm showed a similar morphology to the present case, these being classifiable as subepicardial aneurysm.  相似文献   
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