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In the emergency department, rib fractures are a common finding in patients who sustain chest trauma. Rib fractures may be a sign of significant, underlying pathology, especially in the elderly patients where rib fractures are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. To date, no studies have evaluated the ability of ultrasound to detect rib fractures using cadaver models and subsequently use this model as a teaching tool.


The purpose of this study was to determine if it is possible to generate rib fractures on cadaver models which could be accurately identified using ultrasound.


This was a cross-sectional study performed during one session at a cadaver lab. A single hemithorax from four adult cadavers were used as models. Single rib fractures on each of rib five through eight were created. Four subjects, blinded to the normal versus fractured ribs, were asked to identify the presence of a fracture on each rib.


A total of 8 of 16 potential ribs had fractured induced by study staff. Mean accuracy was 55% for all subjects. The overall sensitivity and specificity for detecting rib fractures was 50% (CI: 31.89–68.11) and 59.38% (CI: 35.69–73.55) respectively. The overall PPV and NPV was 55.17% and 54.29% respectively.


In this pilot study, subjects were not able to detect induced rib fractures using ultrasound on cadaver models. The use of this model as a teaching tool in the detection of rib fractures requires further investigation.  相似文献   
We report on 3 patients with pseudoathetosis, which are involuntary, slow, writhing movements due to loss of proprioception.  相似文献   
There are many potential sources of variability in speech production, particularly in individuals with dysarthria. The degree and time course of stabilization of the speech production system during recovery from a neurological insult is not constant across individuals. Another source of variability in speech production is speaking rate. Although individuals with no neurological impairments typically show increased variability at reduced speaking rates, this phenomenon has not been explored extensively in individuals with dysarthria. Because rate control strategies are commonly used in dysarthria treatment, it is of clinical importance to know if individuals with dysarthria produce less variable speech with rate reduction. Six individuals with mild dysarthria, 6 with moderate-to-severe dysarthria, and 6 matched normal controls repeated an utterance in four speaking rate conditions: habitual, fast, breaks between words, and stretched. Data were analyzed using the spatiotemporal index (STI), a composite measure of spatial and temporal variability across token repetitions. The normal controls consistently demonstrated the least variability, regardless of rate condition. Both groups with dysarthria were the least variable in the stretched condition and the most variable in the fast condition. The STI values of the group with moderate-to-severe dysarthria were significantly different from both the individuals with mild dysarthria and the normal controls. There were no significant differences between the group with mild dysarthria and the normal controls. In general, slowing the speaking rate in individuals with dysarthria reduces spatiotemporal variability; however, the effect of reduced spatiotemporal variability on intelligibility requires further investigation.  相似文献   
A 74-year-old man became delirious 2 days after beginning oral therapy with methazolamide. The delirium was manifested by intermittent psychosis, incontinence of bowel and bladder, lethargy, and disorientation. These symptoms continued for 25 days despite many changes in his drug regimen, and complete laboratory, urologic, and neurologic work-ups. The symptoms resolved completely within 1 week of discontinuing methazolamide. This is the first case reported of delirium associated with methazolamide not accompanied by a metabolic imbalance.  相似文献   
A closed femur fracture pain model was developed in the C57BL/6J mouse. One day after fracture, a monoclonal antibody raised against nerve growth factor (anti-NGF) was delivered intraperitoneally and resulted in a reduction in fracture pain-related behaviors of approximately 50%. Anti-NGF therapy did not interfere with bone healing as assessed by mechanical testing and histomorphometric analysis. INTRODUCTION: Current therapies to treat skeletal fracture pain are limited. This is because of the side effect profile of available analgesics and the scarcity of animal models that can be used to understand the mechanisms that drive this pain. Whereas previous studies have shown that mineralized bone, marrow, and periosteum are innervated by sensory and sympathetic fibers, it is not understood how skeletal pain is generated and maintained even in common conditions such as osteoarthritis, low back pain, or fracture. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, we characterized the pain-related behaviors after a closed femur fracture in the C57BL/6J mouse. Additionally, we assessed the effect of a monoclonal antibody that binds to and sequesters nerve growth factor (anti-NGF) on pain-related behaviors and bone healing (mechanical properties and histomorphometric analysis) after fracture. RESULTS: Administration of anti-NGF therapy (10 mg/kg, days 1, 6, and 11 after fracture) resulted in a reduction of fracture pain-related behaviors of approximately 50%. Attenuation of fracture pain was evident as early as 24 h after the initial dosing and remained efficacious throughout the course of fracture pain. Anti-NGF therapy did not modify biomechanical properties of the femur or histomorphometric indices of bone healing. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that therapies that target NGF or its cognate receptor(s) may be effective in attenuating nonmalignant fracture pain without interfering with bone healing.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: It is common for older patients to present to accident and emergency (AE) departments after a fall. Management should include assessment and treatment of the injuries and assessment and correction of underlying risk factors in order to prevent recurrent falls. OBJECTIVES: To determine management of older patients presenting after a fall to the AE department of Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. METHOD: Hospital records were reviewed for a random sample of 100 patients aged 65 years and older presenting to the AE department after a fall, between December 2001 and May 2002. RESULTS: The mean age of the sample was 78.6 years (range 65-98 years); 72% of subjects were female. History of a previous fall, and history of drug or alcohol intake, were recorded in less than 20% of cases. Blood pressure and pulse rate were recorded in approximately 90% of cases, and pulse rhythm and postural blood pressure in 2%. Examination of the musculoskeletal system was done in 86% of cases and that of other systems in less than 50%; cognitive assessment was conducted in less than 30%. Radiological investigations were performed in 89% of cases, glucose and haemoglobin in 32%, renal profile and electrocardiogram in 5%, and urinalysis in 4%. Three-quarters of the patients were referred for further management: 52% to orthopaedic surgery, 12% to other surgical subspecialties, 6% to the general medical department, and 6% to other hospitals and clinics. No referrals were made to geriatric medicine, physiotherapy or occupational therapy. CONCLUSIONS: In managing elderly patients after a fall, the AE department focused on injuries sustained. Little effort was made to establish and manage risk factors, hence to prevent recurrent falls. Guidelines are needed for the management of such patients in AE departments.  相似文献   
This pilot study examined a behavioral treatment to increase calorie intake in toddlers with cystic fibrosis. Eight toddlers were randomly assigned to behavioral plus nutrition (BEH) or nutrition intervention (NTR) conditions. Calorie intake and weight were measured at pre- and posttreatment. The BEH group showed a trend for changes in calorie intake pre- to posttreatment (p = .07; 40% increase). Results for the BEH and NTR groups did not differ significantly. Most participants achieved weight gains consistent with normal growth. Seventy-five percent had not shown this pattern during the year prior to intervention. These results support the feasibility and potential for behavioral interventions in this age group.  相似文献   
Summary. In this paper, registry data on infants born in Sweden between 1983 and 1986 are reviewed to describe the epidemiological characteristics of infants with single umbilical artery (SUA). During this period 372 066 births were registered with information on the number of umbilical vessels. Our data set contains 1782 SUA infants. The incidence at birth was: in multiple births 0.8%, in infants with chromosome anomalies 6.1% and in singletons without a known chromosome anomaly 0.46%. Incidence was higher in girls than in boys. There were no consistent seasonal variations in the date of presumed conception. Low birthweight (<2500 g) and preterm birth (<37 weeks) were seen more frequently in SUA singleton infants than in infants with three vessels. At any given gestation, SUA infants had a lower mean birthweight than infants with three vessels. The risk of having a SUA infant was increased in women over 40 years, and slightly increased at or above parity of three.  相似文献   
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