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We have used 29Si solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to study the chemical structure of the silicone gels in virgin and explanted breast prostheses. Despite evidences of alteration in the morphological appearance of the silicone gel inside the breast prosthesis, our results do not reveal changes in the chemical nature and structure of the silicone gels after implantation. In addition to the main 29Si resonance peak at ?22.26 ppm that corresponds to the resonance frequency of the D repeat unit of the polysiloxane chains, the high sensitivity of our NMR technique allows the detection of very low concentrations of silicone compounds. Within our experimental detection limit of 0.2%, no signal between ?90 ppm and ?150 ppm are observed. This indicates that no silica products are present inside the gel of the prostheses. Furthermore, our 29Si NMR spectra indicate differences in the chemical compositions of the silicone gels from different manufacturers.  相似文献   
Quantitative receptor autoradiography was used to study possible alterations of the densities of multiple serotonin (5-HT) receptor subtypes and of serotonin transporter in the brain of 5-HT(2C) receptor knockout mice. The radioligands employed were [(3)H]citalopram, [(3)H]WAY100,635, [(3)H]8-OH-DPAT, [(3)H]GR125743, [(3)H]sumatriptan, [(3)H]MDL100,907, [(125)I](+/-)DOI, [(3)H]mesulergine, [(3)H]5-HT, [(3)H]GR113808, and [(3)H]5-CT. As expected, radioligands that label 5-HT(2C) receptors showed a complete absence of labeling in mutant mice choroid plexus and significantly reduced densities in other brain regions expressing 5-HT(2C) receptors. With the rest of the radioligands, no significant alterations in the densities of labeled sites were found in any brain region. In situ hybridization showed no changes in 5-HT(2A) receptor and serotonin transporter mRNA levels, whereas 5-HT(2C) receptor mRNA levels were reduced in certain brain regions. The present results indicate that the mouse serotonergic system does not exhibit compensatory up- or down-regulation of the majority of its components (serotonin transporter and most 5-HT receptor subtypes) in response to the absence of 5-HT(2C) receptors.  相似文献   
Veterans who were eligible for dental care in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities at no monetary cost responded to a mailed questionnaire. Seventy-one percent were aware that they were actually eligible for VA dental care. However, only 48 percent reported the VA as their only or primary source of dental care. Eligibility status, perceived quality of VA dental care, use of VA medical care, perception that one's income meets expenses, and perceived need for dental care were significant correlates of using the VA as one's current source of dental care. Level of formal education, perception that one's income meets expenses, transportation pattern, geographic distance from a VA facility, and eligibility status were significant correlates of using the VA as one's current medical care source. Research on VA utilization offers the opportunity to study issues of access to, and use of, a large public health care system whose patients largely receive care at no monetary cost. Veterans' use of VA dental and medical care is apparently influenced by a wide variety of factors, ranging from barriers to access to non-VA systems, to characteristics of the VA delivery system itself, to need for treatment.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Research in the United States tends to attribute low rates of use of mental health services by immigrants to economic barriers. The purpose of our study was to examine this issue in the context of Canada's universal health care system. METHODS: A survey of the catchment area of a comprehensive clinic in Montreal interviewed random samples of 924 Canadian-born individuals and 776 immigrants born in the Caribbean (n = 264), Vietnam (n = 234), or the Philippines (n = 278) to assess their health care use for somatic symptoms, psychological distress, and recent life events. RESULTS: Overall rates of use of medical services in the past year were similar in immigrant (78.5%) and nonimmigrant (76.5%) groups. Rates of use of health care services for psychological distress were significantly lower among immigrants (5.5% compared with 14.7%, P < 0.001). This difference was attributable both to a lower rate of use of specialty mental health services by immigrants (2.5% compared with 11.7%, P < 0.001) and to differential use of medical services for psychological distress (3.5% compared with 5.8%, P = 0.02). When level of psychological distress was controlled, Vietnamese and Filipino immigrants were one-third as likely as Canadian-born residents to make use of mental health services. The lower rate of use by immigrants could not be explained by differences in sociodemographics, somatic or psychological symptoms, length of stay in Canada, or use of alternative sources of help. CONCLUSION: Immigrant status is associated with lower rates of use of mental health services, even with universal health insurance. This lower rate of use likely reflects cultural and linguistic barriers to care.  相似文献   
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