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Rearrangement of chromosomal bands 1q21-23 is one of the most frequent chromosomal aberrations observed in hematological malignancy. The genes affected by these rearrangements remain poorly characterized. Typically, 1q21-23 rearrangements arise during tumor evolution and accompany disease-specific chromosomal rearrangements such as t(14;18) (BCL2) and t(8;14) (MYC), where they are thus thought to play an important role in tumor progression. The pathogenetic basis of this 1q21-23-associated disease progression is currently unknown. In this setting, we surveyed our series of follicular lymphoma for evidence of recurring 1q21-23 breaks and identified three cases in which a t(14;18)(q32;q21) was accompanied by a novel balanced t(1;22)(q22;q11). Molecular cloning of the t(1;22) in a cell line (B593) derived from one of these cases and detailed fluorescent in situ hybridization mapping in the two remaining cases identified the FCGR2B gene, which encodes the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif-bearing IgG Fc receptor, FcgammaRIIB, as the target gene of the t(1;22)(q22;q11). We demonstrate deregulation of FCGR2B leading to hyperexpression of FcgammaRIIb2 as the principal consequence of the t(1;22). This is evidence that IgG Fc receptors can be targets for deregulation through chromosomal translocation in lymphoma. It suggests that dysregulation of FCGR2B may play a role in tumor progression in follicular lymphoma.  相似文献   
Several years ago, we cloned and characterized from a B cell leukemia a new secreted protein which, on the basis of its high degree of structural homology with follistatin, was defined as a member of the follistatin family and accordingly named follistatin-related gene (FLRG). However, follistatin and FLRG revealed non-overlapping patterns of expression in various tissues thereby indicating the existence of non-redundant functional roles for these proteins throughout the organism. As known for a long time, follistatin is a biological regulator of activin and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) function in various cellular systems: in particular, it inhibits the effects of activin on hematopoiesis. We therefore investigated the expression and effects of FLRG during human hematopoiesis with particular focus on the effect of this soluble glycoprotein in the regulation of erythropoiesis. For this purpose, we have for the first time, compared the role of Activin A, BMP2 and BMP4 during erythropoiesis, in primary human cells. Our results indicate that, BMP2 acts on early erythroid cells while Activin A acts on a more differentiated population. We report the induction by Activin A and BMP2 of cell commitment towards erythropoiesis in the absence of EPO. This induction involves two key events: increase of EPO-R and the decrease of GATA2 expression. Our results indicate that despite their high structural homology, follistatin and FLRG do not regulate the same signaling targets, therefore highlighting distinct functions and mechanisms for these two proteins in the human hematopoietic system. We thus propose a working model for the regulation of activin or BMP-induced human erythropoiesis by follistatin/FLRG.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Activin A is a multifunctional growth and cell differentiation factor produced by normal endometrium, and secreted in high amounts by endometrial adenocarcinoma. In the present study we evaluated the expression of two inhibitory activin A ligands, follistatin and follistatin-related gene (FLRG), in endometrial adenocarcinoma and in age-matched healthy human endometrium. DESIGN AND METHODS: Atropic menopausal (n=13) and tumoral (n=9 adenocarcinoma) tissues were processed to evaluate mRNA expression levels (by semiquantitative RT-PCR) and peptide localization (by immunohistochemistry). Differences were evaluated by the unpaired t-test and assumed to be statistically significant when P<0.05. RESULTS: Both control and tumoral endometrial samples express and localize follistatin and FLRG. However, whereas follistatin mRNA expression did not differ significantly, FLRG was significantly lower in endometrial adenocarcinoma than in healthy endometrial specimens (P<0.0001). With respect to the localization of proteins, follistatin was immunolocalized in endometrial epithelial and vascular cells both in tumoral and healthy endometrium without any significant difference in intensity. Nuclear and cytoplasmic FLRG immunolocalization was seen in glands, and only nuclear immunolocalization was found in stroma and vessels of healthy endometrium. FLRG was weakly immunostained in endometrial adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSIONS: Whilst follistatin expression is unchanged, FLRG is down-regulated in endometrial carcinoma. As activin A is a differentiation factor of human endometrium, the present findings support an imbalance between increased activin A and decreased FLRG expression in endometrial cancer, so that the failure of the activin A pathway through FLRG may be pivotal in endometrial tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
Activin A, BMP2, and BMP4, 3 members of the transforming growth factor-beta family, are involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis. Here, we explored the role of these molecules in human megakaryopoiesis using an in vitro serum-free assay. Our results highlight for the first time that, in the absence of thrombopoietin, BMP4 is able to induce CD34(+) progenitor differentiation into megakaryocytes through all stages. Although we have previously shown that activin A and BMP2 are involved in erythropoietic commitment, these molecules have no effect on human megakaryopoietic engagement and differentiation. Using signaling pathway-specific inhibitors, we show that BMP4, like thrombopoietin, exerts its effects on human megakaryopoiesis through the JAK/STAT and mTor pathways. Inhibition of the BMP signaling pathway with blocking antibodies, natural soluble inhibitors (FLRG or follistatin), or soluble BMP receptors reveals that thrombopoietin uses the BMP4 pathway to induce megakaryopoiesis, whereas the inverse is not occurring. Finally, we show that thrombopoietin up-regulates the BMP4 autocrine loop in megakaryocytic progenitors by inducing their production of BMP4 and up-regulating BMP receptor expression. In summary, this work indicates that BMP4 plays an important role in the control of human megakaryopoiesis.  相似文献   
The t(11;14)(q13;q32) and its molecular counterpart, BCL1 rearrangement, are consistent features of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Rearrangement is thought to deregulate the nearby CCND1 (BCL1/PRAD1) proto-oncogene, a member of the cyclin G1 gene family, and thereby to contribute to tumorigenesis. We and others have previously shown that the BCL1 locus is rearranged in 55% to 60% of MCL patients and that, on chromosome 11, more than 80% of the breakpoints are localized within a 1-kbp DNA segment known as the major translocation cluster (MTC). We have determined the nucleotide sequence for a portion of the MTC region, and constructed chromosome 11-specific oligonucleotides that were in conjunction with a consensus immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain joining region (JH) primer used to perform the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify t(11;14) chromosomal junctional sequences in DNA from 16 MCL patients with breakpoints in the MTC region. 15 of the 16 breakpoints that occurred at the MTC region were amenable to PCR detection. The sizes of the amplified bands, the existence or not of a Sac I site in the PCR products, and nucleotide sequencing of the amplified DNA from four patients showed that the breakpoints share a remarkable tendency to tightly cluster within 300 bp on chromosome 11, some of them occurring at the same nucleotide. On chromosome 14, the breakpoints were localized within the Ig JH. Our findings indicate that a BCL1 rearrangement can be detected using this approach in roughly one half of the MCL patients. This has implications for both the diagnosis and the clinical management of MCL.  相似文献   


Ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors (SCSTs) are rare and their diagnosis is often difficult to establish. Recently, immunostaining and molecular analysis for Forkhead box L2 (FOXL2) have been developed in this pathology. This study aims to assess the benefit of an algorithm incorporating these new tools for a better diagnosis and classification of SCSTs


Seventy-two tumors with a potential diagnosis of SCSTs were addressed by 37 different pathologists to one French rare ovarian tumor expert center, member of the Rare Malignant Ovarian Tumor network (TMRO). Then a “second opinion” (SO) through an algorithm incorporating immunostaining (IHC) and molecular analysis of FOXL2 was performed for all these cases. This algorithm was then validated by all pathologists of the TMRO network.


After a second opinion including molecular analysis and immunostaining for FOXL2 the initial diagnosis was changed in 15 of 72 samples (21%). FOXL2 mutation was present in 44 out of 47 adult granulosa cell tumors (94%), in 3 out of 8 Thecomas (37%), in 1 out of 10 Sertoli–Leydig cell tumors (SLSTs) (10%) and in 3 out of 5 undifferentiated-SCSTs (Und-SCSTs) (60%). Immunoexpression of FOXL2 was available in 45 cases of SCSTs: FOXL2 was expressed in 44 of them (98%).


A second opinion in an expert center for all cases of SCSTs is fundamental to get an optimal classification of these rare tumors. This second opinion could be performed with an algorithm which integrates FOXL2 mutation and expression status of FOXL2 in order to standardize the practice.  相似文献   
Deletion of the short arm of chromosome 9 (9p), resulting in the loss of the p16INK4a/MTS1 gene, now called CDKN2, has been found to occur frequently in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, even in the absence of a microscopically visible deletion. In this study, we have used YAC probes encompassing the CDKN2 locus to analyze by fluorescence in situ hybridization patients with leukemia and lymphoma and translocations involving 9p in order to establish the CDKN2 status in relation to the karyotype. We found that, in leukemic cells exhibiting loss of heterozygosity at the CDKN2 locus, the deleted allele was from the cytogenetically normal chromosome 9, whereas the other allele was located on a rearranged chromosome. This finding suggests that CDKN2 gene loss is nonrandomly associated with 9p translocation in lymphoid proliferations. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 19:273–277, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
An asymptomatic shortened variant of protein 4.1 (-8.5 Kd) was first recognized in the red blood cells and designated protein 4.1 Presles. We show here that the missing segment belongs to the 22/24 Kd domain. Protein 4.1 cDNA from reticulocytes was amplified, mapped, and sequenced. The truncation appeared to result from the prevalent skipping of an individual and alternatively spliced exon, also called motif II, whereas this motif is preferentially retained under normal conditions. The same phenomenon was observed in lympho-blastoid cells. Sequencing over 80 bp of intronic sequences 5' and 3' of motif II failed to reveal any change. A new alternative splice site was incidently found 81 nucleotide downstream of motif II in both normal and truncated 4.1 mRNA.  相似文献   
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