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Thrombocytopenia was induced in mongrel dogs by two mechanisms: immunologically, by intravenous injection of heterologous antiplatelet antibody, and non-immunologically, by circulating the blood through glass beads in anesthetized animals. The platelet content of 5-HT was monitored before and during the recovery of the blood platelet counts. This period is associated with the normalization of the mean platelet survival time and with a progressive increase in the mean age of the circulating platelet population. A continuous increment in platelet 5-HT closely followed the increase in platelet counts in both models of thrombocytopenia, and a strong correlation was found between the platelet age and 5-HT content. These findings support the concept that platelets accumulate 5-HT during their physiological aging process, contradicting the notion that a negative balance in 5-HT content results at the end of their physiological lifespan in circulation. These results are not in conflict with the concept that circulating platelets release and re-uptake 5-HT.  相似文献   
Twenty patients underwent resections for head and neck cancer. The reconstructive procedure used was the free forearm flap with microsurgical technique on 22 occasions. The free forearm flap was used in its simple or composite form, with double or manifold islands, with a segment of the radius for mandible reconstruction or with two islands joined solely by the vascular pedicle, constituting what the authors call "tandem flap", with excellent results. The procedure does not replace conventional ones, but the authors believe it should be regarded as one of the choice flaps by surgeons dedicated to this special field.  相似文献   
Minimal residual disease (MRD) assessment is an essential tool in contemporary acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) protocols, being used for therapeutic decisions such as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in high‐risk patients. However, a significant proportion of adult ALL patients with negative MRD still relapse suggesting that other factors (ie, molecular alterations) must be considered in order to identify those patients with high risk of disease progression. We have identified partial IKZF1 gene deletions and CDKN2A/B deletions as markers of disease recurrence and poor survival in a series of uniformly treated adolescent and adult Philadelphia chromosome‐negative B‐cell progenitor ALL patients treated according to the Programa Español de Tratamientos en Hematología protocols. Importantly, CDKN2A/B deletions showed independent significance of MRD at the end of induction, which points out the need for treatment intensification in these patients despite being MRD‐negative after induction therapy.  相似文献   
The concomitant decline in growth hormone (GH) and increase in sex steroid production with age is thought to be responsible for thymic involution. If changes in the production of these hormones trigger or sustain thymic involution, that process should be accelerated in little mice, which have a genetic deficiency resulting in reduced production of thymopoietic GH, and delayed in the hypogonadal strain, which fails to produce thymocytotoxic sex steroids. The results indicated that thymic involution in both strains progressed in a manner similar to their normal littermates. That blocking sex steroid production did not delay thymic involution was surprising since castration reportedly increases thymus cellularity. Re-examination of that phenomenon revealed that, while gonadectomy results in increased thymus size, its effects are transient, and the thymus ultimately undergoes involution. Taken together, these data suggest that age-related changes in the endocrine system do not underlie thymic involution.  相似文献   
Genetic differences between the standard Ames tester strains TA100 and TA98   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The standard Ames tester strains of Salmonella typhimurium areseparated by many steps in their pedigree, some involving mutagentreatments, and contain independently isolated uvrB-bio-galdeletions and rfa mutations. In this work the araD531 mutationwas introduced into the Ames tester strains TA100 and TA98.The responsiveness of the resulting strains (BA15 and BA14)to a number of chemical mutagens was then assessed by monitoringthe induction of forward mutations to L-arabinose resistance(Ara test). Here we have shown that these two strains of theAmes test differ greatly in their responses to mutagens, inways that are not associated with the mutagenic specificitiesof the original his mutations. In general, the genetic backgroundof strain TA100 appears to be more sensitive to the killingeffects of chemicals than that of TA98. The greatest differenceswere found with nifurtimox (NFX) and its analogue, compound1K. The Ara test responded to the mutagenic effects of thesetwo nitrofurans when carried out in the genetic background ofstrain TA98 but not in that of TA100. A higher sensitivity tothe lethal effects of NFX and 1K together with the greater nitroreductioncapability of strain TA100 as compared with TA98 might explainthe differences. In conclusion, our results indicate that thestandard Ames S. typhimurium tester strains are not isogenicand that genetic differences at loci other than his might besignificant for mutagenicity testing. To this respect the routineuse of the isogenic set of S. typhimurium strains constructedby Popkin et al. (Mut. Res., 224, 453–464, 1989) and derivedfrom strain hisD3052 (as the standard TA98) seems advisable.  相似文献   
During pregnancy, metabolic adjustments occur in the mare to preserve iron stores in order to have adequate amounts for the growth and development of the equine fetus. The aim of this study was to analyze the evolution of hematocrit, iron, and ferritin in Spanish Purebred mares during pregnancy. A total of 31 Spanish broodmares aged 4–17 years old were studied during three similar periods of pregnancy (I, II, and III). Hematocrit (packed cell volume, PCV) was determined by microhematocrit and iron and ferritin concentrations were analyzed using spectrophotometry and turbidimetric methods, respectively. Pregnancy in the Spanish mare was characterized by a progressive increase in PCV and serum iron and ferritin concentrations. The physiological state of pregnancy significantly modifies iron status in these animals. In comparison with the first period, the increase in iron stores during the second and third periods indicates a positive iron balance, suggesting that the fetus can tolerate iron levels compatible with the mothers during the entire fetal development process.  相似文献   
Cystectomy without capitonnage is a widely used surgical technique for liver hydatid disease. A residual cavity can be left during the procedure, which can turn into an abscess. We report the case of a patient who developed right pleural empyema as a late complication of this procedure. She was successfully managed with antibiotics and a right thoracotomy.  相似文献   
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