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We describe our methods and outcomes of multidisciplinary treatments in patients with unresectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Fifty‐seven patients with a known outcome were enrolled. Thirty‐four of 57 patients were treated and evaluated by salvage therapy. For salvage therapy, we used internal and external radiotherapy, photodynamic therapy, YAG laser therapy and microwave coagulation therapy. The median survival time was 548 days for the group receiving salvage therapy and 198 days for the group not receiving this treatment. In conclusion, although no randomization of the patients was performed in this retrospective study, our present data provide convincing evidence that salvage therapy is a useful therapeutic approach for unresectable hilar cholangiocarcinomas.  相似文献   
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common condition characterized by repetitive sleep‐induced collapse of the upper airways. It is associated with increased risk for hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cerebral stroke, and traffic accidents. In contrast, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very common disorder defined as various symptoms or esophageal mucosal damage generated by the abnormal reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. Patients with OSAS have been reported to have a high prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) symptoms. The increase of transdiaphragmatic pressure in parallel with the large negative intrathoracic pressure produced during apnea events may directly lead to GER. In addition, some studies have demonstrated improvement in GERD with the application of continuous positive airway pressure, most consistently effective treatment for OSAS. However, GER dose not occur with every apnea. Moreover, the common conditions observed in patients with OSAS, including obesity or alcohol ingestion, are also predisposing factors for GER. A more recent investigation in over 1000 subjects failed to show a causal link between both diseases. Thus, the potential relationship between OSAS and GERD remains controversial. Inconsistencies in definitions of both diseases or sampling biases may contribute to the confusing results.  相似文献   
The matrix metalloproteinase matrilysin (MMP-7) is a member of the matrix metallo-proteinase gene family, which is believed to play an important role in tumor invasion and metastasis. We have previously found that matrilysin mRNA is specifically expressed in colorectal cancers and adenomas and that its message is localized in the tumor cells themselves. We examined the effects of activated Ki-ras oncogene on the expression of matrilysin in colon cancer cells. We showed that both mRNA and the enzymatic activity of matrilysin were induced by the introduction of activated Ki-ras into SW1417 colon cancer cells. To understand the mechanisms regulating this induction, we analyzed alterations of AP-1 activity induced by activated Ki-ras, using the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay. AP-1 activity in SW1417 cells expressing activated Ki-ras was higher than that in control cells. The gel-shift assay also showed higher levels of AP-1 binding protein in SW1417 cells expressing activated Ki-ras than those in control cells. Our results suggest that activated Ki-ras may play a role in inducing expression of matrilysin through an AP-1-dependent pathway in colon cancer cells.  相似文献   
To clarify the genetic aberrations involved in the development and progression of hepatitis C virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCV-HCC), we investigated DNA copy number aberrations (DCNAs) in 19 surgically resected HCCs by conventional CGH and array CGH. Conventional CGH revealed that increases of DNA copy number were frequent at 1q (79% of the cases), 8q (37%), 6p (32%), and 10p (32%) and that decreases were frequent at 17p (79%), 16q (58%), 4q (53%), 13q (42%), 10q (37%), 1p (32%), and 8p (32%). In general, genes that showed DCNAs by array CGH were usually located in chromosomal regions with DCNAs detected by conventional CGH analysis. Increases in copy numbers of the LAMC2, TGFB2, and AKT3 genes (located on 1q) and decreases in copy numbers of FGR/SRC2 and CYLD (located on 1p and 16q, respectively) were observed in more than 30% of tumors, including small, well-differentiated carcinomas. These findings suggest that these genes are associated with the development of HCV-HCC. Increases of MOS, MYC, EXT1, and PTK2 (located on 8q) were detected exclusively in moderately and poorly differentiated tumors, suggesting that these alterations contribute to tumor progression. In conclusion, chromosomal and array CGH technologies allow identification of genes involved in the development and progression of HCV-HCC.  相似文献   
1. The effects of acute bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy on cerebral blood flow and metabolism were investigated in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRsp), before and during cerebral ischaemia. 2. The resting cerebral blood flow was comparable between the control and denervated animals. 3. There was no significant difference in cerebral blood flow or concentration of tissue energy metabolites (adenosine triphosphate [ATP], lactate and pyruvate) between the sham-operated control and denervated animals during ischaemia. 4. The results suggest that sympathetic innervation of cerebral vessels originating from superior cervical ganglia may not play a major role in the progression of cerebral ischaemia in SHRsp.  相似文献   
We report on a family with ataxia type 6 (SCA6) showing peculiar oculomotor symptoms. The proband presented with periodic alternating nystagmus (PAN), and her 2 brothers had rebound nystagmus and gaze-evoked nystagmus. They carried the identical mutation (the number of expanded CAG repeat, 24) in the CACNA1A gene. The intrafamilial variability of oculomotor symptoms may be ascribed to factors other than CAG repeat expansion size in SCA6.  相似文献   
A 66-year-old woman time of 10 days. One month after radicalmastectomy, there was local recurrence, followed by multiplepulmonary metastases, and the patient died of respiratory failure5 months after surgery. The gray-white-colored tumor measured13x12x;10 cm, and its border was well defined. The tumor wascomposed of diffusely growing round or polygonal cells withvesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and ample cytoplasm containingeosinophilic inclusions. Lymph node involvement was widespread.Both vimentin and keratin were clearly demonstrated by immunohistochemicalstaining. Ultrastructural studies revealed that the MRT cellscontained cytoplasmic whorls of intermediate filaments.  相似文献   
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