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A monoclonal antibody raised by immunization of BALB/c mice with erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium vivax was shown to react with asexual erythrocytic stages of P. chabaudi. The cross-reactivity molecules are antigens of 200 and 148 kDa in P. vivax and of 190 and 70 kDa in P. chabaudi. Immunofluorescence studies of the erythrocytic stages of P. vivax and P. chabaudi indicated that expression of these antigens increased as the parasites' developed from the ring stage to the schizont stage. In the mature trophozoites of P. chabaudi, immunoelectron microscopy revealed clusters of antigen distributed in the cytoplasm of the parasitized erythrocyte. In the schizont, packets of antigen were found associated with the parasitophorous vacuole and the cytoplasm of the infected host cell. Received: 19 March 1996 / Accepted: 28 August 1996  相似文献   
Homocysteine and bone loss in epilepsy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epidemiological studies reveal fracture incidence in epilepsy is twice that of the normal population. Much interest has been focused on Vitamin D, however, considering mixed results on non-enzyme inducing anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) and bone mineral density (BMD) additional metabolic effects may be to blame. AEDs increase serum homocysteine (s-Hcy) by lowering blood folate levels. An association between elevated homocysteine, BMD and increased fracture incidence has been found in non-epilepsy populations. Additionally, folate and Vitamin B12 levels are independently related to bone mineral density in various non-epilepsy populations. This study supports previous research, which found elevated s-Hcy in subjects taking AEDs and that bone loss is related to the use of enzyme-inducing AEDs and changes in alkaline phosphatase. By one-way ANOVA, subjects on phenytoin monotherapy had significantly higher levels of s-Hcy than those on other AEDs (F=5.89, p=.016). Regression analyses revealed homocysteine, fracture history, length of years on AEDs, ethnicity were predictors of spine T scores. Weight and BMI were predictors of both BMD and DEXA T scores. Use of enzyme-inducing AEDs was a negative predictor of spine BMD and T scores, while phenytoin monotherapy was a positive predictor of spine BMD. Lamotrigine was found to be a negative predictor of spine T score. Ambulatory status, menopause and alcohol consumption were predictors of BMD but not T scores. In this study, persons with epilepsy who take nutritional supplementation have 25% lower s-Hcy levels than those who do not. Supplementation continues to be important in preventative epilepsy care.  相似文献   
A correlation between apoptosis and proliferation in astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas, but not in glioblastomas, has been previously reported. An index for apoptosis and proliferation was established for each tumor in a series of 20 brain metastases, and its correlation was studied using the Spearman rank correlation test. Apoptosis index (AI) ranged between 1 and 78% (mean ± SD: 11.48 ± 16.4). Proliferation index (PI) ranged between 2.4 and 21% (mean ± SD: 8.23 ± 4.8). When the relationship between AI and PI was studied, a clear correlation was found (r: 0.8965, 95% CI: 0.74–0.95; P < 0.0001). Therefore, it is concluded that a clear correlation exists between proliferation and apoptosis in secondary tumors of the brain.  相似文献   
Distinctly different from the other beta-blocking agents, sotalol prolongs action potential duration in myocardial and Purkinje fibers, and increases atrial as well as ventricular effective refractory periods. Similarly, antegrade and retrograde accessory pathway refractory periods are increased by sotalol. The electrophysiologic and clinical effects of sotalol were studied in 40 patients (31 male and 9 female, mean age 32 +/- 14 years) with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (WPW). All patients had disabling episodes of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (ST). Of the 40 patients, 15 (37%) had spontaneous recurrence of paroxysmal supraventricular reciprocating tachycardia (PSRT), 14 (35%) of atrial fibrillation (AF) and 11 (28%) of both PSRT and AF. All of the patients were non responders to serial transesophageal electropharmacological tests using I C class drugs. Sotalol 252 +/- 73 mg daily was administered, and, in steady-state, a new transesophageal study (TS) was performed to observe the re-induction of PSRT and/or AF. 34 patients (85%) were responders to TS (noninducibility of ST, or nonsustained ST or AF inducibility with an increase of 30% in the minimum R-R interval between pre-excitated beats during AF) and the results were confirmed during a follow-up of 17 +/- 9 months. In the non-responder group (5 patients), a I C class drug was associated with sotalol. One patient, who was a "non responder" to sotalol, sotalol + I C class drug, and to amiodarone, underwent surgical therapy. In the 26 patients (65%) who had episodes of PSRT (37%) or episodes of PSRT and AF (28%), it was impossible to reinduce PSRT in 85% of the cases. AF was induced at baseline in all of the studied patients, but after sotalol administration in 15 patients, it was impossible to reinduce AF. The rate of induced AF decreased from 208 +/- 39 beats/min to 156 +/- 36 beats/min (p < 0.001). The mean shortest R-R interval between pre-excitated beats increased from 214 +/- 35 (baseline) to 293 +/- 97 msec (sotalol steady state) (p < 0.001). No side effects were observed. A significant prolongation (p < 0.001) of the QTc interval was observed in all the patients after sotalol administration (from 0.39 +/- 0.2 to 0.42 +/- 0.02 sec.). On the basis of our results, we may conclude that sotalol has a potent effect on the antegrade refractoriness of the anomalous pathway and, in WPW syndrome at risk, is also effective in patients who don't respond to I C class drugs.  相似文献   
Recent research has shown that pseudowords created by transposing letters are very effective for activating the lexical representation of their base words (e.g., relovution activates REVOLUTION). Furthermore, pseudoword transpositions of consonants are more similar to their corresponding base words than the transposition of vowels. We report one experiment using pseudowords created by the transposition of two consonants, two vowels, and their corresponding control conditions (i.e., the replacement of two consonants or two vowels) in a lexical decision task while Event Related Potentials (ERPs) were recorded. The results showed a modulation of the amplitude of the N400 component as a function of the type of pseudoword (transposed-letter versus replacement letter pseudowords), and this modulation was different for transposed consonants and vowels. These results suggest that consonants and vowels play a different role during word processing.  相似文献   
Exercise induces free oxygen radicals that cause oxidative stress, and metallothioneins (MTs) are increased in states of oxidative stress and possess anti-apoptotic effects. We therefore studied expression of the antioxidant factors metallothionein I and II (MT-I + II) in muscle biopsies obtained in response to 3 h of bicycle exercise performed by healthy men and in resting controls. Both MT-I + II proteins and MT-II mRNA expression increased significantly in both type I and II muscle fibres after exercise. Moreover, 24 h after exercise the levels of MT-II mRNA and MT-I + II proteins were still highly increased and the MT-II mRNA expression reached a 15-fold increase. As expected, immunohistochemical detection of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitrotyrosine (NITT) showed that formation of free radicals and oxidative stress were clearly increased in exercising muscle peaking shortly after the end of exercise in both type I and II muscle fibres. This is the first report demonstrating that MT-I + II are significantly induced in human skeletal muscle fibres following exercise. As MT-I + II are antioxidant factors that protect various tissues during pathological conditions, the MT-I + II increases post exercise may represent a mechanism whereby contracting muscle fibres are protected against cellular stress and injury.  相似文献   
Efficacy and safety of sublingual immunotherapy.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
OBJECTIVE: To review the available published data concerning the use of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) in respiratory allergy to primarily evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of the treatment and to secondarily consider the mechanisms of action and any unresolved questions. DATA SOURCES: Articles in the medical literature (starting from 1986 up to November 2003) derived from searching the MEDLINE database with the keywords sublingual immunotherapy, respiratory allergy, asthma, and rhinitis. Sources included review articles, randomized controlled clinical trials, postmarketing surveillance studies, and relevant reports from meeting proceedings. STUDY SELECTION: Articles concerning safety, efficacy, and mechanisms of SLIT published in English-language, peer-reviewed journals. RESULTS: SLIT proved effective and safe in adults and children. As with traditional subcutaneous immunotherapy, SLIT has long-lasting efficacy and a preventive effect on new sensitizations. CONCLUSION: SLIT is a viable alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy. Its use in pediatric patients seems to be particularly promising.  相似文献   
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