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Volume and profile of alcohol consumption among students and classmates as predictors of aggression and victimization: a multilevel analysis among Swiss adolescents


To test the effects of the volume of alcohol consumption and drinking patterns on alcohol-related aggression and victimization, both at the individual and class levels.  相似文献   
The PFA-100 is a relatively new laboratory instrument, first described in 1995. There have since been numerous studies assessing its utility as a screening tool for platelet dysfunction and/or von Willebrand's disease (VWD). The PFA-100 displays variable sensitivity to different types of platelet disorders, as well as to antiplatelet medication (e.g. aspirin), with similar caveats for monitoring of primary haemostasis-promoting therapies in platelet dysfunction. There is therefore considerable uncertainty regarding its utility within this context, and we have accordingly performed an audit of usage among participants of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Program. Of 105 laboratories surveyed, 40 responded that they performed platelet function testing, with 26 (65%) further indicating they utilized the PFA-100. We report a wide variety of laboratory usage among these users, including numbers of tests performed [annual median (range) = 270 (15-6000)], sources of requests (clinical sources and localities), testing criteria and follow-up action. Most tests were completed within 4 h of collection, as recommended by the manufacturer, and most tests were performed as a replacement, or as a preliminary screen of platelet function (i.e. classical aggregation). Most abnormal findings, however, were attributed to antiplatelet medication such as aspirin.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: In France, legislation mandates that the clinical diagnosis of brain death be confirmed by one paraclinical test before organ donation is allowed. That test may be either the electroencephalogram (EEG) or cerebral angiography. We report a case in which the clinical diagnosis of brain death was first confirmed by two EEGs performed according to the French guidelines, but ruled out by cerebral angiography. Considering that the EEG is no longer recommended to establish the diagnosis of brain death, we discuss the relevance of maintaining the EEG for brain death diagnosis in France. CLINICAL FINDINGS: A 58 yr-old man was admitted to the intensive care unit because of coma secondary to a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage with herniation below the falx shown by computed tomography. Clinical criteria of brain death were rapidly present. Two EEGs first confirmed the diagnosis but a four-vessel cerebral angiography was finally performed because the patient moved spontaneously. This cerebral angiography showed flow in the right internal carotid artery. A computed tomography performed the next day definitely confirmed the absence of brain death and organ donation did not occur. CONCLUSIONS: This case demonstrates the limitations of the EEG for this indication and suggests that angiography should be preferred. French legislation is probably maladjusted and would benefit by incorporating guidelines of other countries like Canada. International harmonization of criteria for brain death diagnosis would also be welcome.  相似文献   
7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (7-Dhcr) catalyses the final step in the pathway of cholesterol biosynthesis. Human patients with inborn errors of 7-Dhcr (Smith-Lemli-Opitz-Syndrome) have elevated serum levels of 7-dehydrocholesterol but low levels of cholesterol, which in phenotypical terms can result in growth retardation, craniofacial abnormalities including cleft palate, and reduced metal abilities. This study reports the isolation and molecular characterisation of 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (Xdhcr7) from Xenopus laevis. During early embryonic development, the expression of Xdhcr7 is first of all spatially restricted to the Spemann's organizer and later to the notochord. In both tissues, Xdhcr7 is coexpressed with Sonic hedgehog (Shh), which itself is cholesterol-modified during autoproteolytic cleavage. Data from Xdhcr7 overexpression and knockdown experiments reveals that a tight control of cholesterol synthesis is particularly important for proper development of the central and peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   
We describe the first case of orofacial abnormal movements induced by adrafinil, a vigilance promoting agent of the same pharmacological class as modafinil. The dyskinesias did not spontaneously recover despite adrafinil withdrawal for a 4-month period. They were secondly dramatically improved by tetrabenazine, a presynaptic dopaminergic depleting drug which was introduced after the 4-month adrafinil-free period.  相似文献   
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