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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional outcome in patients followed in the department of neurology of Dakar for stroke. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Prospective longitudinal observational study from August 2003 to May 2005 included inpatients or outpatients with stroke one month or less from entry confirmed by computed tomography scan. Patients were followed monthly for 12 months. At each visit, data on functional autonomy measured by the Barthel index and the treatments received were collected. RESULTS: One hundred and seventy patients aged 25 to 90 years (mean 61+/-13 years) were evaluated. The sex ratio was 0.68. A total of 64.7% of strokes involved ischemic cerebral vascular accidents and 35.3% hemorrhagic vascular accidents. Right hemiplegia was present in 55.9%, left hemiplegia in 42.9% and bilateral paresis in 1.2% of patients. A total of 28.8% of patients died between d0 and d30, 50.6% within one year. At entry, the Barthel score was greater than 60 in only 4.7% of patients. After one-year follow-up, 58.3% of the patients had a Barthel score greater than 60, 19.1% had a score between 20 and 40 and 22.6% a score between 40 and 60. Only 53.5% received rehabilitation care. The parameters significantly associated with a functional recovery were age less than 55 years (P<0.05), hemorrhagic vascular accident as opposed to ischemic vascular accident (P<0.05), and earlier rehabilitation care under qualified personnel (P<0.01). DISCUSSION: Our study shows an important rate of mortality during the first year following stroke and the rather young age of our population. The parameters associated with a better functional recovery are comparable to most of the data in the literature. The results of our study suggest that it is possible to improve functional prognosis after stroke by setting measures of prevention of the risk factors and rehabilitation in the early management of hemiplegia.  相似文献   
We report three cases of pernicious anemia diagnosed in women in Africa. All three women had macrocytic anemia with megaloblasts evident on medullogram. The patients had neurological signs of combined sclerosis and the presence of megaloblasts confirmed the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. All were successfully treated parenterally with vitamins. This disease seems to be underdiagnosed in Africa given the number of cases reported in previous studies.  相似文献   
Several studies have suggested that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is uncommon in rural sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study is to determine the potential differences between patients with RA living in rural areas and those living in urban areas. We performed a cross-sectional study from June 2006 to May 2009. We included all patients with RA (1987 ACR criteria) seen at the Rheumatology Unit of the Le Dantec Teaching Hospital, Dakar, Senegal. We compared the main socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients living in rural areas to those living in urban areas. We included 180 patients in our study, of whom, 143 (79.4?%) lived in urban areas and 37 (20.6?%) in rural areas. The median age was 44?years [range 34–55] in patients from rural areas vs. 41?years [range 30–53] in patients from urban areas, without any statistical significance (p?=?0.24). Patients under the age of 60 mostly lived in urban areas (p?=?0.03). The extra-articular manifestations were significantly more frequent in patients living in rural areas (p?=?0.02). There was no statistical significance when comparing the delay in diagnosis, number of swollen joints, disease activity, hand deformities, and concentration of autoantibodies (RF and ACPA) in both populations. The percentage of patients seen from the rural areas of Senegal is low (20.6?%) compared to those seen from the urban areas. The number of extra-articular manifestations is the main difference between patients living in rural and urban areas. The role played by environmental factors seems important. Further incidence studies are needed.  相似文献   
The purpose of the study is to propose a simple and reproducible test for assessing nerve damage in leprosy. It is applied to the sensory branch of the radial nerve of leprosy patients, prior to any treatment. Skin sensitivity is measured by means of a needle, a drop of ether and some calibrated filaments. These three tests are collated and compared with the results of electromyographic examination of the nerve. The filament calibrated to 0.2 grams gives optimum sensitivity (0.79) and excellent specificity (0.95) in relation to the electromyographic test. Its routine use in the field is simple and reproducible and should result in a greater number of patients receiving the treatment they need.  相似文献   
SETTING: Low tuberculosis (TB) cure rates (average 53%) and high treatment default rates (average 28%) were reported in Senegal between 1999 and 2001. OBJECTIVE: To qualitatively evaluate the ability of TB patients to access and complete treatment in Senegal, with a view to helping to develop suitable strategies to improve TB control. METHODS: Anthropological study conducted in a series of public and private, urban and rural health facilities in 2001 and 2002. The qualitative methods used included semi-structured and in-depth interviews of health staff, patients and relatives, focus group discussions, and observations carried in health facilities. RESULTS: Problems were identified at several levels of health care. The main impediments to successful patient outcomes identified were: limited access to TB diagnosis and treatment facilities, poor communication between health personnel and patients, poor quality information provided to patients, poorly applied directly observed treatment, lack of a strategy to trace defaulting patients and limited supervision of the treatment units by the district leadership team. CONCLUSION: The anthropological analysis of patient care is an appropriate means of addressing complex public health problems in disease control and identifying solutions that are acceptable, sustainable and adapted to the local context.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) is a severe complication of chronic rheumatic diseases, particularly juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. However, MAS is rarely described in adult rheumatoid polyarthritis. EXEGESE: We report a case of MAS complicating a seropositive rheumatoid polyarthritis after 20 years of evolution. Pancytopenia with fever, renal failure and hepatic dysfunction revealed the disease that was confirmed by multiple macrophages and monocytes invading the bone marrow specimen. CONCLUSION: Outcome has been spectacular under corticosteroids.  相似文献   
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