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The present study explores the relationships among a number of personality measures (the Sensation-Seeking Scale, SSS; the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Susceptibility to Punishment Scale) and some parameters of the pituitary-thyroid axis. The study was carried out on a group of 37 physically and mentally fit female volunteers, none of whom had a personal history of psychiatric or endocrinologic illness. The subjects were controlled for the menstrual cycle. The most relevant result was a significant negative relationship between the SSS score and plasma basal levels of thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Interaction between T4 and TSH levels with trait anxiety was also observed.  相似文献   
Crystallography has advanced our understanding of G protein–coupled receptors, but low expression levels and instability in solution have limited structural insights to very few selected members of this large protein family. Using neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) as a proof of principle, we show that two directed evolution technologies that we recently developed have the potential to overcome these problems. We purified three neurotensin-bound NTR1 variants from Escherichia coli and determined their X-ray structures at up to 2.75 Å resolution using vapor diffusion crystallization experiments. A crystallized construct was pharmacologically characterized and exhibited ligand-dependent signaling, internalization, and wild-type–like agonist and antagonist affinities. Our structures are fully consistent with all biochemically defined ligand-contacting residues, and they represent an inactive NTR1 state at the cytosolic side. They exhibit significant differences to a previously determined NTR1 structure (Protein Data Bank ID code 4GRV) in the ligand-binding pocket and by the presence of the amphipathic helix 8. A comparison of helix 8 stability determinants between NTR1 and other crystallized G protein–coupled receptors suggests that the occupancy of the canonical position of the amphipathic helix is reduced to various extents in many receptors, and we have elucidated the sequence determinants for a stable helix 8. Our analysis also provides a structural rationale for the long-known effects of C-terminal palmitoylation reactions on G protein–coupled receptor signaling, receptor maturation, and desensitization.Neurotensin is a 13-amino-acid peptide, which plays important roles in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, antinociception, and hypothermia and in lung cancer progression (14). It is expressed throughout the central nervous system and in the gut, where it binds to at least three different neurotensin receptors (NTRs). NTR1 and NTR2 are class A G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) (5, 6), whereas NTR3 belongs to the sortilin family. Most of the effects of neurotensin are mediated through NTR1, where the peptide acts as an agonist, leading to GDP/GTP exchange within heterotrimeric G proteins and subsequently to the activation of phospholipase C and adenylyl cyclase, which produce second messengers in the cytosol (5, 7). Activated NTR1 is rapidly phosphorylated and internalizes by a β-arrestin– and clathrin-mediated process (8), which is crucial for desensitizing the receptor (9). Several lines of evidence suggest that internalization is also linked to G protein–independent NTR1 signaling (10, 11). To improve our mechanistic understanding of NTR1 and to gain additional insight into GPCR features such as helix 8 (H8), we were interested in obtaining a structure of this receptor in a physiologically relevant state.To date, by far the most successful strategy for GPCR structure determination requires the replacement of the intracellular loop 3 by a fusion protein, as the intracellular domain is otherwise too small to provide crystal contacts. The fusion protein approach has provided a wealth of valuable structural data on GPCRs, but as it renders the crystallized constructs signaling-inactive, the most important functionality—the activation of G proteins—cannot be confirmed for these structures. This leads inevitably to a degree of uncertainty regarding the physiological relevance of intracellular structural aspects, and it also impedes the elucidation of signaling mechanisms, as functional assays and structure determination cannot be performed with the same GPCR constructs.Crystallization in the absence of fusion proteins was so far mainly possible for rhodopsin (12), the A2A adenosine receptor (A2AR) (13), and the β1-adrenergic receptor (14). Together, they share a high stability, which is either given naturally (rhodopsin) or it is due to stabilizing mutations. High stability appeared to be crucial for crystallographic success, as it allowed the application of harsh short-chain detergents. These tend to form small micelles, which may explain why crystal contact formation can occur under these conditions despite the small extra- and intracellular domains of class A GPCRs.Besides the stability requirement and/or the necessity of fusion proteins, structural studies of GPCRs have also been complicated by the need of eukaryotic expression systems [e.g., Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells], as prokaryotes exhibit generally low functional expression levels of wild-type GPCRs. However, prokaryotes such as Escherichia coli offer several advantages compared with insect cells, including quick genetic modification strategies, growth to high cell densities, fast doubling times, inexpensive media, absence of glycosylation, and robust handling. Furthermore, E. coli is well suited for producing fully isotope-labeled proteins—a crucial requirement for many NMR studies, which are limited to date.To exploit these advantages, we recently developed a directed evolution method for high functional GPCR expression levels in E. coli (15). In contrast to screening a few hundred mutants one by one, this strategy allows the simultaneous, competitive testing of >108 different protein variants for highest prokaryotic expression and functionality. Briefly, diverse libraries of NTR1 variants were either obtained synthetically (16, 17) or by error-prone PCR on the wild-type sequence (15). The libraries were ligated to a plasmid encoding an inducible promoter, which was subsequently used to transform E. coli. Selection pressure for high functional expression levels was applied by incubating the induced cells with fluorescently labeled neurotensin, which allowed enrichment of the best expressing cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). The outlined procedure was performed in cycles, leading to a gradual adaptation of the NTR1 population toward high functional expression levels, and additionally, it gave rise to an increase in thermostability for certain variants.In a second technology, termed CHESS (cellular high-throughput encapsulation, solubilization and screening), we adapted this concept to directly evolve NTR1 variants for high thermostability in short-chain detergent micelles—a property that is not only beneficial for structural studies but also for in vitro drug screening (18). The crucial development of CHESS was to surround, simultaneously, every E. coli cell by a semipermeable polysaccharide capsule. This allows us to solubilize the receptor mutants with harsh short-chain detergents, each mutant inside its own encapsulated cell, all at once and in the same test tube. Both the solubilized receptors and their encoding plasmids are maintained within the same capsules. Long-term incubation under these conditions followed by labeling of the encapsulated solubilized receptors with fluorescent neurotensin and rounds of FACS enrichment ensured a strong selection pressure and a gradual adaption of the NTR1 population toward high stability in harsh short-chain detergents (18).In this work, we present the crystal structures of three evolved NTR1 variants, which were either obtained by evolving high functional expression levels in E. coli or by directed evolution for stability in detergent micelles. In contrast to the majority of crystallized GPCRs, our NTR1 variants are devoid of bulky modifications at the cytoplasmic face and can thus remain signaling-active, which allows us to gain unique insights into the structure–function relationship of NTR1.  相似文献   
Thyroid hormone is essential for proper development of the mammalian CNS. Previous studies have documented a decrease in the ability of neonatal hypothyroid animals to learn and to habituate to maze tests and an increase in spontaneous activity. However, there is little information about the effects of perinatal (i.e. perinatal and postnatal) hypothyroidism on behaviour. The aim of the present work was to investigate the longitudinal effects of perinatal hypothyroidism on certain aspects of the behaviour in rats. Neuromotor competence was tested at 21, 40 and 60 days, novelty-directed exploratory behaviour and anxiety-related behaviour were evaluated at 40 and 60 days by means of the Boissier tests and associative learning ability was tested at 80 days by means of a step-through passive avoidance task. The persistence of the effects of perinatal hypothyroidism on psychomotor performance was highly dependent on the task examined. Perinatal hypothyroidism caused an increase of locomotor activity as revealed by the total distance travelled in the Boissier test and this increase also comprised a component of decreased anxiety-related behaviour. Methimazole-treated subjects also had higher head-dip scores than controls at 40 days while no differences were observed at 60 days. Finally, our results showed that methimazole-treated rats performed poorly in a passive avoidance learning task.  相似文献   
Clinical Rheumatology - Introduction/objectives autoantibodies to types I and IV collagen have been described in rheumatic fever and infective endocarditis. We tried to elucidate if an autoimmune...  相似文献   
The objective of the study is to determine whether the activity of DNase1 is associated to the presence of nephropathy in patients with SLE. Forty-five patients affected with SLE and renal involvement were analyzed. The type of renal involvement was type III or IV glomerulonephritis. At least two serum samples were withdrawn from each patient, one obtained in a renal flare and the other obtained in a period of clinical stability. C3 and C4 complement levels and anti-DNA antibodies were determined. DNase1 activity was measured using a radial enzyme-diffusion method. Results suggest that when comparison of DNase1 activity was established between samples obtained during a phase of active renal involvement and those obtained in the clinically stable phase, we did not find statistically significant differences. When the comparison was performed with matched samples of the same patient, DNase1 activity was lower when patients had active renal involvement than when samples were taken in clinically stable phase (21.21 μg/ml ± 16.47 vs. 25.62 μg/ml ± 18.81, p < 0.05). No difference in DNase1 activity was observed between samples positive or negative for anti-DNA antibodies. No difference in DNase1 activity was found in patients with normal or decreased levels of C3 (25.09 μg/ml ± 17.78 vs. 20.01 μg/ml ± 16.15, p = 0.073) or C4 (23.52 μm/ml ± 16.60 vs. 19.62 μg/ml ± 17.54, p = 0.060). We conclude that low DNase1 activity is associated to the active phase of type III or IV nephropathy. Therefore, it is possible that this enzyme plays an important role in the development of SLE nephropathy.  相似文献   
Previous studies have documented a decrease in the ability of neonatal hypothyroid animals to learn and habituate to maze tests, and an increase in spontaneous activity. However, there is little information about the effects of perinatal (i.e., prenatal and postnatal) hypothyroidism on behaviour. The present study was designed to assess whether perinatal hypothyroidism in rats induces alteration on acquisition and/or short- and long-term retention of a learned response in male Wistar rats. Perinatal hypothyroidism was induced by prolonged (E9-P21) exposure of pregnant and lactating dams to methimazole (administered orally in drinking water, 0.2 mg/ml). Cognitive function was tested at 50 days by means of a step-through passive avoidance task. The effects of perinatal hypothyroidism on the retention of the passive avoidance response are long lasting being, however, highly dependent on the retention after the original training. Our results showed that methimazole-treated rats performed more poorly when retention was tested at long-term (24 h and 7 days) retention interval. Instead, methimazole-treated rats showed longer retrieval latencies than the control ones did when retention was tested at short term (1 h).  相似文献   
The effects of age on active and passive social interaction were studied in Wistar rats using the social interaction test (S.I.T.). Individual behaviors such as ambulation, rearing, and defecation were also studied. Despite the widespread use of the S.I.T. in anxiety research, the effects of age on the S.I.T. have not been studied thoroughly. Male Wistar rats of 75, 135, and 180 days old were used. Our results showed age effects on active social contact, passive social contact, ambulation, rearing, and defecation. At 135 days old, animals presented the lowest scores on active social behavior and the highest scores on defecation. Moreover, exploratory behavior measured by ambulation and rearing decreased with age. These results suggest that age could be a relevant variable in the social interaction test.  相似文献   
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