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Epitope libraries provide a method to identify peptide ligands for antibodies, receptors or other binding proteins. As such, they provide a powerful tool to rapidly identify lead ligands in the drug discovery process. In an attempt to correlate structural information with the results from peptide screening, we have used NMR spectroscopy of peptide/antibody complexes to demonstrate that core residues identified through a two-stage selection process undergo a larger structural change upon binding antibody than do positions in the peptide amenable to a variety of side chains. The model system used was the M2 monoclonal antibody/Flag? octapeptide epitope system. We have analyzed two peptides: Ac-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Leu-Gly-Asp-Asp-Leu-NH2 (peptide l), which contains several non-core positions randomized, and Ac-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Leu-NH2 (peptide 2), which closely corresponds to the original Flag? sequence. Enrichment of the peptides with 15N facilitated the investigation by permitting spectral editing of the peptide resonances in the presence of antibody. For peptide 1 the absolute shifts for the free vs. Fab-bound peptide were found to be largest for the amide groups of Asp-1 and Asp-6, in agreement with classification of these residues as critical by the phage display library selection process. For peptide 2 the largest absolute shifts were observed for Asp-1 and Asp-4, with the other aspartic acid residues also showing significant but smaller changes. © Munksgaard 1995.  相似文献   
Four cases of spinal cord compression are presented, the causes being tuberculoma, haemangioma, gouty tophus and exophytic glioma; the first three being extradural, extraosseous in location. A short discussion follows. These cases are presented to remind the reader to keep less common causes in mind when dealing with a case of spinal cord compression.  相似文献   
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) at 0.3T and Computed Tomography (CT) were compared in the retrospective evaluation of 34 patients with acute spinal cord injury. MRI was highly accurate in the imaging of vertebral body fracture, and spondylitk changes, and is the method of choice for imaging ligament injury, traumatic disc protrusion and spinal cord compression. It was also useful for the identification of subtle subluxations in the sagittal plane. CT remains the method of choice for imaging neural arch fractures. MRI at 0.3T is a valid technique for assessing patients with acute spinal trauma.  相似文献   
Summary. The association of cardiolipin with polystyrene beads was studied using 31P-NMR and electron microscopy. In the presence and absence of fetal calf serum, cardiolipin appeared to bind to the polystyrene beads in lamellar phase as assessed by 31P-NMR imaging. Electron microscopic analysis revealed an even coating of phospholipid about the beads with extensive micelle binding. Cardiolipin-coated beads challenged with ACA-positive sera followed by immunogold indicated antibody bound to micelles associated with the bead. Studies conducted with ACA IgG purified from patient sera indicated that some ACA bound to CL beads in the absence of a source of ACA cofactor (i.e. gelatin-blocked beads), some ACA required β2-GPI for binding (i.e. no binding in the presence of β2-GPI-depleted plasma), whereas other ACA which showed negliglible binding with gelatin-blocked beads, showed enhanced binding in the presence of /?2-GPI-depleted plasma. The data indicate that: (1) cardiolipin binds to polystyrene beads in lamellar phase, (2) ACA bind to phospholipid micelles bound directly to the polystyrene beads, and (3) ACA differ between individuals displaying varying phospholipid and phospholipid/cofactor substrate specificities.  相似文献   
Subchronic and Chronic Inhalation Toxicity of Antimony Trioxide in the Rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fischer 344 rats were exposed by inhalation to Sb2O3 (antimonytrioxide) dust at exposure levels of 0, 0.25, 1.08, 4.92, and23.46 mg/m3 for 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks followedby a 27-week observation period. Subsequently, an inhalationon-cogenicity study was conducted at exposure levels of 0, 0.06,0.51, and 4.50 mg/m3 for 12 months followed by a 12-month observationperiod. The Sb2O3 in the subchronic study had a mass medianaerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of 3.05 ± 0.21 microns (mean± SD) with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 1.57± 0.06. In the chronic study, the MMAD was 3.76 ±0.84 and the GSD was 1.79 ± 0.32. Except for the eyes,no adverse clinical observations were attributed to Sb2O3 ineither study. In the subchronic study, corneal irregularitieswere seen after about 2 weeks of exposure and did not abateduring the observation period. In the chronic study, ophthalmoscopicevaluation at 24 months revealed a dose-related increase incataracts of 11, 24, 28, and 32% (both sexes combined) for eachgroup, respectively. Body weights were significantly lower (6%)than the control group's weights in the 23.46 mg/m3 males inthe subchronic study. These rats did not recover this weightduring the 27-week observation period. Body weights of the femalesin both studies and males in the chronic study were unaffected.There were no Sb2O3 effects on clinical chemistry or he-matologyin either study. Mean absolute and relative lung weights weresignificantly increased in the 4.92 and 23.46 mg/m3 groups inthe subchronic study. The 23.46 mg/m3 group's lung weights didnot recover to control levels during the 27-week observationperiod. Lung weights for rats in the chronic study were unaffected.Microscopic changes in the lungs in the subchronic and chronicstudy were limited to subacute-chronic interstitial inflammation,increased numbers of alveolar-in-traalveolar macrophages, foreignmaterial in the alveolar-in-traalveolar macrophages in the peribronchialand perivascular (chronic study only) lymphoid aggregates andin the peribronchial lymph nodes, granulomatous inflammation/granulomas,and fibrosis. In the chronic study, any observed neoplasms occurredwith comparable incidence among all groups and were within thehistorical range for controls. Clearance of Sb2O3 from the lungwas burden dependent and was reduced by 80/ in the 4.50 mg/m3group in the chronic study. The previously reported studies,which found Sb2O3 to be a carcinogen, were run at higher lungburdens. Under the exposure conditions of the current study,Sb2O3 was not a carcinogen.  相似文献   
Acetaldehyde, the major metabolite of ethanol, reacts with lysineand other free amino groups on proteins to form acetaldehyde-proteinadducts. The presence of antibodies which recognize such acetaldehyde-proteinadducts in sera from alcoholics has been attributed to an immuneresponse to such adducts. Complicating this conclusion is thefinding that sera from non-alcoholic control subjects also containantibodies which recognize acetaldehyde-protein adducts. Inthe current research we sought to determine whether antibodieswhich recognize epitopes formed by the reaction of a proteinwith acetaldehyde can be formed in response to a protein modifiedwith a structurally related protein adduct. We modified lysineresidues on apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 with acetaldehyde andformaldehyde under reducing conditions, to form -N-methyl-and-N-ethyl-lysine residues, and with acetic anhydride to form-N-acetyl-lysine residues, and made antibodies against thesemodified proteins in guinea-pigs. In ELISA assays antibodiesmade against methylated apoB-100 (Me-apoB) cross-reacted effectivelywith ethylated apoB-100 (Et-apoB), while antibodies made againstacetic anhydride-modified apoB-100 did not cross-react. We concludethat methyl-lysine shares one or more immunoreactive epitopeswith ethyl-lysine, and that antibodies which recognize acetaldehyde-modifiedproteins can be formed in response to formaldehyde-modifiedproteins. We demonstrate that sera from both alcoholics andnon-drinkers contain antibodies which recognize Me-apoB andEt-apoB and that the titres of these antibodies are comparable.These data raise the possibility that some human serum antibodieswhich recognize acetaldehyde-modified protein epitopes may havebeen made against formaldehyde-modified protein epitopes. Thesedata also illustrate the difficulty in assigning a unique causalrelationship between the presence of an antibody, and the immunogenresponsible for the formation of such antibody.  相似文献   
Composition of diet may influence growth, diseases, tumor rates,and responses to chemical treatment. Since 1980 the NIH–07open formula nonpurified diet has been the selected diet forthe National Toxicology Program (NTP) toxicity and carcinogenicitystudies in rodents. Studies with nonpurified experimental dietswith lower protein and higher fat and fiber than the NIH-07diet indicated that the diet for Fischer-344 (F344) rats inlong-term studies could be modified to decrease the severityof chronic diseases and to decrease/delay the development ofspontaneous tumors. Based on the results of these studies anew open formula nonpurified diet designated as NTP-2000 wasformulated to contain 14.5% protein, 8.5% fat, and 9.5% fiber.Corn, wheat, and wheat middlings contribute to about 60% ofthe ingredients; soybean meal, fish meal, and alfalfa meal arethe additional sources of protein; purified cellulose, oat hulls,and alfalfa meal are the major sources of fiber; and soy oiland corn oil are the major sources of fat in the NTP-2000 diet.The Ca:P ratio and mineral and vitamin concentrations were reformulatedbased on AIN-93 and NRC-95 recommendations. The NIH-07 and theNTP-2000 diets were fed to groups of 6-week-old F344 rats for13 weeks and evaluated for growth patterns, food and water consumptions,hematology and clinical chemistry parameters, and organ weightsand pathological changes. Growth patterns and body weights weresimilar for both diets. Food consumptions were slightly higherand water consumptions were slightly lower for the groups fedNTP-2000 diet. There were no differences in hematological parametersbetween the groups fed the above diets. Serum levels of cholesterol,alkaline phosphatase, and 5' nucleotidase were slightly higherin groups fed the NTP–2000 diet possibly due to higherfat content of this diet. However, the serum triglyceride levelswere slightly lower in groups fed the NTP–2000 diet andit may be related to higher fiber content of the NTP–2000diet. The liver and kidney weights of the groups fed NTP–2000diet were significantly lower possibly due to lower proteincontent of this diet and lower protein consumption associatedchanges in Phase I and Phase II drug metabolizing enzyme systems.The adrenal weights were also lower in groups fed the new diet.The NTP–2000 diet prevented nephrocalcinosis and decreasedthe severity of nephropathy and cardiomyopathy, the common lesionsof F344 rats in 13–week studies. These results indicatethat the NTP–2000 diet is adequate for growth and maintenance of rats and appears to prevent or decrease the severityof diet-associated lesions.  相似文献   
1. Preferential ferritin localization on specialized areas of the plasma membrane of erythroblasts with subsequent invagination into ropheocytotic vesicles, and the occurrence of ropheocytosis without ferritin being present in thevesicles, has been previously described.

2. In a study of bone marrows from patients with hypersiderosis we haveconfirmed the previous observations, but we frequently found nonferritinropheocytosis in erythroblasts adjacent to ferritin laden reticulum cells. Inaddition, ferritin localization along the outer surface of erythroblasts wasnoted, particularly between continuous surfaces of two adjacent erythroblasts.Such intercellular accumulations of ferritin were not necessarily associatedwith a high ferritin content of adjacent cells.

3. These observations did not favor the hypothesis that ferritin iron wasbeing transferred directly from reticulum cells to adjacent erythroblasts. It issuggested that the accumulation of ferritin along extended stretches of theerythroblast surface may signify that iron which is detached from siderophilinbut not immediately transported across the cell membrane is incorporated intoapoferritin produced on the cell membrane.

Submitted on January 12, 1966 Accepted on April 4, 1966  相似文献   
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