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Short-term culture of isolated adult dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons of the cockroach Periplaneta americana has been used to study the evolution of the sodium current during the time in culture after axotomy and deafferentation treatment. An increase in the maximum peak amplitude of the sodium current recorded under voltage-clamp conditions with the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell recording configuration, was only observed between 24h and 72h (75%) without any modification of the kinetics and the voltage-dependence of the current. A decrease in the level of foetal calf serum in the culture medium reduces the amplitude of the sodium current on all days but does not affect its time-course of development which was on the contrary completely abolished by both protein synthesis inhibitors, actinomycin D and cycloheximide. The results obtained in these neurons strongly suggest that a neosynthesis of sodium channel proteins is involved in the evolution of the sodium current induced by axotomy and deafferentation.  相似文献   
Dermonecrosis was induced in ICR mice by subcutaneous implantation of Staphylococcus aureus absorbed onto sterile cotton pellets. This model was used to assess the effects of marijuana smoke, marijuana placebo smoke and $DL9-tetrahydrocan-nabinol ($DL9-THC) on the local immune response to bacterial infection. Mice were exposed to 40 or 80 “puffs” of marijuana smoke, marijuana placebo smoke or air daily for 4 consecutive days. The estimated dose of $DL9THC per day generated from 40 or 80 puffs of marijuana smoke was 3.2 and 6.4 mg/kg, respectively. A group of sentinel (Shelf) control mice were included in each experiment. The necrotic index (NI) of mice exposed to 40 or 80 puffs of marijuana smoke were 67% and 44% of control, respectively. Air exposed mice showed a necrotic index comparable to the shelf control group. In chronically (60 days) exposed mice (80 puffs per day) the necrotic index was about 12% of control, while air-exposed mice were about 40% of control.

Placebo marijuana smoke exposed mice had a NI comparable to that of marijuana smoke exposed mice which suggested that the reduction in NI was unrelated to the pychomimetic component $DL9THC. To further explore which of the constituents of marijuana were responsible for the decreased NI, the ethanol extract from marijuana leaves was partioned between water (cannabinoid free) and chloroform (cannabinoid rich). Injection of the cannabinoid free fraction produced comparable decrease in the NI as observed with whole marijuana smoke, while the cannabinoid rich fraction produced no effect. $DL9THC at a dose of 10 mg/kg per day did not alter the NI.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Freud's paper on Daniel Paul Schreber is a seminal psychoanalytic text (Freud 1911). In it, he sets out his argument that Schreber's paranoid delusions arose from repressed homosexuality. This paper reconsiders the case of Schreber from a contemporary perspective chiefly by studying, as did Freud, Schreber's autobiographical Memoirs of My Nervous Illness (Schreber 1903), but also by drawing upon more recent biographical information. It follows the view put forward by Lothane (1992), and recently elaborated by Steiner (2004), that Schreber's illness was originally depressive in nature, and then progressed to paranoia and finally to a settled delusional system. It reviews many of Freud's insights, contending that although some, such as his understanding of the mechanism of paranoia and the manner by which a delusion of persecution is converted into a religious delusion of grandeur, have stood the test of time, others, such as the causal relationship he proposes between homosexuality and paranoia, do not.  相似文献   
Melanophores were studied in tadpoles of the South African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis , during the first week after hatching (stages 46–49) at 25°C. The tadpoles had melanophores with dispersed melanosomes in the light and punctate melanophores in the dark in LD12:12. The melanophores remained punctate in constant dark and the melanosomes remained dispersed in constant light. Lights-out (in the light-time of LD12:12) caused the melanophores to become punctate, which occurred more quickly than the dispersion of melanosomes, which commenced when the lights were turned on (in the dark-time of LD12:12). Melanophores with dispersed melanosomes in tadpoles (in constant light) became punctate in response to a series of melatonin concentrations (0.2–5 ng/ml) in their bathing water irrespective of the time of day melatonin was administered. An image-analysis technique for assessing melanophore responses was tested.  相似文献   
This article presents the revision process, major innovations, and clinimetric testing program for the Movement Disorder Society (MDS)-sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), known as the MDS-UPDRS. The UPDRS is the most widely used scale for the clinical study of Parkinson's disease (PD). The MDS previously organized a critique of the UPDRS, which cited many strengths, but recommended revision of the scale to accommodate new advances and to resolve problematic areas. An MDS-UPDRS committee prepared the revision using the recommendations of the published critique of the scale. Subcommittees developed new material that was reviewed by the entire committee. A 1-day face-to-face committee meeting was organized to resolve areas of debate and to arrive at a working draft ready for clinimetric testing. The MDS-UPDRS retains the UPDRS structure of four parts with a total summed score, but the parts have been modified to provide a section that integrates nonmotor elements of PD: I, Nonmotor Experiences of Daily Living; II, Motor Experiences of Daily Living; III, Motor Examination; and IV, Motor Complications. All items have five response options with uniform anchors of 0 = normal, 1 = slight, 2 = mild, 3 = moderate, and 4 = severe. Several questions in Part I and all of Part II are written as a patient/caregiver questionnaire, so that the total rater time should remain approximately 30 minutes. Detailed instructions for testing and data acquisition accompany the MDS-UPDRS in order to increase uniform usage. Multiple language editions are planned. A three-part clinimetric program will provide testing of reliability, validity, and responsiveness to interventions. Although the MDS-UPDRS will not be published until it has successfully passed clinimetric testing, explanation of the process, key changes, and clinimetric programs allow clinicians and researchers to understand and participate in the revision process.  相似文献   
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